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  1. This thread should be closed. If anyone came here looking for info on SCV 2024, as the topic states, they would not find it. Some of you have too much time on your hands and enjoy arguing with strangers on the internet.
  2. I wanna talk about the show!! Anyone heard anything? I think the drumline has already started pre-tour in Texas
  3. EXACTLY!!! Why does everyone on this forum believe they are an expert on non-profit tax law. There are audits and systems in place for a reason.
  4. All of the corps submit a show sheet to DCI on June 1st. Many are still deciding the title, and small details of the production so there is really no reason to announce early.
  5. No, I when I posted that I was responding to people being Negative and demanding transparency about housing sites. A look at any corps website will show you that NO ONE puts that information on the internet, for safety and security reasons.
  6. Does anyone want to comment on the actual topic of predicitons? Or do we just want to be boomers and talk at length about how the stadium won't be ready when we really have no idea.
  7. 1. Blue Devils 2. Bluecoats 3. Boston Crusaders 4. Crown 5. Phantom 6. Mandarins 7. Cavaliers 8. SCV 9. Troopers 10. Colts 11. Spirit 12. Blue Knights
  8. Both corps did really well - phantom with the win though!
  9. Why would you need to know that information? It is really of no matter to you if you aren't a member or staff member. You have the dates of shows they will be at - that's really all they really need to share with people. This has nothing to do with transparency.
  10. This place is overrun with negativity. Literally every thread, someone hijacks with negativity. In this thread about the cavaliers - some random person suggests that they "have a feeling" the corps is next to ceae operations, with no information. Just negativity for negativities sake. For the good of the activity, shut this place down until the summer when there is actual discussion here.
  11. First of all, you haven't gotten a response and you are jumping,ping to a huge conclusion here Alumni groups are ALL ADULTS. Soundsport groups DO background check staff, but the participants are all KIDS. DCI doesn't;t background check the performers either because they are kids. They all complete safesport. What else do you expect DCI to do? Do you have anything to do all day rather than stir up drama here? And what does any of your post have to do with the cadets bakruptcy. Why do you insist on turning every thread into a "DCI isn't doing enough and doesn[t care".
  12. Oh stop. First of all, you are still waiting for a response, so saying anything like that at this point is un true. Soundsport and Alumni groups don't tour, they essentially meet on a few weekends to get their act together and meet up at DCI. They have no money - and could never afford background checks the way corps that tour do. Should every adult community sports league background check the participants? Because that is the equivalent of an alumni group. Everyone is an adult.
  13. Ok, not sure why you are being defensive. I would suggest running it by DCI. Otherwise you are asking a forum of people who don't know instead of the organization you are asking about.
  14. John Mackeys normal band pieces sound like a drum corps show anyway, so I don't think anything he writes for crown will be that mind blowing. What will be interesting will be how it works with what I assume will be Michael Klesch writing the rest of the book. Are the percussion arrangers going to write in tandem with Mackey? Do they get any say in what he writes, or does he just hand them a score? In my opinion - it felt like Klesch and the new perc arrangers needed another year to really mesh - so adding Mackey to that equation is an interesting choice.
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