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Everything posted by JimF-LowBari

  1. Doesn't it suck having to use fingers on the valves. :P Last month we were talking about piston/rotors and I flipped out one of the younger people by saying: "OK valve 1 is right thumb, valve 2 is left thumb, what the #### thumb is valve 3 supposed to be?" ^0^ Welcome and will be looking for you at next years Apple Blossom Parade in Winchester.
  2. :spit: You sound like my old man, Lee. To paraphrase ".....just don't go about it half ###ed". Man, something about people from the middle strip of PA.
  3. Lot of people have the mind set of "If you're not going to win or get a lot of credit, then #### it, it ain't worth it". And God forbid if you disagree, then YOU must be wrong....... Mmmm.. Guess I'd better add "Proud member of 1974 DCA Prelims last place corps" back in my sig.... I can feel it better than I can put it in words......
  4. And I just noticed you referenced (A. R.) Casavant in your earlier post. Would have mentioned it if I had noticed. Even NanciDs blog of Drum Corps News articles from the early 1960s had a reference to Casavent that I caught.
  5. Or to go back a generation or so check out A. R. Casavant who (literally) wrote the book on drill in the 1960s time frame. Had his son Charles at Indiana Univ of PA in the late 70s and Charlie could write some mean combos of symetrical/asymetrical even back then. Wish I knew more about A. R. but appears his book were one of the sources to go to when writing drill.
  6. Always good to hear a dissenting voice Christine. If all I see if great reviews, I'll wonder if the DVDs are that good or the people who didn't like them were too disgusted to read the thread. Only DCI DVDs I saw were the shows that people voted on. Nothing more than a copy of the PBS telecasts for the most part but great for a long bus ride (where I saw them). LOL, showing the mello line during a tenor feature sounds like the old PBS broadcast. :P Haven't seen the DVDs with choice of angles but sounds interesting. Like you said I'm more interested in the music (our radio is on all day) so this should help take the sting out of not going if I stay home. And sure beats the 10 years I didn't follow corps at all (except for the DCA recordings).
  7. Is the Alumni Spectacular put on DVD? If so I missed seeing it on the site. Then again it took a bunch of "clicks" to get to the 2005 DCA web page. My CD buying plan is same as last year. Buy Prelims to get EVERYBODY :P and Alumni show to hear some old friends. :)
  8. An Alumni corps head missing out on a chance to make $$$$ for the corps????? NEVER!!!! :P
  9. Next few days I'm deciding if I'm going to 2006 Finals. My wife will be recovering from knee replacement surgery, driving alone up US-15 from Harrisburg to Rochester still sucks, etc, etc, etc. One option I'm thinking of is buying the DVDs of Prelims (to see all corps) and Finals with the $$$$ I'll be saving by staying home. #### what I'll save in kennel fees will pay for the DVDs. Never bought the DCA DVDs as I always buy the CDs and play the crap outta 'em. Could I have some feedback from people who have been buying DVD? Do you enjoy them, do they give a good feel of the live show, and whatever else you can think of. Also about when do they show up in the mail? Thanks in advance.......
  10. D'OH!!!..... which stand for D'OH!!! :P Still picturing Gary in his T-Bird uni carrying out a waiters tray full of.. well.. full bottles ^0^
  11. OK, I'm stupid tonight (big difference from every other night).... TPTB?? Or is that DADT (Don't ask, don't tell)..... Thanks folks I need a laugh as I'm trying to decide if I can make DCA this year. :(
  12. This year for 4th of July parades we went from shakos to baseball caps and it's a HUGE difference. Like shadowskream said, shakos hold in the heat and does not let it escape. Didn't notice it when I marched back in the day, but now that I'm showing more scalp than hair it's a royal pain. Need a doo-rag under the shako to sop up the sweat *bleah*....
  13. So what part of the Bridgemens show are you supposed to deliver this stuff. :P Bringing out beer during an Alumni show... now THAT'S GE!!!! But ya better have a Gennie Cream since yer in Ro-cha-cha <$1 to Ream>
  14. Nasty Drum Corps shirts?? nah..... :P Well can't get a more expert answer than that. I was sharing some Banana Schnapps with some Guelph Royalaires after the show trying to warm up. We might have talked a few seconds after a show in Podunk, PA or Totallylost, NY that season. All I really remember was it was at a baseball field (Corning?) with bad lighting and pot holes in the parking lot. We were waiting to see how your Uncle Sam on stilts was going to handle the craters. He made it thru on stilts but he was doing it very carefully with an "Oh ####" look on his face. Hmmm, just noticed Emmaus in your sig. Had a few Sentinels march with us after Emmaus broke up in 75 or 76. Last names were Rosenberger and a bunch of Rohrbaughs and probably others.
  15. What did the shirts say? I remember the bass player at ICA shows but not the shirts (darn). If I remember right the bass was supposed to help corps that couldn't afford contras yet. Can anyone remember if he played at 1985 ICA Championships at Erie? ^0^ (Insider joke, there was a monsoon over Erie during most of the show. )
  16. Some had valves and the early (pre Civil War) ones had keys (just like saxaphones). Have a booklet on them that I should scan some time but the pics are pretty small. :(
  17. Been around long enough to remember when the pit was optional. Now I wonder what costs more, a full pit of a top corps or the freakin' horn line. Really surprised this hasn't killed a lot more corps due to $$$$ issues.
  18. Well that #### Woodlawn group kept following us around in the Spring. First it was the Harrisburg St Patricks Day parade then it was Apple Blossom Festival at Winchester, VA. Ya think it was a co-winky-dink they were behind us both times. ^0^ Jes' Keeding... Like to watch the string band portion of the Mummers New Year Day on TV. Think they're the only musical type people screwier than us corps folks. (Well I don't know bag pipers that well.)
  19. What's the difference between fifes and saxs? Fifes make better kindling...... And my saxhorn plays backwards ^0^ (I wish I had one of those..... or at least the $$$$ to buy one)
  20. Not sure about grass fields but artifical turf can go up to 120 or so under the right conditions with air temp around 85. Least that's what I remember when I used to watch Baseball on TV.
  21. Westshoremen = Blue Devils from 70s-90s 1980s-1990s Westshore has that Jazz feel book some years 1976-1978 we had the figgin' BD uniform. Not a look-a-like but the actual uniform (we bought them used).
  22. :P Sister had a college prof who was a member of the (pre 27th) IC Reveries. She wore a DC shirt and they got talking. When I found out I said "Ask if he was part of the sit in" and refused to explain. Few days later she called with "What the #### was the sit in? His jaw hit the floor and the said he aged out the year before." Just read thefog write up and need to explain the "Senior" Reveries were not a Senior (aka All Age) corps. It was the corps members went to after they "graduated" from the feeder corps. Looks like both main and feeder corps were both known as the Reveries.
  23. Just got back from my wifes knee doctor appt and it ain't good. She was planning to have a knee replacement after Labor Day with DCA weekend as a last chance to blow off some steam. Last few weeks there has been a lot of pain so the operation has been moved up to middle of August. As of now I'm selling at least one full set of DCA tix (Prelims/Alumni/Finals) and may be selling both sets depending on what I decide in the next few days. First I have to contact the guy who has my tix to make sure everything is cool. If I don't go I'll sell both sets. As for the two catches: 1) You'll have to wait a few days until I decide if I'm going and how many sets I'm selling. Will post here when I decide. 2) If I do go and you by the one set, you'll have to sit next to me..... :P (needed a laugh right now)
  24. Ooops, I know what I forgot in my last post: Saxes, banjos, accordians, string basses.... AND SINGING!!!!!! <insert smart ###ed response here> :P
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