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Everything posted by melligene

  1. Not sure if they are Louder, exactly, but their sound is Broader. Empire, for example, can do with 40 horns that takes 60 Bb horns for the same product. Just my opinion. While sitting in the stands I can pick out individuals errors on Bb. On G....not so much. Just my opinion folks. I calls it as "I" see it.
  2. Have to Agree with you on that Liz. Less than a point is not exactly breathing room. NOW.....put Hurcs on "G" Horns and see that gap disappear. Just sayin.............(same for Cabs)
  3. Good score. Hopfully they can FINALLY make the night show at DCA. The Kilties are always a Fan oriented Corps'. I wish them the best.
  4. Good one Jeff. I really liked that horn. Especially the serial numbe 6968. (only means something if you know the Joke.) I know you're taking good care of it.
  5. As far as Boston is concerened........................... "Conquest" just wouldn't be "Conquest" on Bb. They could blow their whole Alumni show at DCA but.......when they hit their closer.....EVERYONE is on their feet. Just the way it is.........something I always look forward to. Their signature.......just like the Cabs and the "Rumps".
  6. Sorry folks. Been doing this for 52 years. Am I a pureist....? You bet your A## I am. As it has been said before............It's Called Drum & Bugle Corps' for a reason. Drums....Bugles.... Can you live without a Pit...? I can. Oh ya..........why just amp the Pit anyway (if you have to have one) why not amp the Horn Line, Drum line, H### amp the D#mn color guard. O.K. I rant but......where does it end...? RAP....? Flame away if you must but NOTHING has to be enevitable just because the word is in the dictionary. GIVE ME DRUMS......GIVE ME BUGLES........an "A" SECTION.......FIELD COLORS.....and I'm a happy camper. The End
  7. Been following this thread, and others, in anticipation of your Corps' being in Rochester. And I must say that in everything I've read that.....the normally noticeable English Accent and the Kings English seem to be absent. Sup with at yinz guys....? ....n'at.
  8. No argument there Mikey. Nice to have a Corps' play for the Fans.
  9. If'n it weren't for the "PIT" this wouldn't even be an issue....right? Might as well be a Pit & Bugle Corps'. Just sayin.............
  10. Back in 1986 during my flight training I had two wind shear landings. Fortunatly my instructor was with me at the time. Wind shear, as I remember It, is a change in wind speed and/or direction in a short space. Definition sounds pretty simple but....WOW.........!!!!!! That's why your hand is on the throttle all the time. Just sayin........
  11. DCA is Growing. DCI..........not so much. Just sayin...........
  12. Kinda reminds me of Carolina Crown in Erie last year. Loved their horn line. But....even with their bazillion Contra's they saw fit to synthesize a contra background on top of it all. I was good with them until that. Totally un-neccesary. Just sayin.......
  13. Drinkin' Beer. Tomorrow...??.. Same. Just sayin.........
  14. I'm not a computer Geek so help me/everyone out here. Where/how do we donate..? Don't have much but willing to help. And you're right.....this is what family (Drum Corps' Community) is about. No matter the amount. A whole bunch of $5.00 bills can add up really quicky. $10's and $20's even quicker. Remember folks.............. they have to come back in just 5 weeks. Just sayin.........
  15. This event at I&E has turned into the most popular aside from Finals. (I think FREE has a lot to do with it) That aside...I'm guessing an 8 P.M. start. Usually depends on the number of entries but, I think that's a ball park time frame. Dick Pronti (and Happy Birthday my friend) will probably read this and confirm and/or update. Just sayin..........
  16. Thanks Mike. I'm a dead man. Last time I did this she had just turned 30 and I had it printed on the front page of the Meadville Tribune. Phone rang all day. I think Red Lobster and a DQ Ice Cream cake will make it all good.
  17. No scalping here. Face value. Only 5 weeks to go.
  18. Named "WMOM" by our good friend and comrade Tommy TBird (long story) my wife will be 65 tomorrow. I owe her everything I've done and been in Drum Corps' since 1963 with un-questioned support. She has been the official Videographer of the TBIRDS since the early 1990's and a strong supporter of not just the TBIRDS but of the entire Drum Corps' community. If you get the opportunity........please wish her a Happy Birthday....at....waclawikpa@yahoo.com Thanks, Melligene
  19. Where yinz stayin in Rochester Frank..? I'm one Cuban short of a good smoke.
  20. Easy Mikey.........Kevin does a really great job in doing what he does ..BUT...as in any review...the opinions are in the eye of the beholder. His review, or anyone elses, are strictly their perception. Nothing more....nothing less. Just sayin......
  21. As close as Jamestown is for me I was unable to make the show. I'm kinda, sorta disappointed that what really hasn't been said, or maybe I missed it, were the "KUDOS" that should be given to Carolina Gold, Sun Devils, and Minnesota Brass for the distance these Corps' traveled to be in this show. "Tip-O-The Shako" to them all for duing their best to promote our activity. Maybe it's time for the Northeast Corps' to take note that their 4-6 hour travel time to any show is miniscule compared to the time these Corps' put in. Methinks pretty soon we will be looking to DCA South and DCA Mid West to keep the activity growing. Just sayin.......
  22. Not sure what your plans are for lunch/dinner/etc. but once you get off I-79 and on to I-90 east ther are a number of fast food restaurants at the next exit (RT. 19 Peach St.) about 2 miles from I-79. If you go north on RT 19 within a mile or less.......Quaker Steak & Lube, Steak & Shake, TGIF, on the east side.......Ye Old Country Buffet, Craker Barrel, Burger King, Mickey D's, and more on the west side. Just sayin.........
  23. They sure are. Gunna have to go from "Yall" to "YINZERS" (n'at) in about a quarter inch. Just sayin...
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