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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. I remember a discussion about using G brass and it's effect on scores, but nothing of which you suggest, because I am sure that would have caused an outrageous explosion on here
  2. yes baritones are indeed "special". yet people make cracks about drummers
  3. just because in 90 they nicknamed him Rude Dog and his son Brett Rudepup...known to go from top of scaffold to mid field in 5 seconds or less never taking a breath while yelling...ask anyone in the 90 baritone line if they thought Rich was cranky Best was tho the barleytones ( as he called them) in 90 were getting their ##### kicked every week by the judges in this one section. so Rich left the scaffold and broke it down for them count by count, eating up their lunch break, even going late. Told em if we won that night, the beer was on him. Corps comes off the field, and here's Rich with 4 cases of beer with bows on them waiting for the baris
  4. at this point, trying to predict anything is pointless...too many variables.
  5. to take it back to fashion, while sitting in the stands in Dayton, two folks with a major instrument making company kept cracking all day about the fashion choices people wore onto the floor. a direct quote" My God, some of these people dress worse than they do in DCI, and I thought some DCI staff people looked hideous. Don't they know what that does for their image?"
  6. but if someone stands still for a long period of time, they shouldnt get credit for physical demands when they're just standing still
  7. in addition to being one of the 3 stooges of DCI telecasts, he's also quite the menace to lines he judges in WGI
  8. I would imagine, that when they stop marching and just standstill, credit for simultaneous responsibility would go out the window, and dampen the scores somewhat
  9. well, based on some comments heard at WGI, yes, some of these companies do care. And that the comments tied it from WI to DCI shows they do pay attention. Look, I taught...I didnt want to wea r a 3 piece suit out there. But we at least made ourselves look presentable.
  10. actually, ESPN cared what DCI paid them. Marketers care what they may be paying for
  11. I just hope they come and are better than the last few years, regardless of scores...ya know, power pizazz and all that jazz
  12. TIA? do a number on Kelly's? I mean Templin was presented with a plaque for his favorite barstool
  13. yeah i got Philly tix for Rush. and Dane is now the middle school director at Mechanicsburg...i think Templin wore him down after 10 years
  14. in 91 he was full time us. 3 of those Xmen kids were with us in 87-89 years...and 2 came back after aging out, then 3 others came ot us when they aged out of Xmen
  15. some of us diehards may not care. but as drum corps, and especially DCI tries to present itself to marketers as this great educational experience, appearance can count for something.
  16. with a few Westshore alums in that line...2 snares, a tenor, a bass, a cymbal, and at least 2 pitters
  17. flip flops i dont care about, or tshirts or shorts. But some of these staff people just look unkempt...grungy. dirty. with a variety of corps. I've seen it discussed a few times on here
  18. some people may be indeed chasing rings, but not all. there's a variety of reasons why. The big issue is how people let it affect friendships, and at times, become huge ########s about it. when my corps was in its dying days i held on for a while...many friends didn't. I did not hold a grudge. Sadly, too many people do.
  19. ballads are definitely getting shorter, used as a transition into a power ending. here's hoping, like chop and bop, it's a phase
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