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Everything posted by dciguy01

  1. One thing I just don't agree with is SCV jumping up to 3rd or 4th. No way, no how. 5th place maybe, but to say they will be better than a solid Bluecoats corps (who could have easily passed BD at seasons end) or even Madison? I agree they will be better, but not by the margin everyone seems to think.
  2. look what black pants did for the Colts :P
  3. I voted Xmen just because I can't fathom they are going to stand for not making finals again...
  4. I never got to see Pac Crest, but I did like Esperanza's guard...
  5. This is all in fun of course :) *note* Troopers are not on the list since they are inactive this year
  6. I agree with the person who said the upper bleacher ticket holders will be scrambling to find a spot at the top of the stadium behind the railing.
  7. As a fan of expression over steady tempo, I enjoy the baton. However, I agree that it is very easy to be expressive without a baton. Batons are reserved for the symphony indoors, where all performers can see them. *note* I am still a huge fan of PR drum majors *note*
  8. Hey that night was awesome. Colts were the last corps to perform before the storm set in. Cavies and Phantom did an exhibition standstill, so we "won" the Friday regional. :P :P :P :P :P
  9. Here is another excerpt from the letter... "(The Allentown school district) is requesting an estimate to have the upper deck demolished and the press box relocated. Upon receipt of this information, the District will assess the situation and make a decision regarding the future of the upper deck bleachers."
  10. Along with the rest of the fans who purchased tickets in the upper bleachers, I received a priority envelope from DCI with a letter and attached email notice signed by Dan Acheson regarding the Allentown regional. Apparently, the upper section (where my seats are located), has been closed down due to structural concerns. They cite "spalled concrete areas located at the attachment points of horizontal steel bracing" as the primary reason for the closure. They've offered to reseat us in a location within the same price range. Or if that's not possible, refund the difference if the seats go outside that range. Basically, I lose my awesome seat in the upper tier, dead center. Yeah, I'm a little cheesed, but hey I guess you can't do anything about damaged concrete. As Greg always says "not a problem, just an inconvenience." I just feel bad for the school district of Allentown. According to the notice I received, it's gonna cost upwards of $350K to repair that thing. Yikes!
  11. I never had the opportunity to march in a DCI Finals event, but I'd venture to say that the biggest crowd reaction I ever got was from the BOA Normal, IL show. If it were my choice, I would perform every show in front of that crowd. I have yet to see a crowd match their enthusiam. My most vivid memory comes from the 2002 show after finishing the second song in the show (Concertino). I was so pumped up from the rising cheers. I blared out the final hold and slammed my horn down with such force that the spit must have flown out of my mouthpiece 8 feet in the air. I'll never forget the standing ovation midshow. :)
  12. I remember hearing "SKANK!" yelled out during a point of our show in 2003. Don't ask...
  13. Guess I'll pick the Colts ones... 90's....1999. Had a great mix of emotions and was pretty #### loud too. 00's...2003. Probably the worst visual in the last unpteen years, but one of the best hornlines the corps ever fielded
  14. '01 Madison was loud period, but so was the closer.
  15. As I said, I'm not doubting that it can happen, but those spreads are uncommon nowadays. Who in their right mind honestly thought SCV would drop to 8th place? A place that, if I'm not mistaken, was their worst seeding ever?
  16. I knew someone was going to chime in with the "you're a homer" remark. Seriously, I don't see how two corps so close one year will drift so far apart, prediction or not.
  17. I'm not saying it can't be done. I know it can be done (Colts jumped from 20th to 12th from 92-93). All I'm saying is that I don't see how two corps who finished within .025 of each other last year will finish 7 spots apart in the following year. Jumps/spreads of that nature aren't that common, in fact, rare nowadays.
  18. I just don't see how the Crossmen jump 3 spots and the Colts fall 4 spots. =/
  19. My official 2006 predictions -------------------------------------- 1. The Cavaliers....in a dogfight with Cadets up till finals 2. The Cadets...see above 3. Bluecoats...they continue their climb toward the title 4. Blue Devils...better this year, eclipsing Phantom 5. Madison Scouts...should be about the same maybe a little better 6. Phantom Regiment...very good, unfortunately so is everyone else 7. Carolina Crown...see above 8. Santa Clara Vanguard...have a ways to go before getting back to the top 6, all about veteran leadership 9. Boston Crusaders...leading the lower pack 10. Blue Knights...about the same as last year 11. Crossmen...they will improve enough to make finals 12. Colts...highest ever return rate returns the corps to Saturday night
  20. It'll be a cold day before I vote the Phantom drumline over the hornline. =P But hey, I have to admit that their drumline has improved exponentially over the past 3 years. Best in DCI? I wouldn't go that far(Cadets), but certainly one of the best.
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