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Everything posted by bobk9258

  1. I went to the Boston Crusaders Spring fling, on Friday June 9th. Wow!!!! Is all I can say. I love what thier playing. Cathederals of the Minds by Jennifer Higdon. A very much improved Brass line and very clean, the Drum line was on fire and also very clean. The music is very new to Drum Corps, I know people will love this show. Its is a wall of sound, the depth of the horn line is nothing I have heard for a long time. If you want to check out about Jennifer Higdon, It is a very good read. http://www.jenniferhigdon.com/
  2. There were 3 people who were mentors for me back in my marching day's.
  3. I would like to see DCI East go back to Massachusetts, where it was founded. May be the show could go to Alumni Stadium at Boston College, Nickerson Field at Boston University, Holly Cross Stadium at Holy Cross College. Has the DCI East committiee ever thought of bringing it back home where it all started??? That would be nice to have a Big Show back in the Boston Area, not just the Saders show. Drum corps shows are dead in Massackusetts, which once thrived with hundreds of shows yearly.
  4. I saw the Crusaders this spring in Clearwater. As a former member, I was blown away with the musical selection. When I heard them play and doing drill, I was in awe, it was like they were in July, August mode with what they had already. I was blown away. I cant wait to see them this year. Alot of people who are not believers in this corps watch out. Eat em up Boston!!!
  5. The Boston Crusaders, I would want them to Play, "War March Battle Hymm Of The Vickings".
  6. Excuse Me! I am a person who is 48 years old. I marched the old time DRUM CORPS. I can appeiciate both the old and new aspects of DCI. I do not see any problem with DCI having Alumni Corps perform at semi finals. I was there when 27th performed in Foxboro in 1994, as people have stated here and in the past that 27th's peformance was one memorable performance. It did sort of take the air out of the Blue Devils Win. I will go anywhere to see the top 12-25th corps and alumni corps perform, it is a luxury we now have. I think it is only fair for the top 12 to get thier due on finals evening, and not have an alumni Corps have the Best perfomance of the evening per say. It is thier evening let the kids enjoy thier finals.
  7. The 1977 Boston Crusaders Rifle line. They were the B%^&s.
  8. I got to see the corps during there February camp. My mom's winter home is in Clearwater. I flew down there for her 69th birthday. I am riding around town with my baby brother, Who is a Deputy sherriff of Tampa. I knew the corps had there winter camps in Florida, but was not sure what location. I heard this music from a far. my brother told me that the music was comming from the Corps I use to belong too. I said thats the Boston Crusaders. My brother said yes they have been here every winter for at least 5 years. Well to my amazement the sound and the music with some drill was so clean and thrilling. The music will shock even the most avid fan of Boston. It is so totaly a new demension. it is so exciteting. It did seem that they were in June instead of February. The depth of the horn line was something I have not heard before. Not that the Corps has not had great horn lines. If they continue at this pace, We may soon see a new DCI Champion. I am not saying this comming season, but with the Way the corps is going in a new direction, It should help to put them in a new relhm for many years to come.
  9. So true So true, I was a BAC member for eight of the 70's years. Millitary Bearing Baby, enough said.
  10. I don't remember whose fault it was,Wether it was Muchachos records of thier members ages back then or some Corps turning the Muchachos in to DCI because they were not happy with thier placements or scores so far that season. Who Knows? The Hawthorne Muchachos were neck and neck all season with such corps as the 27th Lancers, Blue Stars, Madison Scouts. The DCI Championships were held in Philadelphia in 1975. As I was told back then that the prelims were won by the Hawthorne Muchachos, but thier score was held back because, it was rumored they were being disqualified for the prennieal DCI Trophy. The Muchachos were not in the finals that season because of diqualification. Thinking back, DCI should have faulted the Indivigual of the corps not the whole it corps self. Or they could of fined the Director of the Muchahcos. The Hawthorne Muchachos was one great drum corps and it killed them. As a young member of Drum Corps back in the 1970's it broke my heart to never hear thier sound again. I was a 17 years old young man then. The reason I say DCI should have gone after the Indivigual, cause it destroyed a drum corps that was very different and a Drum Corps which was profit for the activity. The Hawthorne Muchachos were very well respected. Also The other innocent members of the corps should not have had thier season suffered and DESTROYED.
  11. If time serves me right. I do remember them being disqualified after thier Prelim Performance in Philly. They got a court order to perform for the finals night. Now I am not sure if this was The 1975 Hawthorne Muchachos or the Bayonne Bridgemen. I do not remember if it was the same year or a year apart that both corps got caught with overage members.
  12. I am with you on DCI having the stones to show Hawthorne.
  13. This is my choice, :P :P :P 1970's 1975 Racine Kilties 1979 Casper Troopers 1980's 1980 North Star 1983 Bayonne Bridgemen 1984 Garfield Cadets 1986 Blue Devils 1990's 1990 Santa Clara Vanguard 1992 Crossmen 1993 Caviliers 1996 Madison Scouts 2000's 2004 Boston Crusaders 2005 Phantom Regiment
  14. Sorry did not know there were changes to this years classic. So here we go Again! 1970's 1975 Racine Kilties 1979 Casper Troopers 1980's 1980 North Star 1983 Bayonne Bridgemen 1984 Garfield Cadets 1986 Blue Devils 1990's 1990 Santa Clara Vanguard 1992 Crossmen 1993 Caviliers 1996 Madison Scouts 2000's 2004 Boston Crusaders 2005 Phantom Regiment
  15. Here are my picks for the 2006 DCI classic. 1970's 1975 Racine Kilties 1976 Bayonne Bridegmen 1979 Casper Troopers 1980's 1980 North Star 1984 Garfield Cadets 1986 Blue Devils 1990"s 1990 Santa Clara Vanguard 1992 Crossmen 1996 Madison Scouts 2000's 2000 Caviliers 2004 Boston Crusaders 2005 Phantom Regiment
  16. I want to wish all my old and new drum corps associates, A very Merry Merry Christmas and The happiest and Healthiest New Year.
  17. Anytime Boston played California Dreaming into the company front to Conquest.
  18. Matthew, it is so good to hear everything iis okay. I went to send you an email and for some reason the site would not let me. I will be listening Sunday, givem h%#l;.
  19. You are right Lancer Fi, It is more of a times and decades thing.
  20. Mathhew Elcock What is going on with on the 50? I tired to send you somthing to see how everything is going and to see if your okay, with no Podcast last week, and nothing mentioned so far this week. I know you do them on Thursday night's, every other week right now. So I hope everything is okay. I am missing your Pod Cast now that time has elapsed since the last one which was on the Troopers on Sunday October 02, 2005. Does anyone know if everything is okay or do you know something I don't????? :sshh: :(
  21. My favorite is a fresh mowed lawn, the smell just brings me back, others are, you are walking by a gas staion with diesel fuel,any time of year, when I hear Califrornia dreaming, when I am in my kitchen and hear a brass line on the TV maybe a commercial or a TV show, a football game, I stop what I am doing to get to the tv as fast as possible to see who it is.
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