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Everything posted by boilerman_05

  1. We never got Steak-n-shake when I was in Pioneer! Although there was the amusement park, Gettysburg, a Brewers Game, steak overlooking a mountain sunset at Estes Park, and lunch at a restaurant overlooking Niagara Falls... But no Steak-n-Shake! B)
  2. Why? You would have the walls anyway, what difference does it make if behind the walls is dirt?Ohh, and another reason it might be partly underground is to give it a lower profile on the skyline.
  3. In my high school band it was BYFBO (Blow your F'n balls off). Personally, I really don't care what any of it means. It all seems very childish to me.
  4. Lots of stadiums are like that. My guess is that it makes it easier/cheaper to design because there is less weight that the stadium has to support. But I'm not a civil engineer, so I could be wrong.
  5. Glassmen can also claim the longest increased placement streak. From 1985 (39th) to 1995 (8th) they increased their placement every year. :)
  6. I thought I would never have to hear that speech again when they got rid of retreat... I was wrong.
  7. I'm not an idiot. I know why that is. I just find dumb things like that interesting.
  8. Interesting... Cavies went from most to least.
  9. I've got an idea! A group of volunteers could enter the stands between corps and throw DCI souvies into the crowd. A loud booming voice will come on the sound system to anounce it. We could call it... um... PRIZE PATROL! That'd be awesome. I'm so innovative ^_^
  10. That would mean he has a 66 gallon tank . 800/(3.15-.75) =333. 333/5 fillups = ~66 gallons.
  11. Glassmen's DM does that. He also wears tails and walks to the podium with a pompus, conductor's attitude. The "concertmaster" (one of the lead sops) recognizes the judges and croud.
  12. Psst. Indiana is a state IndianaPOLIS is the city.I realize it's probably a dumb typo, but some people actually get the two mixed up.
  13. Thanks. Hmm, I'm thinking in another year or two they won't have the CDs at all and maybe just offer a deal where you can buy all the APDs for a special bundle price. CD's are becoming dated technology.
  14. I don't see where it says only the top 12 will be on the CD. Where do you see that? From DCI.org:
  15. Sounds good to me :). Especially after reading the post about how the acoustics were actually quite good there.
  16. Didn't that package used to cost $199? If so, I'm liking the new price. :)
  17. If you get tired of Indy, Cincinnatti is less than 2 hours away and Chicago is only 3. Plenty to do in those cities. You don't even have to drive. Amtrak will take you from downtown Indy to downtown Chicago and back for a very reasonable price.
  18. I don't think there is anything wrong with staying Div II. Some people talk like it's every corps goal to become Div I. I think that many of the Div II corps, Spartans and ECJ included, have no intentions of becoming Div I. They serve a different purpose and that's fine. I could be wrong, but that's the impression I get.
  19. Strange they put the upper deck in the endzone.
  20. Does anybody not like Vanguard? I have never met a person who just doesn't like Vanguard. They have to be the most popular corps in DCI.
  21. There is a difference between the bottom of Div I and a "top tier corps." I don't doubt that they would beat people like Pioneer or Magic, but I would think that the top tier would be at most those corps that make finals since it is the last official cuttoff competitively. But I guess it all depends on where you place your tiers. :)
  22. I'm going because my dad lives about half an hour from Pasadena, and with any luck he will buy my plane ticket. ^OO^
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