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Lake Erie Fanfare

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Or they had a better show.

Yeah. Only in visual GE though. They managed to do that without making any difference in the other visual caption however

(the above statement is 85% bs and was made without any *ANY* actual research...enjoy)

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It was a really good show tonight and the rain missed by less than a quarter mile to the north. The wind and humidity made things pretty clammy from a spectator perspective. We had a few sprinkles but nothing lasted more than a few minutes. Dutch Boy has a nice show but the horn line has only 13 and the drum line buried them a few times. Guard does some nice work. It was hard to see the drill because the stands don't go very high but from what I could make out they do some cool stuff with boxes. I was very impressed by Teal Sound, even more so if it really was thier first show as stated a few posts back. Big sound! Lots of dirt but that should go away. I like their music alot. I hope they do well this season. Seeing the Madison webcast was a nice primer for tonight. Crossmen's show will need to tighten up in order to make finals but it's there. I thought they performed pretty well and I liked the music more than I usually like "inspired by" arrangements. They were better tonight than in Madison and hopefully are getting on a roll. Did anyone attending the show get any pictures of Bones in the backside stands? Everyone's guard had several drops except Crown and Cadets, but it could have been made worse by the weather. Boston's show is sweet. Love the closer! I'm anti-narration but I gotta be honest and say Cadets' show worked for me. I thought the narration was easier to follow than last year and it's not really over the music like in the past. That living room is freakin' big! Very smart to make that whole scene a neutral color so it's not any more of a distraction from the corps. They're just so good. I thought the guard was really good tonight. The money flags are really cool and the change to smiley flags is a nice visual. Was it me or was the finger snap not timed right at the end? Crown's brass: Wow. Just Wow. You can't help but smile after that show. I don't know anything about music, but the way the arrangements flow from piece to piece and the bits of one are injected into others while maintaining continuity blows me away. The guards' conductor coat and tails costumes are a nice touch and using batons for props adds a sense of humor. After watching Crown it's hard to believe they could finish 6th or 7th again but it proves how good you have to be to crack the top five. Cadets' encore great. I didn't recognize the first number, then messun dorma, the ballad from Stonehenge (name escapes me), rocky point, the number from this year's show with the money flags and sing, sang, sung.

One disturbing note: This was the 25th anniversary for the LER and it was announced that the Cadets were the only corps in tonight's show that was in the original lineup in '83. I may be wrong, but I believe that's because the rest have all folded (Bridgemen, Pride of Cincinnati and Ventures are who I remember from that show but I think there were seven or eight corps that night). It's a shame so many corps have gone by the wayside.

Another disturbing note: ticket prices are WAY UP for next year across the board. Tickets for sec. E (center section) next year are $30 and D and F are $25. This year D,E and F were $20. How does this compare to the regional show prices with a lineup that's twice the size?

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Was at the show too and pretty much agree with richburger. I just got back to Pittsburgh from Erie after chillin' with the Cadets tuba section (my alma mater) until midnight. I hope to have at least a partial review (with pictures!) up tomorrow. Clarification: The first piece in Cadets' encore was the first big FFF hit in "Liquid," the 2005 opener (after the introduction Kill Bill/Twilight Zone stuff). And the ballad was not from Stonehenge but rather the 1993 show (they are pretty similar shows, even Cadets great Jon Bilby said as much), and it's called "On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss." I'm in no way trying to make you look bad, just helping out with some specifics.

Edited by FTNK
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I miss Veterans Stadium too. Holds the sound great and you were on top of the corps. McDowell's more open and the sound gets out. I'm sure the corps don't miss bottoming out thier pit trailers while trying to get from street level down to the field though. Nothing like watching pit members and instructors trying to push and pull timpani up and down a 45 degree grade because they got stuck. :rolleyes: I'm off to souvie shop.

Have to agree about Vet's Stadium. It's almost like it was built with Drum Corps' in mind. Biggest problem here is cost. If only one organization is booked for any given month....that group pays for the entire month, which is really cost prohibitive to Lake Erie Fanfare. The more groups added...then the cost is split among the total number bringing the cost within reason.

Rumors abound about a possible Regional DCA show there in the near future.

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Cadets' encore great. I didn't recognize the first number, then messun dorma, the ballad from Stonehenge (name escapes me), rocky point, the number from this year's show with the money flags and sing, sang, sung.

ooo, I'd love to heard Cadets play Nessun Dorma! (though not so much that I want them to win when I see them at Finals - go Green Team :rolleyes:) Do they have any recordings of that available for purchase anywhere, such as on a preseason CD?

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ooo, I'd love to heard Cadets play Nessun Dorma! (though not so much that I want them to win when I see them at Finals - go Green Team :thumbup:) Do they have any recordings of that available for purchase anywhere, such as on a preseason CD?

Yes you can purchase at http://store.marchingstore.com/08-cdtscburg.html

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Cadets' encore great. I didn't recognize the first number, then messun dorma, the ballad from Stonehenge (name escapes me), rocky point, the number from this year's show with the money flags and sing, sang, sung.

Maybe they should re-work the show to play these tunes? Sounds like really entertaining stuff to me. I love Rocky Point. This would be a Cadet show I could get behind (as long as they didn't narrate it, of course).

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Was at the show too and pretty much agree with richburger. I just got back to Pittsburgh from Erie after chillin' with the Cadets tuba section (my alma mater) until midnight. I hope to have at least a partial review (with pictures!) up tomorrow. Clarification: The first piece in Cadets' encore was the first big FFF hit in "Liquid," the 2005 opener (after the introduction Kill Bill/Twilight Zone stuff). And the ballad was not from Stonehenge but rather the 1993 show (they are pretty similar shows, even Cadets great Jon Bilby said as much), and it's called "On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss." I'm in no way trying to make you look bad, just helping out with some specifics.

:thumbup::tongue::ph34r: Thanks setting the record straight. I hate being wrong on stuff like that. I spelled Nessum with an "M" too. Good one!

Edited by richburgher
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