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Cadets explain the 2008 narration

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Is there a way to view the video without clicking on Boo's link? My browser will open it in a new page, but just sit there. The first time I tried, I actually had to reboot my computer because DCP wouldn't load pages.

Here's the original video link:


(Yes, this is okay to post because it's a video also linked on the corps' website)

Sounds like your problem might be in your computer, though; might want to run a spyware check and defrag.

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1. People do not "hate" the Cadets and they do not all hate narration. What they dislike is the quality (and some the quantity) of the narration. I don't hate Warren Beatty or Dustin Hoffman - but Ishtar sucked! I'm not saying the Cadets show is a bomb, just making the analogy that you can like a performer but hate a product they perform in.

That is a very good analogy.

George has introduced the 20%-20%-60% formula for narration. My estimate of the audience response at live performances of The Cadets (at Finals the last three years and Madison this year) that I have attended during his experiment with narration and amplified voice:

2005 Cadets had a strong positive reaction of at least 80%; the show worked, you reached maybe the entire unbiased 60%.

2006 Cadets had a positive reaction from about 60%; you swayed more than you lost, some had issues with parts of the show other than amplified voice.

2007 Cadets had a positive reaction from about 70%; your outstanding music and visual won over some who still didn't love the narration.

2008 Cadets had a positive reaction from about 25%; this show is not reaching hardly any of the unbiased 60%.

This show has failed with the 60%, youttube explanations are not going to change that. I also doubt that a show designed around this theme can be changed with any amount of edits and rewrites to please many more of that group. George wants all of the unbiased 60% to love him. He has been given a fair response by the 60% in each of the last three years and I don't think they have suddenly changed their fair-mindedness this year. He needs to find his happiness from the judges who are giving the corps high, fair scores; the audience is not going to change this year with this show.

Edited by patblamo
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So here's some more of that constructive criticism thing I was talking about ... :tongue:

I agree with the above -- the character is just not believable in her words, in her tone. She's just not believable as a 60 year old with all those life experiences. And I don't believe the dialog as coming from a 60 year old either. The whole thing comes off (to me) as a 20 year old trying to tell me (someone more than twice her age) what the secret to life is. It's just not effective.

If this is the story and message the Cadets choose to protray, my suggestion is that they make the interviewee the 20-year old daughter of Sara Jones (who maybe recently passed away) explaining in a 20-year old voice, with a 20-year-old's words how SHE viewed her mother's life and experiences. How SHE saw her mother struggle with work, ambition, relationships, sickness, etc and how SHE (the daughter) marvelled at her mother's ability to find Happiness before the end. It might not wrap in a simple "snap your fingers and you're happy", but that's a nonsense philosophy anyway, imo. I'd be much more impressed and affected by a show that spoke of the mother thru the daughter, who doesn't have all the answers, but is maybe armed with her mother's strength as she sets out on her own Pursuit of Happiness. I believe a story like that (even if it contains more questions than answers) would resonate so much better with the audience, young and old alike.

You have made an excellent point

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major snippage

Catch the trend?

Don't worry - be happy. Cadets rock in many ways - focus on those or move on...

And then what? only have 10 posts a day to read ? :tongue:

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Well, that was about what I expected. . .but, again, the "us against the world, re: the process of the artist" is kind of a tired bit now.

Until there's a show that incorporates the narrative element as a primary storytelling device successfully and in a new way, innovation is now seemingly directly in the hands of high school bands and winter drum lines.

That's cool for now, I guess.


. . .one of the people who posts on the 20 page mistakes on Drum Corps Planet. :tongue:

how is that a tired bit??

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how is that a tired bit??

. . .every year since 2006, the Hop Blog™, his appearances on DCI.org and so forth espouse the same flavor of "here we are, different than the rest . . .suffering the slings and arrows of creating art" to some extent.

It's all well and good to present that as it helps rally the troops each year, but we know the drill by now with the Cadets use of voice and the reasoning behind it.

That doesn't change each year when he talks narration and Cadets: "We need it to tell our story".

Same as it ever was.

Just sayin'. :tongue:

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Watched the video, read a few pages here. I think the dead horse is dead, folks. The cats are out of the bag and they ain't going back in. So, keep at it if you want but it seems pointless.

1. GH - love him, hate him, or somewhere in between - is still a human being and as such he is opinionated, passionate, and flawed just like the rest of us. That he came to DCP and read some of the criticisms and lost sleep is not something to mock. Have none of you who mocked that moment ever had such a sleepless night over a decision, a stand taken or something else that felt risky? It makes me sad that people don't see GH as human and as such worth at least a little consideration. I may not like the guy's ideas about narration, but I can't help but respect the various teams of instruction and writing he's put in place over and over and over again for the Cadets. (and yeah, I know that for many of you if he would just focus on that and drop the storytelling thing you'd be happy as clams. Me too! But thats not our call, period. So the dead horse is really dead. REALLY!)

Excellent Point 65765916.mFnvZ2QY.jpg

Personally I believe narration used for enhancing a show may have an appropriate place and I don't mind it, a show where narration is the show supported by the music is not my cup of tea. I understand for some it is and I respect that. Just my personal likes, dislikes and opinions. I certainly give George Hopkins credit for vision and innovation and the Cadets over the years have lived up to his vision. The corps is a very talented and dedicated group of young people searching for success and deserve respect for their hard work and accomplishments. Does story telling, broadway theater have a bright future? I don't know, not for me to say. The old-old-old timers would probably say drum corps lost its focus when the posting of the flag and the pass and review went by the wayside. All this rambling is to say that when I see a group I like I will enthusiastically support them, when I see a group I don't like I will support the effort and dedication of the members, I'm sure they are working as hard as my son is in Crown.

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Well, I suppose just like any other politcal thing Hopster does this is just trying "educate" us. Another attempt to push the activity forward. Very well done BTW. I give it to the man, he knows how to play the game. I dare say if the Cadets came out, bent over and did a performed uniform dump on the 50 yard line and tied it to global warming I dare say they would not only win DCI but would be lauded by the usual folks here. Note to Hoppy and the people pushing the whole show "I GET IT!". I simply am smart enough to "NOT LIKE IT."



Also, doesn't this sound like a preemptive attempt to justify what is going to end up as a 5th or 6th place show?

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Also, doesn't this sound like a preemptive attempt to justify what is going to end up as a 5th or 6th place show?

Hop probably did the same amount of PR last year for a pretty solid 2nd place show.

It's interesting that some on here seem of the mind that Hop is all about placement, placement, placement. I don't know him personally, but I think, with the talent they get, he and his staff could come up with a safe, championship show on a fairly consistent basis if that's what he was after.

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when you have to explain your show by using anything but the music involved in the show, you have a design problem.

Drum corps fans aren't stupid. Stubborn? Judgmental? yes, but not stupid...

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