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A few thoughts after watching the corps...

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I haven't had much time to peruse DCP lately, as I've been teaching an Honors Chamber Winds group at the FSU Summer camps, and solidifying my upcoming move into SEC country (new job, very exciting), but I have a few days off now, and I took advantage of them to watch the videos over the past couple of days. Here are some thoughts...feel free to vehemently disagree:

Blue Devils

Smoking show. Better drill than I am used to seeing from them, and very cleanly executed. Great hornline and brass book. Devils are very clear right now. Percussion is tight and tasty. "I Will Wait for You" is beautiful. I was first introduced to this tune on an old episode of Futurama (Jurassic Bark), and I found it haunting then, especially paired up with the image of Fry's dog waiting for him forever...Devils have done an interesting thing with it here, and I find it effective, especially the opening theme. Overall a fantastic show with some VINTAGE musical moments. I am a fan. The only worry they should have now is peaking too early, because they are in great shape right now. I would not be surprised to see them take home #13.

Phantom Regiment

(Warning: I am a Regiment alumnus, so this will be longer than the others)

Another smoking show. The hornline is fantastic, and J.D. has crafted another great brass book. They are nowhere as clean as Devils right now, and this is a good thing. With another month to clean and tweak, this production *could* be one for the ages. The opening fanfare is one of those dangerous areas that will set up the success of the entire show...if the sopranos (sorry, trumpets) nail it, then everyone has a smile going into the opener...if they frack it, well...I can see where it would have a slight psychological effect.

The color guard is completely lost with the colour of those unis. The mini drum break before they go back into helmet figure: Should probably throw in a few 4- and 8-count phrases there (drill wise) since they are not playing. Hey, we all know the Cavaliers have mastered/pioneered this idea...there is nothing wrong with using what works within the context of the show. As long as the hornline isn't playing, there should be something more impressive there.

I think I read somewhere that some of the visual pictures are supposed to be Regimental Roman helmets...this needs a bit of tweaking/cleaning. Drill is quite aggressive, more than I am used to seeing from Regiment, however...there were more "pictures" in some of Jamey's drill...I am sure we will start to see picture sets emerge as Nick starts to tweak things with the help of the visual staff, so I am not worried there. I dig the first "execution" quite a bit. Fits the context of the show quite well. I also dig the second "execution." The third, however, needs to be played up a tad more.

I really dig the music at the 5:00 mark (on the DCI website video). J.D. is a master of getting chords to travel in a pleasing direction, and I love hearing some of these progressions unfold. The Adagio is lovely, mellophone soloist is nailing it: Good job, my friend. The heart kind of looks like a throwback to the 1988 show, I think (someone was complaining about it earlier). I don't think it is meant to look exactly like the heart we did in 1991. Besides, if it was too big, then they couldn't "break it" in 2 counts when the gal gets her Mexican bowtie on.

The solid block with the percussion ramming through it as the brass goose steps is a magical moment. The music is PERFECTLY matched here. I am sure this will get tweaked a little as the season progresses, but I hope this moment stays magical. Baritones, the melody after the death of Spartacus is beautiful.

"I Am Spartacus" sounds too forced. I'd let them chant it freely, instead of structured as it is now (Spartacus has a triplet feel to it). The last 2 minutes of drill and music is a little bland right now...and that is exactly how they want it. They are suckering us in to change it on us near the end. Love it! This show has a lot of potential. Even though I am a Regiment honk, I think I can honestly say my bias plays no part here: This show can win it, but will have an uphill climb against Devils. I see them as top three, but...we will see how the other corps clean up.


This is a great show. I think Pete Weber's drill is genius, and I like how it is not just a photocopy of his mentor's style (Mike Gaines). It is an unusual and creative style all his own, and I am a big fan of it. The opening is great (albeit dirty). I really can't say enough about the visual program. If they can clean this up, it is going to be the type of show you make non-drum corps people watch for the sheer visual artistry of it. Hornline is a tad dirty right now, but it is still early, of course.

I sit here watching the show in order to talk about it, and I just keep getting distracted by all the cool drill happening. Heh. Percussion seems tight, but even a non-percussionist like me can catch a few early-season jitters in the line. It is going to be fantastic come mid-season. I see them making the top five easily, but I don't see this show as a title contender...they're getting closer, though. The closer needs a serious re-write.


Once again, Mike Gaines has delivered a great visual product. He's been getting some criticism here lately, but if you notice, he is never being really compared to anyone else, but rather to his previous shows. That is the mark of someone who has really achieved...when you start getting criticised for not being as "good" as you were before. Which is, in my opinion, not true: Mike is still pumping out a great visual product, and this is the proof.

My biggest beef with the show is the music. Now granted, this isn't my grandfather's DCI, or even my own, and nowadays things are judged on a more visual-heavy slate. Cavaliers, when they do play, sound fantastic, of course. Great balance and intonation, and that is what those guys prize. The music never really approaches the challenge (technically, rhythmically, and note-wise) of PR, SCV, or BD, but the percussion does indeed match the other corps' intensity.

Even though I am supposed to dislike this corps (due to my corps "upbringing"), even though my team hasn't beaten the Green team in over a decade, even though I disagree with their visual-first philosophy...I can't deny it: I like the Cavaliers. Since 1999, there is only one show that I didn't care for (2005), and several shows I was a great big fan of (2000, 2003, 2004). I cannot deny that they perform the crappola out of anything they touch...great work ethic, and great instruction. But I do not see this show contending for a title, and frankly, I'd be surprised if PR doesn't tag them at least ONCE during this season, if not at Finals. Still, this show will be one I cue up for inspiration when it comes to writing drill and when I have to introduce newbies to this thing called corps.


Well, this is obviously not the Cadets who essentially dragged me into corps kicking and screaming with their 1987 production. Great show after great show followed that one, I loved 1988 (must be one of the few who really do), loved 1989, thought 1992 was fantastic, really enjoyed 1994, etc. But lately, I really haven't had much to say about the Cadets on these boards...I can't even remember the last time I really went off and talked about the Cadets (I am sure someone who is handy with the search feature could figure it out).

We all know Cadets have been pushing for rules changes, and here is the result of one of them: The show is full of narration. I did my best to not focus on it and instead see what is happening behind the scenes: It is pure joy. The hornline is fantastic, the drumline is fantastic, the visual book is fantastic. This is one great corps...they just keep obscuring all that greatness, at least for me, with the narration. I'll make no other judgment calls...they are allowed to narrate to their heart's content. One thing: The male narrator's voice doesn't sound right for the part. He needs to be replaced by someone with a deeper, more pleasing baritone ($1 to Family Guy). The script needs some tweaking as well...it is not convincing.

I don't see this show contending for a title, and I would be very surprised if they end up in the top three, but then again...this is the Cadets. They are going to clean and change the bejesus out of this. This show may not look anything like it does now, so my prediction might have to be changed later.

Carolina Crown

This is a fun, fun, fun show. Thank you, Crown, for giving us a vehicle that harkens back to the glory days for a lot of us. Melody galore. Someone say hi to Larry Shane for me, who is on staff with them this year. The drill doesn't seem to be as challenging as the other top corps, but you know what? Drum corps is supposed to be about MUSIC and DRILL together. The overall combination makes this show a very pleasing one.

I get the sense, watching Crown, that I am watching a repeat (not used here in a negative sense) of Star of Indiana, getting ready to rise from the middle of the pack to dominate in impressive fashion. I think Crown is making great moves, and giving us fantastic shows. I hope more corps start using their formula, and I hope Crown starts making more noise in the rankings.

It was weird hearing Claire de Lune, though...certainly brought back a ton of memories of conducting it back in 1994. I see this show ending in the top five...and I think it can catch up to the Cadets and maybe even SCV. Who knows. We get to watch the race, and that is the fun part.


Another fun show, but for some reason, it doesn't really hit me as hard as Criminal did last year, or as Crown's show does this year. Drill is very dirty right now, though there are some very cool forms/concepts. Maybe I am spoiled by Cadets 1986 and SCV 1997, but On the Waterfront is not doing it for me right now. I know I am setting myself up to be bashed, but...I think the Bluecoats actually took a step backward this year....but the talent is definitely there to make a big splash. I don't see this show competing for top five.


Wow. This is a great corps. The opener drill is pretty danged cool (who writes their drill?) Drums seem to be a tad sloppy right now, but I am sure that will change. Hornline has a few issues, but again, this will improve. I like the arrangements a lot, and the pacing of the show flows very well. When did Colts get this good? Colts are definitely a top 12 corps, in my opinion.

Boston Crusaders

This is a really nice show. Very strong vehicle for them. I still have a few of my old students marching in the corps, and it is good to see them doing such a strong show. Drill looks good, though it is hard to tell from the Clifton video angle. Brass book seems a tad on the "too simple" side for them...I think they could definitely pull off more. Guard seems a tad sloppy this early season. They won't reclaim their old spot in the top five (boy, that seems an age ago!), but it is definitely a top 10 show.

Madison Scouts

I really dig the new unis. The show is a tad of a meander, however. The drums and brass are solid, the guard seems sloppy. Their show is...well...sort of strange. Is Myron still writing their drill? I do see flashes of his style in there, but if he is writing it, it seems to me that he has been told to tone it down or something.

I watched this show three times, and I don't know if I can put my finger on it, but...something is missing. It does not really scream Madison at me, and I wish it did. I want Madison back in Finals as much as some of their alumni, but...I am not sure this is the vehicle to do it.

Keep the unis, though.


I miss the old Spirit. There, I said it. I am an old fogey, yes. New Spirit is ok, but....they don't really do anything to differentiate themselves from the other corps surrounding them placement-wise. If, for example, DCI had screwed up and put "Glassmen" or "Colts" under the video label, and I wasn't paying close attention to the uniforms, I would believe they could be either corps.

The drill is a tad on the dirty side, and I will say this now and never mention it again: I don't like Eric Whitacre on the field. That is just a personal preference though, and maybe it biased me against this show? Can't rule it out of the question, I suppose. And was that Chant and Jubilo I caught in there? Sounded like it, though I suspect it is actually from the Whitacre piece.


I actually enjoyed their late 1990s/early 2000s style of show, even though many considered them "boring." This show seems to be an attempt to completely get away from that image. The musical arrangements are fun and inventive, the drill book is merely ok right now. I did find myself smiling several times for this show, it certainly can get under your skin (in a good way). I am glad to see them "let their hair down" and have fun. This show will make Finals for sure, but like Crusaders, they won't challenge for their old spot in the Top Five.

Blue Stars

The show, alas, did nothing for me. I found myself sort of drifting off...but even though the show design doesn't sustain me, I can tell there is a very talented corps there. The drill could use a few more tweaks, in my opinion. Also, it seemed to me that the guard spent an awful lot of time outside the forms, instead of integrated. I will have to re-watch to confirm or deny.


I really, really liked this show. If Troopers were not based way out there and were in, say, Texas, this corps would easily make the top 12. The show is great, the talent is letting them down right now. It is a race to see how fast they can clean up, but I tell you....I could see this is a top 12 show if things were to get cleaned up and more consistent.

I was actually chatting with Mackey about this show the other day, and was pleased that they have remained very faithful to the music. He also mentioned that he would entertain the idea of being commissioned to write a show directly for a corps (someone mentioned commissioning composers to write music directly for corps....there you go!). In any case, we're both Trooper fans right now, and send the staff and members tons of well-wishes. Go Troop!

My top 12 guesses:

1. Blue Devils

2. Phantom Regiment

3. Cavaliers

4. Santa Clara Vanguard

5. Carolina Crown

6. Cadets

7. Bluecoats

8. Colts

9. Blue Knights

10. Boston Crusaders

11. Glassmen

12. Blue Stars

Overall notes:

Color Guards are way too big.

Too many corps use "pods" (of four to six members) in their shows. I've never liked this drill gimmick. Madison used to use it a lot in the mid-1990s, but I'm seeing a lot more corps do it now.

Pits are too loud.

Flame away.

Edited for bone-headedness. Writing too fast + Dayquil Sinus meds don't make for a cohesive combination.

Edited by The Tsar
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Great review! Interesting that the Blue Stars show lost your interest....I will see it for the first time tonight, but so far almost everything I read is that the show is very entertaining and challenging.

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Nothing to flame away with here if my humble opinion. That had to be one of the best overall reviews of the corps shows this year. Well written and while expressing your thoughts on who and what you liked (and didn't like) it came across as personal opinion and not a "side line expert" slamming every corps except the one you like the best. Nice job.

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I agree almost whole heartedly with Sir Nikk!

Jeremy Hunt (former Bluecoat) writes Colts drill. He's been on vis staff at Crown and Scouts as well.

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Madison Scouts

Is Myron still writing their drill? I do see flashes of his style in there, but if he is writing it, it seems to me that he has been told to tone it down or something.

I watched this show three times, and I don't know if I can put my finger on it, but...something is missing. It does not really scream Madison at me, and I wish it did. I want Madison back in Finals as much as some of their alumni, but...I am not sure this is the vehicle to do it.


Madison and Cavaliers got by far the biggest crowd response at MI City. (not counting the CAC).

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Madison and Cavaliers got by far the biggest crowd response at MI City. (not counting the CAC).

I don't doubt it, Vince.

But for whatever reason, they didn't get through to me. Maybe I need to see it live. I'll be moving close to the Atlanta area soon, and maybe I'll get a chance to see them up close.

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Thanks for your review! Perhaps you should move it to the Reviews section and title it "DCI Fan Network review" or something. Honest! Your review is more comprehensive than most of them in there.

I think The Cadets will definitely be in the Top 4 again this year. Their performance levels are too high for anything else. So for Top 7, I see more of:

1. Blue Devils

2. Cavaliers

3. Phantom Regiment

4. Cadets

5. Santa Clara Vanguard

6. Carolina Crown

7. Bluecoats

Now, what I WISH for would be:

1. Phantom Regiment

2. Santa Clara Vanguard

3. Cavaliers

4. Carolina Crown

5. Blue Devils

6. Bluecoats

7. Cadets

...but we all know that's never going to happen

Edited by PeeWee
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