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Ocean Springs Review

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Ok it is getting late, just drove back to Daphne, AL and I wanted to write this before I go to sleep. First off let me say that it was a perfect day for drum corps. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was hot! Temperature was in the low 90s at start time but by awards the temp had went into the mid 70s. The stadium was really nice, stands were a reasonable height and they were packed. An occasional freight train drove by and blew its horn...but it couldn't be prevented. I was sitting on the 45 about 3/4 up. I was with my fiance who had never been to a DCI show, but has seen most of the Legacy Collection.

The stadium announcer had a few issues with his mic and the sound system wasn't all that great...


This was my first DCI show of the year, so I was surprised to see that Crossmen had changed the red on their uniforms to white. I really liked the contrast, the cross really sticks out! The opening impact was really nice and strong and pinned me back. I was right in front of their mellos during the intro, they were playing their butts off. The arrangement of Jupiter was interesting, I am always glad to hear a new spin on an old favorite. At times I thought the balance of the ensemble was a bit top heavy and I heard some lower brass -- especially baritones get a little crass at times. Occasionally you heard a missed attack and release but overall it was a good product. Visually their guard was decent. They had interesting costumes, appearing to be BMX chest protectors. Also, their percussion was solid but not exemplary. Marching technique was strong, not top 12 IMO. I saw discrepancies in backwards marching and saw a few out of step marchers. All in all, a very entertaining show that started the night off right.


I was surprised to see Bluestars go next. I figured that Spirit would go based on scoring but oh well. I liked that they changed to all white pants. Their uniform is really sharp now and compliments the members very well. Their opening statement was well balanced, moreso than Crossmen and they seemed to have a maturer tone quality. Better balance equals more volume. Their show of course is about cycling, so the guard unis and tires fit the theme. I really enjoyed the precision of the drill, but at times it seemed that there were some transition issues. Of course it is still early and that won't be an issue for long. I think they are better than last year and will definitely be in the top 12 come finals. Overall the show was really good from the brass to the guard.


The unis are identical from last year and the drums are beautiful. I want to say I was disappointed with how they entered the field. They marched in but their horns were all at different angles. My fiance even picked up on it, saying it looked like they were casually marching in, even though they were actually marching. The show was very interesting and abstract and at times had its moments. Marching technique was all over the place. Knee bend and foot placement varied from member to member. It seemed that there was no definite technique that they were using. Forms had problems, saw some phasing in the feet and it looked like they had a few holes. The guard was just ok. Nothing great but not terrible either. The percussion on the other hand was really nice. The battery seemed to carry the show at times, and the front ensemble blended nicely and had a ton of notes. Overall ensemble sound wasn't great...there were several missed attacks and releases, in fact a trumpet -- sounded like a lead -- came in a whole count early at one point. The brass sounded bright and needed more low voicing, especially from the contras. I had them ahead of Crossmen, by a point or less, but at least 3 points behind Bluestars. If they clean the forms, correct the marching technique issues, and get some ensemble balance, I believe they could get 12th.


This was the first corps of the night that had some real velocity to their marching. Was it clean? Sometimes. Was it exciting? YES! The very beginning of the show was very cool with 2001. The opening hit was the loudest thus far and you could tell you were getting into the lineup where there are some really good corps. The guard was pretty clean, just a few drops. The drill was frantic at times, but I really wasn't up high enough to see what they were trying to achieve visually. The hornline is solid. Occasionally you would hear some trumpets sticking out while playing longtones while hauling butt. Overall the group plays well top to bottom and has a good show. I foresee Boston being around 8th.


First show of the night with narration. Am I a fan? It doesn't bother me either way. I feel that if you have it and you have a good product who cares? The uniforms appeared unchanged from last year. They looked really good under the lights. The guard came out with sweats on and toward the end changed into boxing trunks. So the show is about the "contender" ala Rocky. It loosely follows the same storyline. The hornline was really strong, some very nice low brass moments. The corps was well balanced and could play some notes. Your eye kept going to the boxers or guard because of the large equipment they were using. The punching bags were a neat effect as well as the "boxing rings" that the corps formed. I thought though at times you weren't watching the corps because so much was going on. Drill was semi-clean, at least the cleanest of the groups that had already performed. No technique problems by large although I did see a tuba player struggling. The percussion was the best of the night I thought. Overall this was the most fan friendly show of the night and was my fiance's favorite. As we were leaving I asked her why she enjoyed it so much and she said it had the "duh factor." Interesting....


So I told myself I wasn't going to be critical just because of all the people complaining about narration. I kept an open mind and evaluated the corps performance on the whole. Firstly, I didn't like the drum majors' baldrics, shakos, and plumes. Change the yellow back to the traditional colors. Secondly, that stage with the chairs and lamp is rather large. But onto the show itself. The show starts with an announcement on a radio station much like what you hear on NPR. You are basically listening to a radio program the entire show. I thought that it was a great theme! They pin you back with the opening hit and man was it loud. By far the loudest corps of the night based on shear volume. This corps moves alot. I can't wait til Atlanta so I can see it from higher up. The marching was clean up until the end, where it got pretty dirty at times. It appeared to be new although I really don't know. Vesuvius was played well and was arranged in a way that showed off the hornline's strengths. Also the percussion was really good, but a little dirtier than Bluecoats. Guard was amazing and projected the emotion really well. Overall I think the show is quality. The narration didn't bother me too much, although I thought the breast cancer thing could have been left out and the show could have been just as effective. They won't win this year, but they will finish top 5, maybe even top 3. A funny thing happened at the end, the announcer thought the show had ended and they actually had another 30 seconds or so left.


After hearing about the Cadets defeat at Orlando I knew Crown meant business this year. They did not disappoint. The guard caught my eye first thing. The costuming and the hair choices are very clever. Also, I like how the 3 boxes on the right side of all the uniforms are different from marcher to marcher. They started with Candide...very cool arrangement. Man can this hornline play! The articulations are spot on from the top of the ensemble to the bottom. I was impressed by the marching and drill as well. It seemed that difficulty of drill wasn't as high as Cadets, but Crown is cleaner with what they are doing. I think that is one edge that they have right now, they are just cleaner. Clair de Lune was beautiful and lush. Crown had the best low brass of the night. Visually they did some interesting poses throughout, especially while playing. Hungarian Rhapsody featured their tubas playing alot of notes really well. I even heard a snippet of Festive Overture I think. The most exciting part of the show though was definitely the ending with 1812. Overall my favorite of the night and my pick to win...but not by much. How far can this corps go at finals? I think they can go really far.

My Placements








Actual Placements








Ok now for my biggest gripe for the night. Cadets and Bluecoats performed America the Beautiful together. The arrangement is interesting, not a favorite of mine but nonetheless a classic. They played it wonderfully until the last note. Someone, more specifically a baritone, held over....not only held over but held over for a good 2 seconds up 2 octaves. I understand they are having fun, I hear lead trumpets hang over for a split second all the time...but this baritone sounded awful. It ruined what was a great performance of a great piece.

Now to the Encore. Cadets played and it was wonderful. They played several pieces, including To Tame the Perilous Skies - Nessun Dorma - Hymnsong of Phillip Bliss - Swing, Swing, Swing, and a couple others.

Overall it was a great night filled with great performances. I think that 2008 is going to be a great year for drum corps!

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........and evaluated the corps performance on the whole. Firstly, I didn't like the drum majors' baldrics, shakos, and plumes. Change the yellow back to the traditional colors. Secondly, that stage with the chairs and lamp is rather large. But onto the show itself. The show starts......

I'm not trying to pick apart your words and I don't mean to say you can't have an opinion on those uniforms, but the drum major uniforms and colors they are doing this year are in fact the "traditional" colors of the Cadets of old. You should go back and look up some older pictures of The Cadets and you'll see what I mean.

I agree with you though that they look somewhat stale in comparison to what they have used in the past. I just thought I would point out the fact that if we're talking about "traditional" then they are right on the money with that. :)

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Thank you for the review! I can't wait to see all corps live in Indiana!

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Good to see the Bluecoats win drums again. Does anyone think they can compete for the drum title (or at least top 2)?


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Good to see the Bluecoats win drums again. Does anyone think they can compete for the drum title (or at least top 2)?


I don't know. BD and PR are strong again this year, and The Cavaliers are making a surprise run for the top in drums. San Antonio should give a good idea about who's at the top. IMO, Bloo won't be. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that they have another great line again. :thumbup:

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Cadet's and Crown both had great percussion sections. IMO, they were pretty equal. I enjoyed the writing of Crown, it seemed more interesting and blended with what the hornline was doing. Cadet's front ensemble seemed a slight step above.

About the drum majors for Cadets, poor choice of words on my part. I should have said I like the uniforms of recent years...lol. I just wasn't a fan of the yellow. Thanks for pointing that out though.

I am going to Atlanta and am taking a notepad....I want to write a more detailed review instead of just what I could remember after an hour drive and lack of sleep. :thumbup:

Edited by PJD2888
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by the way, great review!!! :) I forgot to mention that before. :ph34r:

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