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i just have to LOL at the british version on that website (the second one listed under cadets olympics). at the very end the announcer says "i must say that's not the best performance i've ever seen" in that very nice dry british accent.

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Slightly off topic, can anybody confirm or deny whether SCV actually did an exhibition at the closing ceremonies in LA in 1984? I know they were supposed to, but did they in fact?

I don't remember Santa Clara performing at the '84 Olympics. The only two corps I can recall doing Olympic performances are 27th Lancers at both the Winter Olympics opening and closing ceremonies in 1980, and Cadets of Bergen County at the 1986 Summer Olympics closing ceremonies in Atlanta. And, of course, there was this massive color guard that performed at the 1984 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies in Los Angeles (I cannot even imagine trying to clean this many flags): 1984 opening ceremonies

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I thought the Cadets deal in 1996 was cool. I mean, world exposure to the activity, how could it be wrong. Was it less than traditional in what we want people to think of the activity, sure, but it was there, and attention was on it.

Back when the movie Drumline came out, there were many people that thought it would make all people pressure marching bands/drum corps to do that style of show, and that didn't happen, but what it did do was show people that there's an activity out there besides playing a football game on a Friday night.

As fate would have it, my then-future husband and I were talking on the phone for the first time during the '86 Olympics closing ceremonies. Long story, but basically we met online and had been corresponding via e-mail for a couple of months. He went camping that weekend and sent me a note with his phone number, should I ever decide to call. I decided, "Why not?" So I called and left a message on his answering machine with my phone number. After he got back and played my message, he decided to call back right away. It just so happened that he called back while the closing ceremonies were on. I had my TV on with the sound turned down while we talked. Then the Cadets came on, and I was like, "OMG, there's a drum corps on the field! I marched corps! How cool!" Blah, blah, blah. (I'm surprised he married me, given that conversation. Suddenly my attention was riveted elsewhere, LOL!)

Anyway, Rick turned his TV on and watched with me (bless his heart, poor guy had absolutely no prior experience with drum corps, but he humored me). And guess what: He thought it was pretty neat! Total drum corps novice that he was, he got that it was a spoof, and that the corps, itself, was quite good. He enjoyed it. So there was at least one drum corps convert who came about as a result of that performance. Oh, and with a little help from me. :smile:

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Too true.

The trick will be getting Hizzoner Jr. to want Drum Corps!

To me, the point of persuasion comes from the "pageantry" aspect and the fact that by this time, corps will already have a show crafted for a football field and honed to competitive perfection (or, at least, as perfect as we get). So, if they agree to let the corps perform their shows as written, they don't have to spend hours on end rehearsing something in the Olympic stadium that's already pretty spectacular; it's already rehearsed and refined, and is meant to dazzle because that's part of what corps do. So they already have a performance package that can be inserted into the ceremonies without a whole lotta muss and fuss. I would think that would be very appealing to Olympic organizers.

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Yah but Cadets did that weird marching band block with the slapstick band director. Why didn't they just do their show?

Because Bill Irwin was the headliner of that segment doing his clown-schtick. The Cadets were lucky to get to do ANY of their field show, IMO.

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Because Bill Irwin was the headliner of that segment doing his clown-schtick. The Cadets were lucky to get to do ANY of their field show, IMO.

It's just too bad, that year is one of my favorite Cadet shows of all time.

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I know, and I was never a real fan of his clown stuff, though he is a marvelous actor.

The routine was funny and entertaining, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't drum and bugle corps.

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Sorry to be a nay-sayer, but I don't think you want any part of the Opening Ceremonies. My old roommate from college explained part of it this way. You stand around in the heat for 9 hours waiting for you turn to line up and go in.

Sounds to me a lot like marching in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, except for the fact that for that parade, it can be very cold and rainy, as it has been for many of the past few years' parades.

I'd jump at the chance to perform in any Olympics opening or closing ceremonies...9 hour wait or not.

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