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depth of vocabulary,world class


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give examples,define and discuss what is meant by depth of vocabulary pertaining to the world classes.

Edited by dugg
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Toss with your teeth, catch with your butt cheeks.......throw in a double pirouette underneath the toss.

lol :smile::blink:

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Toss with your teeth, catch with your butt cheeks.......throw in a double pirouette underneath the toss.

now that's what i call DEEP! :smile:

LOL! :blink:

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give examples,define and discuss what is meant by depth of vocabulary pertaining to the world classes.

When I think World Class, I think that each performer should be more than proficient but EXCELLENT on all 3 pieces of equipment. I think each person should be able to toss a five on weapons consistently and I think the performers who want to specialize on sabre or rifle should be able to toss a seven consistently.

I think they should have had a dance class or two in their lives and be able perform some type of movement under a toss.

Also I find the need for 3 classes to be rather silly, especially in the independent classification. I can understand it in a scholastic division.

just my opinion.

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Firstly and the most irksome thing I find in world class is a complete lack of world class flag work. SAVE FOR CORONA THIS YEAR!

I was happy to watch that show and see difficult flag phrases and not just at the end of the show either.

Also in world class there needs to be more of a melding of equipment and body. Synergistic properties and how one enhances the other

need to be clearly sought after (by the staff) and executed (by the performer). The body and the equipment need to both be world class caliber if they are doing both (and there should be).

Pride is the best at marrying both in my eyes.

I think the one thing that is almost horrendous right now are staging issues. I go and see some of these shows and watch them develop and I could easily place them into the early 2000s and its because the designers know what has worked before. Well now is the time to stop doing that and expand your thinking. Northern Lights and Fantasia in 2004 took it up a level in terms of developing the equipment phrases along with the staging phrases (how long and how the performer gets to their spot). Pride's "What's Left" show was a freaking masterpiece as well and even in 2003 they were ahead of their time.

World class should not be doing stop and go phrases and my eyes. If you are stopping for a long while it better be functional like if you are trying to show a huge trick (fantasia 08 cartwheel, patriots 2003 toss rainbow over the guard even though it was dropped). I don't mean keep going the entire time but you better make sure when you stop you are going to exhibit world class skills and do it cleanly.

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When I think World Class, I think that each performer should be more than proficient but EXCELLENT on all 3 pieces of equipment. I think each person should be able to toss a five on weapons consistently and I think the performers who want to specialize on sabre or rifle should be able to toss a seven consistently.

just my opinion.

That's funny, because in every world guard I've marched in there have been a few members who spin very little flag in the show, much less rifle and sabre.

They're always great dancers though, and CAN spin flag well. Sometimes, there are also performers who simply prefer to spin flag an entire show and never touch a weapon. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

I see seven's from a section of the guard as kind of a required move in world class nowadays, at least on rifle. Kind of gives the judges something to compare one group to the next. Why does it stop at seven's though? If you can achieve a seven consistently, an eight's only so far off. I honestly think that sometimes, people just can't tell enough of a difference for it to matter enough.

My ideal world class vocabulary, would be something that challenges the members beyond what they think they can be able to do-spin faster, toss higher, spin with more finesse, spin with more control, filling and connecting each movement seamlessly with a high level of professionalism. Corona does an excellent job of challenging their performers, and I really appreciate their style. I also don't think they're the only ones who are taking this approach though, it's out there if you look for it.

I would like to see world class guards continue to challenge their members in all aspects of performance- I guess as an example from last year- Pride challenged their members by performing a show that was very delicate and sensitive. Alright, maybe not the dance movement, but the weapon work and flag statements were very tasteful and not written to hit the audience over the head with how many skills they could do in 5 seconds. Different kind of challenge, but challenge none the less.

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World class vocabulary - look at Diamond Bar High School (2004-2008), Crown Guard (2000-2002), Mayflower (2003,2005), Chimeras (1999), Corona (2004, 2006-present).

Seamless connection of phrases; more difficult flag work. I HATE 45 tosses. I don't care if you can do them cleanly.... that's great. Throw a 45 toss, and run and catch someone elses flag, otherwise leave it out. Use more of the body with the flag (Onyx is good at this), rifle and sabre (Corona doing body rolls with sabre).

Make it hard.... the cleaner the better, but make it hard. Safe does not equal world class. It equals A class. DON'T BE SAFE! Stanley Knaub would not have been safe.

Don't stop spinning until the music stops. I learned that from Stanely Knaub. If the music is still playing, you should be spinning or dancing to it. Simple enough.

Maybe I expect too much, but if you're going to be in world class you need to be doing all you can to reach the Box 6 and break new ground/set new standards.

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World class vocabulary - look at Diamond Bar High School (2004-2008), Crown Guard (2000-2002), Mayflower (2003,2005), Chimeras (1999), Corona (2004, 2006-present).

Seamless connection of phrases; more difficult flag work. I HATE 45 tosses. I don't care if you can do them cleanly.... that's great. Throw a 45 toss, and run and catch someone elses flag, otherwise leave it out. Use more of the body with the flag (Onyx is good at this), rifle and sabre (Corona doing body rolls with sabre).

Make it hard.... the cleaner the better, but make it hard. Safe does not equal world class. It equals A class. DON'T BE SAFE! Stanley Knaub would not have been safe.

Don't stop spinning until the music stops. I learned that from Stanely Knaub. If the music is still playing, you should be spinning or dancing to it. Simple enough.

Maybe I expect too much, but if you're going to be in world class you need to be doing all you can to reach the Box 6 and break new ground/set new standards.

you could have just said look at michael shapiros work, instead of listing his resume.

on point, there is way more to "vocabulary" than crazy tricks strung together, if everyone emulated that than it would be a very dropsy wgi!

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