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Guard Unis..costumes

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Just my opinion

BD - ughhhhhh every year i think it can't get worse, and then........

Cadets- classic ..yes...fitting ..yes .....personally..... ehhhhhh

Cavies.....love it with the theme...1st time they look masculine in a while

Crown......don't mind the green so much hate the uniform...also looks cheap

Crusaders......Jenny Craig ...even the small girls look bad in this

SCV.....hmmmmm got the concept...color contrast to corps nice .. maybe a bit much?

Blue Knights.....white AGAIN..... reminds me of a HS winter show in the 90s but I like it.

Troopers..overall big improvement but a little to POW WOW for me

Madison :devil: enough said POW!!!!!!

Blue stars..seen it before but I like and it works :worthy:

Glassmen...although its not a circus and matchy matchy still very tacky :shutup:

PR....hmmmmm not sure yet

Blue coats...like it..especially when the corps goes to the tee

JMO and not how I feel about the guards just costumes

On second thought although I think BD unis are usually the worst I think I'm going to retract my statement for this year....It does work and I think maybe I do like it better than usual

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Was just wondering how you all felt about some of the Guard Unis/ costumes out there this summer. Seen a few I like and a few that I think could make the worst dressed list.

Any thoughts?

When it comes to the question on what do I think on the guard unis/costumes I instantly begin to be drawn to INT.

And INT is a paradox. Here we find both the best dressed and worst dressed costumes being worn in North America.

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Troopers - a bit too Las Vegas meets an Indian - I would have liked to see a more "earthy" recreation of Indian gear - but I get what they're going for

Troopers should have designed their uniforms after Phantom's '07 guard.

Those birds looked more like Pokahontas.....

Edited by LincolnV
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BAC- T.H.O. city! Nipples everywhere....Those suckers are see through but I get it.

Phantom- Boring and not polished at all. Big disappointment.

Scouts- The show is about mexican wrestling right?

Cavies- a little to downplayed and a little to literal. Beautiful silks though.

SCV- I get the dresses, just not the color choice. When I think of Martha Graham, I think of blues, reds and purples.

Troop- I kind of like em and LUST the silks.

BK- unis are fine I guess, just don't understand what the red and brown silk is to represent. Hunting or sledding accident?

Colts- Top to bottom of the show, a well done concept. My fave was the sun rising on the water after the storm. I totally got it.

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Pioneer - I like that they've made a change from the green crushed velvet dresses!

Off-topic but does the admin at Pioneer have a smidgen of a clue how much support they'd get if they were willing to take even a few small baby steps away from their comfort spot? They'd be rock stars, sell a LOT of stuff, and get standing o's at every show.

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Guard Costuming :

Cavies: work with the show

PR : Ughhh those suits....looks like a carry over from a winter show for 2 years

Glassmen : clould there be any more lame or shiny..ewwwwww as usual

SCV :seem to be hard to work with but look nice

Cadets :clean look..fitting of overall theme

Boston : wayyyy to much..or should I say not enough..less trips to the food truck please. lol

Troopers: great change overall for them . a little to costumy for me

Bloo : interesting...I think

BK : see it before but I guess it works...looks hot to wear

Madison. one of my fav corps of all time. I would have a ghard time going out in public in that uniform. What were they thinking.

BD: well never known for uniform taste...for guard it's ;oud but I think I kinda like for a change actually

Crown: Horrible...enough said..another bad winter carry over

I think some winter designers should have left their ideas in the winter...Tim Gunn come get them

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Cavaliers - Love the show - not sure about the guard unis. I like the harnesses - but the shirt combo just looks strange - great guard though!

The top shirt has been 86'd (at least at the last few shows), which makes the look both cleaner and more authentic. Good move on their part.

Edited by mobrien
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