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Blue Devils Hater No More

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THAT right there is why you don't get the show. If you can let go of that, and other musical

conventions, you will enjoy the show.

That's like saying if we can forget that Brittany Spears is singing, we might really appreciate the great band that's playing around her.

No can do.

Edited by BRASSO
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Many of the fans that did not like Star of Indiana's music in' 93 did not participate in the recent poll. They had left the activity.These fans were replaced to some degree with a newer fan base that tended to like this music and participated more as a percentage demographic in the poll. ( Medea was more acceptable than some of the other pieces in 93, by the way). The acceptance of the music did not change over time. Rather it was the fan base that participated in the poll that changed.

You could very well be right, but by the same token, I've read many posts here on DCP by people who admitted that when Star rolled out "Medea" in '93, they hated it, and if they didn't boo it themselves, then they supported the folks who did. Now, with the perspective that time brings (and also the fact that compared with what corps are doing today, Star '93 is almost -- dare I say it? -- conservative), they love it. Of course, these are the folks who have stuck around. But I would venture that every decade has fans who leave the activity because they don't like what they are seeing/hearing. Fact is, I remember hearing comments much along these lines back when I marched.

So this is nothing new. But the difference between now vs. then, I believe, is that the rate of attrition is much more noticeable now. Fewer corps = fewer fans overall, so where are the replacements coming from?

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That's like saying if we can forget that Brittany Spears is singing, we might really appreciate the great band that's playing around her.

No can do.

That is a terrible comparison.

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It is funny, though: I remember a conversation (many years ago, but I remember it vividly) with Scott and George Z. laughing about something they wanted to do, then stuck a theme to it afterward, and then convinced people that was the theme. Hilarious. Remember: designers are creating illusion, and they can tell you whatever they want you to believe. And if they are someone of status, people believe it.

Sometimes you are what you seem to be. If an interpretation that was initially applied in parody actually works, then why isn't it a valid interpretation?

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Sometimes I get a show theme other times I dont BUT even when I dont I can still enjoy it for what it's worth without some big explanation.Why do many people have to have reason for entertainment, either you are or arent. It is funny though in conversation with Scott many years ago but vividly i remember a conversation with George Z. LAughing about something they wanted to do then stuck a theme to it afterward and then convicend people what the theme was...Hilarious. remember designers are creating illusion and they can tell you whatever they want you to believe and if they are someone of status. PEOPLE BELIEVE IT...lmao

None the less its all good.

I'm only fooling too. I love 2010 BD 's show. I think it'll sell more DVD's than McMahon and the Chicago Bears of '85 did with their Super Bowl Shuffle music performance.

Really... no foolin'.

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Some people, maybe lots of people, will not like this show.

I do not like this show. I also don't see it as offering any new paradigm.

They did not like the original music either.

I love the original music. I do not like the show arrangements.

It has nothing to do with not liking dissonance. The Rite of Spring rocked my world when I first listened to it as a teenager and I pored over the score for as long as I could borrow it. I have to rein in harmonies in the tunes I arrange, for most of our players don't have the ear for anything really wild. I love dissonance. I love Kenton's music.

...impeccably performed.

That it is. Props to the corps for immaculate execution. :thumbup:

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Wow...that is weird. That is exactly how the show was described to me by the folks that designed it in the beginning of the season.! Once I viewed it after learning that, the entire production changed for me.....


So you had a personal explanation of the meaning and symbolism of the show DIRECTLY FROM THE DESIGNERS which changed your mind after viewing, but you belittle those who don't understand it as haters or people who just aren't trying hard?

I call shenanigans on you! :thumbup:

Edited by Wadep66
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Miss Cleo? When did you start foretelling the future again?

Seriously though, did you like Star 93 right out of the gate?

I never saw it live. I probably wouldn't have taken to it right away. But I also wouldn't boo it or have said "oh my God they've ruined drum corps and I"ll never see a show again!"

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You could very well be right, but by the same token, I've read many posts here on DCP by people who admitted that when Star rolled out "Medea" in '93, they hated it, and if they didn't boo it themselves, then they supported the folks who did. Now, with the perspective that time brings (and also the fact that compared with what corps are doing today, Star '93 is almost -- dare I say it? -- conservative), they love it. Of course, these are the folks who have stuck around. But I would venture that every decade has fans who leave the activity because they don't like what they are seeing/hearing. Fact is, I remember hearing comments much along these lines back when I marched.

So this is nothing new. But the difference between now vs. then, I believe, is that the rate of attrition is much more noticeable now. Fewer corps = fewer fans overall, so where are the replacements coming from?

I hear you, but I question the candor and honesty frankly of those who say they dislike a piece of music, then later claim they love it. That tends to happen to children, more often than adults. By adulthood, our musical tastes seem to be fixed. If we dislike a piece of music as an adult, no amount of replaying alters that perception. So any adult that claims they dislike a piece of music, but now claim they somehow love it, is not be believed in my opinion.

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