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So Charlotte was pretty good. Anyone else go?

2012 Charlotte Grand Finale

Edited by #kickstand
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I did. Missed Cavies and Boston somehow even though we were at the entrance. Terrible stadium staff and terrible venue. I hope it goes back to Rock Hill again, or I will have to make a trek to Atlanta next year. I could complain more about that, but it won't do any good here.

Anyways...Not very good at collecting my thoughts from last night, as the stadium and Charlotte left a really bad taste in my mouth like rush hour traffic on the way home from work, so I will do my best.

Blue Devils

I have to say that I really like the music for this show. Despite some "wth" moments from myself and those around me, I can't say I've seen a show much like this. My "wth" moment came from the pre-recorded audio, even though I've seen this show a few times on video; band kids around me were for the whole show, so you can imagine that their opinion meant everything :rolleyes: . That's okay though, there are times I LIKE "wth" or it's other variation. I'm a pretty weird guy, I like to bodybuild and I geek over DCI, so I'm okay with all of the anachronisms that BD is applying. I didn't see or hear any real errors at this point, but I did search for them as I would do with any show that's winning. All sections have an opportunity to really show their stuff, and in the end that's what matters. What I noticed is that (I am no brass player and have zero clout in this area) while BD is loud, it comes more in moments in this show i.e. some playing at mf-drum break-jazz run-play again, then bam loud as a mother****. Not sure why drums dropped to 4th last night, didn't make sense to me. Order of placement doesn't have anything to do with it either, so maybe an off night in regards to that. If difficulty is the case (which I don't think it is), they may have something to worry about if they don't want a repeat of 2008. Their guard is great as usual, but as I noticed on high camera videos not as strong as last few years. The errors are coming more from the flags than weapons though, as you can see some individuals struggling with the work or stopping altogether. Since a lot of the work has been individual based in recent years maybe it just wasn't as apparent, I'm not sure. IMO, I wish Scott Chandler would start using another color scheme. Sure, it goes with the concept, but there are only so many creative ways you can have a hot mess of color on the field until even that becomes old hat. All in all, where I was sitting people gave them a respectable ovation even though they couldn't understand their show or Dada. Contrary to others, I see why they are winning for right now, but it's not revolutionary like Through a Glass Darkly (a show to this day that hasn't rubbed on me). My wife absolutely hated it, so it's not a "new fan's" show or traditionalist's show, it's in some nebulous area in between where it depends on the mood you're in I guess.

Santa Clara Vanguard

I told my wife when they came on that SCV has always been one of my favorite corps no matter what they do. There is a sense of tradition even when they do things like Eureka or Devil's Staircase for me, so I'm a little biased. That said, this was a great performance with some visual dirt apparent from the get-go with dressing lines and intervals. I like the drill in that I am seeing the music, but I feel they could stand to do a little more in the Mars section leading up to Music of the Night. This section demands some drama, and you kind of are left with "oh nice, that's from Phantom of the Opera," not "Holy **** they bought it back in a big ### way!!!!!" I predict that if it does, it will materialize during finals week. As opposed to some, I don't mind pre-shows. I love Jupiter, so that works, but I can't stand overdone expressions on guard members faces pointing out 'stars' every which way. Looks cheesy, and a little marching bandy. Guard is integrated okay, though not nearly as good as '09 and '11 as they are in pockets in the backfield for much of the show. I don't see them surpassing their nearest competitor just because of that, and the work is a little unremarkable IMO. The drumline.....just wow. I can see and hear the Rennick stamp wherever he goes. This year, it just so happens that the hornline is much improved where they almost match the awesome sauce of the percussion. After the show, my wife (who had to yell) said "I can see why you like them!" Indeed.

Intermission-Weird. I can see filling time up with t shirts throwing, but a drum major throwdown between hs students? Glad I didn't bring any friends new to the activity.

The Cadets

The Cadets really impressed me in ways that have been wanting in some years. I did not see last year's Angels and Demons live, so I was prepared to be let down by the even year curse. I know that they are kind of breaking that this year, but Toy Soldier had a rough run at Nightbeat two years ago. Don't know why I expected the same, but I did. What I like about this show that many of its detractors aren't, is that they take a tasteful approach to the iconic Christmas pieces. Outside of the Linus lines, there isn't anything to scratch your head about. Except maybe the blond bombshell Jesus they added in "Do You Hear What I Hear?", but it's better than a literal approach I suppose :winky: . They moved well and with little error that I could see last night. No wobbly bodies either when they were bookin' it, so even better. To those wondering if the soloist cracked again, not last night. Good on that front, but bad that he had to be mic'd. Seriously, you have world-class musicians, utilize them and stop making a trumpet sound like a synth. Those around me commented on the tuba solos before they arrived. I liked them as well, but to the person who hasn't heard a show before it kind of sounds like a spoiler alert to a movie...yes, I'm reading too much into that, moving on. The Jingle Bells swing section, while great, is still not at the point I predicted it being for this time of year. I was expecting some throwing babies moment here, and it doesn't happen. The added angel at the end from last year is appropos for the closer to this show. It's kind of like A Second Chance yet it makes more sense :ninja: .

Phantom Regiment

Earlier when I said I didn't mind preshows were kind of proved false this time. There was a slight delay in starting Turandot due to a little amp trouble with the sound effects. I don't think Puccini had this problem. All of that was for naught once Phantom started, which is how it should be. This show, like many of PR's, is storyline driven. While I really like Turandot and it has all the elements I would want in a PR or any drum corps show with the chills you get, I have seen this storyline before. A lot of their show was cleaned in June, and I still think it may max out a little early. That's okay though, as they perform what they do very well and it's still a great show. I am very impressed with the color guard and see this as a step up in difficulty from last years Juliets. They have an understanding of triad that is rare to see in a Phantom guard, so whoever they have keep them. I would hate for a few years to come by and lose some great staff just like it's happened before. I don't see them being passed up, but I could be wrong as Cadets clean and look impressive as well. Their drumline, like it has been stated 1,000 times, is what is holding them back. They are not "bad," it's just that the competition is so good! The good thing is, and I don't claim to know the age of the drummers, they looked young. Make of that what you will. I looooooovvveeee Nessun Dorma, and the changes are good. It's still "drum-corps-ized" though, but Phantom is great with finals endings. Just wish I could've seen it now! My wife's favorite corps and said "they did it again...gave me goosebumps." No, I didn't get jealous.


I have to admit that I was a little let down by Bloo this time around. They certainly did not benefit from performance order. I really loved UnMasqued in the vids I've seen, so I guess I was expecting more. Amps had a bad night with some popping noise, but got a little better as the show went underway. Guard had a rough night, with the last sequential rifle toss in the opener almost bonking the closest guard member on the head. Whew! Noticed some other exposed drops, thereafter. They do seem to be having a blast in the latter part of the show when integrated in the battery. I love their approach to modern music. I feel that they make the best ballad choices lately. Who would have thought to put Bon Iver in a drum corps show? It works. It also works much better with just the music and members conveying the feelings, not "sadness, loss, grief, blah blah blah." Totally lossed on me why that it's in there. The best part about this show is the drum line. The hornline of course is amazing, but I really love the writing in Bluecoats drumlines. There is just something so ###### about their playing, visuals, etc. that you don't see many drumlines doing anymore. While I don't particularly care for the body/head movement in the Love Fest portion, I do like the funky mvts. individuals the drumline are doing like spinning around. Strange how that works. I'm still expecting more of an ending from them. Until they add it, they should remain in 6th place.

Carolina Crown

You would think that since this is a home show for them that people would be more excited to see them. Audience seemed pretty tired at this point though. That is until For the Common Good started. Charlotte has always been a lackluster crowd with cheering for corps, including the home team, relative to other shows...not so much tonight. Aside from a few saber drops that happened early on, this is a more cohesive guard from them than the past few years. I like the change of flag for the opener. While I liked the Superman logo there just wasn't enough color to reach the upper deck. As I predicted, Rosie works better with them than Sage. Not sure if he'll create another Frameworks calibur guard with Madison later, but it is yet to be seen. From my understanding, visual execution and drumline has been their achiles heel. The writing for both is championship level, but we will see if it ever rises to that. Time is running out, so some hosing might be neccessary. The visual in the whimsy section is very sure footed, and I love the pit writing. Nightbeat is not traditionally a great show for Crown, often with overplaying or performing. They were on fire tonight! There has been some complaints from some that "wah movement for movement sake!" but I'm seeing what I'm hearing. I would be disappointed an very ho hum if they stood still or just went in circles. Note to DCI, get a seperate pit judge. There, problem solved with having to catch everything at once. You just can't these days, there is way too much going on. If anything, that's what CC and BD have in common this year. It's sensory overload in either content or visual that I'm not sure how you can judge at field level. But that's why I'm not a judge, just a measly little fan. What I was pleased to see was some cleaning from the closer from my perspective. That's where the .9 was made up. There is some movement technique differences with individuals in Fanfare doing the on the ground stuff, so that should be cleaned since it's not going anywhere at this point. I would have to see a high cam view for this show and I could be wrong, but points don't just materialize from nowhere. Then again, judges are human and could down them again on another night.

EDIT: I should add something that I didn't notice: phasing in the timpani!! Competely together during Fanfare from my vantage point near the 50 on the upper even side. The surround effect is finally coming across!

Didn't hear any booing tonight for scores, just comes slight gasps. My wife on the other hand said "you've created a monster! I'm not supposed to care so much about this stuff!!" So I had to explain to her the mechanics of scoring, of which I am no expert. Yeah, I feel pretty good about that.

I apologize for the very scattershot point of view. I'm a little tired from last night and I'm at work. I'll try to edit when memory serves me better.

Edited by c.l.
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Great review guys!

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Well, I've been away from the drum corps scene for quite a while...I think the last show I saw was one of either Murray State, West KY Univ, or Evansville. I don't even know if WKU or Evansville still exist, I know Murray doesn't though. I just happened to find myself in the Charlotte area this summer, so I figured I'd check it out. It was nice to hear some "Club Blue" from BD, and leave it the Cadets to make Christmas music cool. What a sound! I was surprised by Crown, the last time I saw them I think they played "Zorro", or maybe some Alfred Reed. To be within .2 from BD is an accomplishment for any corps. I wish I could make it Charleston, its been a long time since I've seen the Scouts.

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I took a three year absence from 15 years of successive drum corps as I had to come to terms with amplification. I returned to my first show, Charlotte, this time with my 8yo daughter. This was her first exposure beyond you-tube and dvd's. As with any generation, first hand experience with a drum corps event such as a show with the magnitude of this line-up can not be over-stated. Caveat: for all you other old-timers like me who have or had difficulty with electrification of drums corps, let me just say that I have missed the activity terribly and Charlotte did not disappoint, at all. I have learned something about myself and about change in itself as it pertains to drum corps and life. This point was driven home to me last night in Charlotte as I watched my daughter's first experience into the world of drum corps. Not to overstate other reviews, and not to oversimplify the tee shirt that I saw last night that said "a bad day in drum corps is better than a great day at work." There was not a weak corps last night, yes each corps show design varied in maturity and execution, but, man were they awesome. I marched in the early 1970's, and what I learned is that these corps and DCI have taken the seeds sown from the past and have grown it into some kind of wonderful. Yep, they are vastly different, but, if you observe the expression of the younger generation as they absorbed what we absorbed in Charlotte, what a show. The old timers laid the seeds of today and now the broader audience base can enjoy it. Amplification, I admit I have hard difficulty, but it was reasonable and appeared it was professional in scope for each corps, and ultimately added value to each show, yes even the amped brass solos. The nuances that once could not be heard delivered layers to the pageantry of drum corps. Now, my daughter. What I saw in her eyes is what I experienced many years ago. She at times had difficulty containing herself, and as she applauded and cheered at the impact points along the way for each corps, she would look to me for reaction. I told her if it moves you let them know. She did. While I won't review each corps, let me jump to SCV. Since she loves drama, the impact of interweaving phantom of the opera into the closer was not lost on her as her face lit up with happiness and appreciation. Cadets. Christmas music, yep in July. This show was electric and the crowd approved en mass. My daughter was so ecstatic with the guard dance and use of props, simple props with exaggerated impact, This show was so well done and exciting. If you have not seen it yet, it is worth the price of admission. The colors. the snowflake, the drill, the music left her giddy with excitement. She ran down to the lower wall after the show wanting to touch the members. Is this not what it is all about? Reminded me of when I marched (poorly) with the Purple Lancer Cadets and was in awe of the "big guys, Auburn Purple Lancers" whenever they were around (for those of you who remember). Money will get you a ticket, but, the corps provide the ride. Seeing drum corps like through her eyes was a piece of heaven for me. Maybe that is what I had forgotten...those fleeting moments that bring such joy. In the end, I had placements correct not scores, not that it mattered, but, yes I had to say. I am still beaming for her, and yes she went to school today excited to tell her friends. Dedication? Maybe, Inspired? Yes. A future corps member, who knows, but I would bet that she will be back Last night I too was inspired and was helped in reminding myself that though I have past the point of no-return the remaining trip can and will be filled by the many spectacles that life has to offer, children, family, yes to me and once again drum corps. Thank you Crown, Blue Devils, SCV, Boston, Phantom Cavies, Bloo and Cadets. Having seen the light, my heart and ears Thank You. Great show!!!

Ok, wow. I teared up when I read this. This is probably one of the very best posts I've ever read on this forum. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and for being honest about your feelings. Really cool!!!

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I took a three year absence from 15 years of successive drum corps as I had to come to terms with amplification. I returned to my first show, Charlotte, this time with my 8yo daughter. This was her first exposure beyond you-tube and dvd's. As with any generation, first hand experience with a drum corps event such as a show with the magnitude of this line-up can not be over-stated. Caveat: for all you other old-timers like me who have or had difficulty with electrification of drums corps, let me just say that I have missed the activity terribly and Charlotte did not disappoint, at all. I have learned something about myself and about change in itself as it pertains to drum corps and life. This point was driven home to me last night in Charlotte as I watched my daughter's first experience into the world of drum corps. Not to overstate other reviews, and not to oversimplify the tee shirt that I saw last night that said "a bad day in drum corps is better than a great day at work." There was not a weak corps last night, yes each corps show design varied in maturity and execution, but, man were they awesome. I marched in the early 1970's, and what I learned is that these corps and DCI have taken the seeds sown from the past and have grown it into some kind of wonderful. Yep, they are vastly different, but, if you observe the expression of the younger generation as they absorbed what we absorbed in Charlotte, what a show. The old timers laid the seeds of today and now the broader audience base can enjoy it. Amplification, I admit I have hard difficulty, but it was reasonable and appeared it was professional in scope for each corps, and ultimately added value to each show, yes even the amped brass solos. The nuances that once could not be heard delivered layers to the pageantry of drum corps. Now, my daughter. What I saw in her eyes is what I experienced many years ago. She at times had difficulty containing herself, and as she applauded and cheered at the impact points along the way for each corps, she would look to me for reaction. I told her if it moves you let them know. She did. While I won't review each corps, let me jump to SCV. Since she loves drama, the impact of interweaving phantom of the opera into the closer was not lost on her as her face lit up with happiness and appreciation. Cadets. Christmas music, yep in July. This show was electric and the crowd approved en mass. My daughter was so ecstatic with the guard dance and use of props, simple props with exaggerated impact, This show was so well done and exciting. If you have not seen it yet, it is worth the price of admission. The colors. the snowflake, the drill, the music left her giddy with excitement. She ran down to the lower wall after the show wanting to touch the members. Is this not what it is all about? Reminded me of when I marched (poorly) with the Purple Lancer Cadets and was in awe of the "big guys, Auburn Purple Lancers" whenever they were around (for those of you who remember). Money will get you a ticket, but, the corps provide the ride. Seeing drum corps like through her eyes was a piece of heaven for me. Maybe that is what I had forgotten...those fleeting moments that bring such joy. In the end, I had placements correct not scores, not that it mattered, but, yes I had to say. I am still beaming for her, and yes she went to school today excited to tell her friends. Dedication? Maybe, Inspired? Yes. A future corps member, who knows, but I would bet that she will be back Last night I too was inspired and was helped in reminding myself that though I have past the point of no-return the remaining trip can and will be filled by the many spectacles that life has to offer, children, family, yes to me and once again drum corps. Thank you Crown, Blue Devils, SCV, Boston, Phantom Cavies, Bloo and Cadets. Having seen the light, my heart and ears Thank You. Great show!!!

VERY VERY NICE!!!! I have now taken my daughter to her 3rd NightBEAT and I always get asked on the way home when is NB next year? Everything old becomes new again when we take a step back and look at things through a child's eyes.

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