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Crown Rehersal Thoughts, Among Other Things

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I was with DrumManTX yesterday at this rehearsal. It was absolutely amazing! The cool effects that he is talking about will have you going crazy if you see it live! I know I couldn't get enough of it!

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The video *misses* the show. You have to see it live.

For some of us video is all there is. I can't hop in my car and drive a few hours to a show. Judging Crown's show through video it appears to be a mostly good program. My dislike is the narration in the ballad and at the beginning of the show. Both scripts are the most inane stuff I have heard. Yes yes yes. I understand it is part of the original. I knew that before people on DCP and FB "educated" me. It does nothing positive for me in the source material.

Not only do I consider the script poor, but I also find the performance lacking. The voice is not commanding enough to make me feel the writer's intention. Say what you will about Cadets '07, but they had a few vocalists that spoke with authority and conviction: 3rd movement guy and baritone from the 1st movement "We believe in progress . . ." THAT guy especially had a great voice. Almost Will Lyman or Ernie Anderson good.

I agree that the percussion is much improved though I will stop short of calling them a potential top 4 line. While their book is way better than the sad notes they played last year I don't consider it in the same league as Cadets, SCV, or BD. While they may once again be the "weakest" link they are far from the Achilles' heel they were last year, and in the time before Beddis arrived.

That horn line is just ridiculous. It should not be spoken over. The "clean" ballad is such an amazing musical moment. It is great now. It could be a tear-jerker come August.

I am not a guard person at all (not my bag, baby), but I can recognize good work when I see it. They are some tossing fools. If they were a WGI unit we could not hear the music for all the fangirl screams every time there is a toss.

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Do you think audience members who don't know the source material--i.e., almost everyone--will feel this way?

This is something I think you honestly do have to do a little research on.

This kind of exchange happens LITERALLY. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. I don't even need to cite examples anymore, this is so common. If the audience has to "do research", they won't. The regular fan isn't going to browse YouTube for every song that every corps is playing. They're not even going to buy the program to find out what the show is about. The regular fan is just going to go and watch people march around and play music and spin things.

HOWEVER, this is completely independent of the fans' enjoyment of the show. Simple shows are not always the favorite, and complex shows are not always forgotten/hated/disliked/eschewed. Fans are just going to rate the end product AS THEY PERSONALLY INTERPRET IT. If they don't get that vocals from one song are being used when that same song is being played, they won't research it; they'll judge how it was used. Show designers know this and they design the show accordingly.

Personally, I know people will be confused by Crown's use of vocals. There are also people who know what the vocals are from and enjoy it. Regardless of personal musical background and knowledge, the fan is still going to judge the show on its effectiveness. I guess I'm saying is that it doesn't even matter if the audience has heard the music people. It's still drum corps.

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One difference bewteen E=mc2 and other corps' shows that have had vocals ...

the vocals in Crown's show are part of the source material ... not just random narration laid over unrelated music (as in BD's Dada or any of the Cadets' shows) for example.

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One difference bewteen E=mc2 and other corps' shows that have had vocals ...

the vocals in Crown's show are part of the source material ... not just random narration laid over unrelated music (as in BD's Dada or any of the Cadets' shows) for example.

I keep seeing this stated over and over and keep thinking, "so what?". (btw, I've seen EOtB and enjoy it). Violins are part of a lot of the source material corps play but we're doing fine w/out adding violins to the field.

As many people have mentioned, 1) most people have no idea what the source material is (DCP is not your average fan) and that it has vocals nor will they "research" it. 2) Most people I know that have seen or heard the original EOtB did not like it, 3) Just because something is in the source material doesn't mean it has to go to the field nor does it mean it will "work".

I get it, narration is here to stay, but I hope that one year the show designers will get that a significant # of people think its lame and cringe-worthy. I bring this up every year and will again - at the shows I go to (mainly Allentown and Giants stadium), when corps start narration, MOST people seated around me cringe, shake their heads, giggle or give the "head shake of disappointment". Obviously it's not everyone, but in my experience it's WAY MORE than actually like it.

But, we in the audience aren't the judges, nor are we who the show is written for so it does't really matter what we like. BTW - absolutely loved crown last year, and Klesch is my favorite arranger. Best hornline I've heard so far, only to be covered up by cheesy unnecessary storytelling.

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One difference bewteen E=mc2 and other corps' shows that have had vocals ...

the vocals in Crown's show are part of the source material ... not just random narration laid over unrelated music (as in BD's Dada or any of the Cadets' shows) for example.

Not to nitpick, but narration in Crown's show comes from EotB, but they lay it over the Abyss. So yes, it does have a connection to the show, but IMO is just as unrelated to the music it's being spoken over as your BD or Cadets examples.

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Not to nitpick, but narration in Crown's show comes from EotB, but they lay it over the Abyss. So yes, it does have a connection to the show, but IMO is just as unrelated to the music it's being spoken over as your BD or Cadets examples.

Hah - I was literally just typing the same point.


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