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Music That Makes You Dumb

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I wasn't aware that I was so ill-informed. Guess that enables me to ALMOST attain moron status.


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"The 5th grade kid who won't do his math homework...who won't do his science homework...who won't even bother to take a single book home to do ANY homework...sure as hell isn't going to sit down and practice his horn for the requisite 20-30 minutes. And as a result, that kid isn't going to last in the (most) music programs. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy."

Sorry sir, as that kid and continued to stay that kid to not really dig school band. I work as a musician now. actually Jazz. You mean the studies come from band people that haven't moved from Music ed in 1950. Sousa, Wind Band, Marching Band....

Jazz is the red headed step child they wish they could do, rock is bad, popular music we for sure can't teach (although that's the majority of gigs.)

Not a kid problem its a study group and educational system issue where kids are left out because wind band.....is cool but 1950. Continues in Universities where the point is to prepare for whats next don't even always require percussionists take set. (what working percussionist doesn't play it at least some? Woodblock and Timpani gigs are popular and abundant......)

well that 5th grade kid who won;t do math might make popular music IF he didn't spend all his university time in everything except the most marketable forms of music. It is self fulfilling because those that run the educator system set it up and fear the music they don't know. Maybe less self fulfilling and more of, "We don't need them because their music isn't our music." All music makes you smarter. It teaches focus.

Last the studies say classical music doesn't make you smarter. The scientists concluded that priming the ear to listen helps you retain more. It's like long tones for listening and learning not just Mozart and Beethoven. Band directors and Orchestra people want you to think their music make you smart. Its just an ear warm up to absorb new info.

If you had cared enough to read my entire posting, including taking the time to read for context, you would have realized that I was speaking against the very educational precepts which you seem to think I was glorifying.

Next time, try walking in the other man's shoes for a few steps before you seek to tear him apart.

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.Read the whole report. Music primes the brain to listen to new info. The classical music make you smarter is a funding move from educators

" Music primes the brain " ? What pseudo science makes this scientific conclusion ?

What if we had a full stomach from( for just one eample ) just eating a good meal ? Will our brains" be primed " less from good nutrition than listening to Mozart on ( for example ) an empty stomach ?

There is no solid scientific evidence that listening to music stimulates brain cells where endophins and other natural chemical stimulants continue once the music stops to providing a continous " prime " to anything else at all. Motivation might come into play... but thats a character issue. Nothing in the wiring of our brains is primed by " Music " any more than eating a nutritious meal " primes our brain " from the release of temporary hunger.

Ok... perhaps if we listen to Mozart on any empty stomach, our brain might whisper to us... " hey fella ( or gal ), your brain now is telling you to go get some chow now ". Other than that, or similar cues we receive, " music primes the brain " seems like unproven pseudo science from those perhaps attempting to push an agenda on a potentially gullible public.

" Music primes the brain "..?. oh sure.... as if the human brain needs a blood flow pump to make the brain work at maximum capacity that principally is found only by listening to the " good music ".

Edited by BRASSO
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Correct acts as a primer much like an appetizer. 12 minute warm up.



An enhancement of spatial-temporal reasoning performance after listening to Mozart's music for 10 minutes has been reported by several, but not all, researchers. Even in the studies with positive results the enhancement is small and lasts about 12 minutes. The effect varies between individuals and depends upon the spatial tasks chosen; general intelligence is not affected. Rather more impressively, there is a beneficial effect on some patients with epilepsy. The results are not specific to Mozart's compositions but the exact musical criteria required have not been completely defined.

Epilepsy aside. Brain and Ear warm up. Like an appetizer puts you in the mood for more.

" Music primes the brain " ? What pseudo science makes this scientific conclusion ? Some idiot psychologist must have made it up.....(well it is from a govt site. That's bad credibility alone.)

Power of suggestion, Placebo effect......our Brains do strange things.

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Wow, I'm glad you became a jazz musician rather than, for example, an English teacher. You posts are unintelligible.

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Ok, I'll translate. You're correct my writing there was actually unacceptable and not proofread. Let me translate.

Studies performed in regards to the "Mozart Effect" have created a large amount of controversy and debate throughout both music educators, scientists, and well meaning parents. Following the results presented across the board the effect has been dubbed inconclusive at best. Figures in the Psychology field have speculated on the possibility that this unexplained effect, tested several times, with varied results is more likely the preparation of the brain to receive auditory information and sounds with a possible increase in retention. As seen in figure 1, (My previous website post.) Science has shown an increase in certain areas of the human brain upon exposure to Mozart in subjects however, this remains inconclusive as well. Consensus in the scientific community see this as a credible question as to what this activity truly occurs and what it means however, many variables may account for inconsistencies in their results. Some in the psychological field note this as prepping the brain to learn, similar to a mental run through as performed by athletes such as Micheal Phelps who does this regularly for habit building purposes.

This study although a popular topic with music educators is often misquoted, used for fundraising and enrollment purposes with parent audiences using what they claim to see as an increase in intelligence although the results are quite different. Originally I meant to make a point on the chart. How different would the chart appear to us here if (Horn teacher I didn't aim this at you you can be on offense again call the defenders in.) that if that 5th grader was given a musical goal other than band music they would possibly sit for more than 5 minutes and god help directors excel. Band retains many of the brightest students in their schools. A students fill research jobs, B and C students begin companies because they don't get hired and become very innovative. (See Bill Gates, Miles Davis, and others.) That 5th grader may be an amazing asset to music, and popular music may change entirely and become very artful again IF Music education programs included those "terrible" Hip hop artists, Rock Guitar that is too loud and full of parallel fifths, and jazz that cannot be seen with Roman Numeral analysis done in Bach. Music Education hasn't changed since 1950 causing falling enrollment leading to lower funding thus causing great misunderstanding of studies such as the one presented here.

Many institutions inform students of principals such as these fostering a greater than thou sense that alienates pop musicians that have no interest in band or orchestra. They join and become educated in music and see how the entire chart at the top changes. How many times have you seen a "musician" asked to improvise or just jam with us and they say, "I need a part."

Yes you can prime your brain like you prime yourself to perform a piece of music or "Get in the Zone" to march finals. Or, prime your legs to sprint by a nice walk around the track to get the blood flowing.

See also wine tasting in which you eat a cracker in between wines to prep or "prime" the palette in your mouth for the next taste.

Any Questions

Edited by The Dude
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