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A Final Word on the DCA Competition Problem (this year)

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actually, I have shared a few adult beverages with Lee over the years, and while I find his lawyerly approach to stimulating conversation targeted and somewhat purposeful,...........continuing the conversation on his part could really help his positions,.........he knows that, and my guess is that he finds enjoyment is making rash statements, then staying silent on these and similar boards to see what comes of it,............all in all, a good dude!

now wouldnt that be the describing trolling?

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Trolling x3, since he needs to have a blog post, DCP post and Facebook post for every opinion.

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I do believe you know better than some of this! Is this another example of throwing the collective spackle against the wall in an effort to interpret what, or how much might stick? Law School 101. Hey, we get it. I work with Lawyers almost daily and I appreciate what you all do no matter what side of the aisle I may find myself.

Just like the Blue Devils competitive success has not ruined DCI, neither has the Buccaneers success ruined the DCA all-age circuit.

The last (2) seasons I wasn't on the field in any capacity and I will say this: the Corps in the top (10) were all solid and entertaining. Did you watch the Cabs, Minnesota and Cadets2 this season or last year from your couch? I was fortunate enough to watch them live from about the (48) yard line and I can honestly opine that those Corps as well as the others in the Top (10) have raised their games considerably. They are challenging the members with difficult programs and frankly, it's fun to watch. So yes, I have made the (5) ½ hour trip to Rochester since 2006 (we got very wet that year). I intend on going back next year too.

Certainly, there is a combination of issues impacting attendance. I know several individuals in the DCA Administration and they are dedicated people and are working hard to keep up with the marketing side of things and the ever-changing culture in our society. No matter where I travel, I hear the same complaints you are raising here with most other activities: “how do we get more people involved?” “where are the volunteers?” etc.,etc. Drum Corps is not alone suffering from all of this.

I'm sorry, it is not the Corps, or for that matter, (1) individual Corps causing the attendance problem! Let's be honest. Most of us participating in Drum Corps in any capacity did so most likely because we love the activity first, however, it would be foolish to suggest it's not a competitive activity and the Corps don't show up to improve on their scores each week.

I know you marched in the 1980's, but you have to be aware that there was a (25) year gap in between championships for Reading (1980 to 2005). That's a long time for a Drum Corps and one that was once on top and later came quite close to non-existence. Had it not been for a select number of people who refused to allow the Corps to perish the Buccaneers may have been a memory. To me, those are the true heroes in this activity. We are witnessing those examples at work right now with Corps like the Skyliners and the Sunrisers and several others.

If we are to consider your hypothesis, I'd have to wonder which Corps were responsible for those fans who decided not to attend Championships during the 1990's and early part of 2000(s)? Was it the Sunrisers, Cabs, Bush, Westshore, Empire, Brigs? I think not! Frankly, I know there are a lot of fans and former members just like me who attend primarily because they enjoy the activity. Personally, I have attended most all of the DCI and DCA Championships since the 1980's and I continue to go because I enjoy the Corps. I care a lot less about who wins and I find myself leaving stadiums on many occasions before scores are announced.

Admittedly, the Bucs have been on a lengthy run. They've worked extremely hard to remain there too. However, if you have been paying attention to the past several seasons, there are a number of other Corps who are right there in the mix with the Bucs both on and off the field. Is there anything that lasts forever? For the sake of argument, should the Cabs win the next (6) to (8) Championships straight, should we blame that Corps? I think not. I happen to like those people! Have you ever visited “The Post” in Hawthorne New Jersey? If you'd like to see some Drum Corps hardware, I would encourage any and all those interested in the activity to visit there at least once! What about Cadets2, Minnesota, Fusion or another Corps I haven't even mentioned dominating future years? Shall we charge any of them with Conspiracy to Commit Ruin on all-age Drum Corps? Asked and answered Counselor!

Bottom Line: I appreciate your effort to generate discussion relative to how we can improve attendance! That is healthy. Blaming any one specific Drum Corps is not!

David A. Faust

(*Disclaimer: my views herein do not represent those of the Reading Buccaneers. I share these thoughts freely and on my own accord and not because I was a former marching member, support staff, fan and/or family member of the Buccaneers). I genuinely appreciate all the Corps and sincerely wish success to all current and future Units alike!

Edited by dafepd
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For those that were around back then, my question is this:

Was the same said about the Bushwackers when they won 6 championships in 8 years starting when they were only 5 years old?

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There were a lot of people grumbling "anyone but Bush" in 1992, 1993 and 1994.

I do not remember hearing anything else like this except about the Brigs. That was a different scenario though. Free agency changed the game for them.

**Certain circles** said that. Not everyone. They did some very thoughtful, ground-breaking material in that era. Very much the "Thinking Man's Corps" for DCA in that time frame. Some corps came close in certain aspects in that time or could nick them in certain captions, but again, sophistication and total show design was what kept them on top. Sound familiar?

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Next up there will be restrictions on any corps that starts with a B, because they all ruin or will ruin DCA at some point. Bushwackers, Brigadiers and Buccaneers.

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