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some old corps photos

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The images might not be showing up because she has posted links to her album and the album is set to be private. In order to see them we need her user name and password.

(This is a guess because my photobucket pics used to do the same thing.)

HUGADA, are you using the IMG, Tag, or URL text strings for posting?

IMG ought to show your photos inline without allowing access to your whole album, while URL will display hyperlinks without access to the album. Tag is for embedding and might (again, I think) allow users to look at your whole album if it is set to be "Public".

Just guesses.

And you are doing just fine. Thanks for sharing all of your fine photos with us!

Edited by Periphery
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THX so much for your expertise! I'm trying to follow your suggestions to no avail. My boyfriend will be walking me through it in a few days so at that time I will be able to share! My photos are very limited to the years/corps that I marched, but I think that you will like them..."old school" indeed!

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One other possibility . . .

HUGADA, did you, after having posted these photos here, go back and change anything at all in your pictures, such as giving the photos titles or new file names?

Once a link is posted, any little change to the photo in the album will break the link and your posted photo will disappear here on DCP.

I did this a whole bunch when I first started using PhotoBucket. I had to go back and replace all of my links in my posts with new ones. Then all was better. Good luck! Your photos are great and I hope to see more of them once you get this minor problem sorted.



HUGADA, PhotoBucket says that the album is empty . . . ?

Edited by Periphery
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THX so much for your expertise! I'm trying to follow your suggestions to no avail. My boyfriend will be walking me through it in a few days so at that time I will be able to share! My photos are very limited to the years/corps that I marched, but I think that you will like them..."old school" indeed!

Thanks HUGADA,

Though I also can not see your pics yet, I'm looking forward to seeing them.. :lol:

*waiting patiently* :lol:

Tony B)

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for those of us who remember great shows at great Stadiums. Here are pics of the end of an era. l dont know if these have been posted yet but the Manning Bowl in Lynn, MA, home to the World Open Championship among other major shows is gone... .. I marched there well over 20 shows in my career which started in 67 till 79. Went and saw the tear down when a friend called and said guess what. These pics were sent to me....

end of an era......





Thanks for posting the pics... :lol:

Growing up across the street (Rt 107, Western Ave) from Manning Bowl, standing on mom's front porch watching the DC shows since I was 4yrs old... :lol: Starting competing there at 9 yrs old...

Great memories but a sad, very sad time for ALL of Drum Corps. :lol:

Tony B)

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That is a sad picture... The FIRST time the Crossmen beat SCV in 1992 was at the Manning Bowl. August 2, 1992 to be exact!

The Bowl is dead, LONG LIVE THE BOWL!

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