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YOUR favorite drill move

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'04 - the last 30 seconds of our show....scatter...2 count silence into bassline jazz run and turning around while doing it....then staggered stepoff into a scatter. WHEW!!!!

'05 - marching 200 bpm during our ballad....also the beginning of our closer into our company front. :) :silly: :)

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K, I can think of a few from the years I marched and some from other corps.

03 Racine - rock out into an 8 count diamond cutter into the 007 to end the show.

04 Canos - anywhere in the drill marching by the contras was intense, even in the ballad.

04 ECJ - idk about everybody else but ballad had some intense moments... trumpets making the wedge that had to be perfect and then going across the field into the huge hornline wedge. It was one of those wedge that if one person was off it was ruined.

As mentioned already the closing sets of drill was off the charts, but it could have been worst.

04 ECJ - last few sets, they had this cool boc collapse thing that blew me away. BDB also did it in 05.

04 Jersey Surf had a killer Contra pass through that was sweet.

I'm always amazed with box rotations, pretty had to do correct. So here's some shows with really good box rotations

03 - ECJ in the opener

03 Marion Glory Cadets had a few

03 Impulse

03 Spartans had a few

03 Esperanza had a clean box rotation before condenseing it at the end

03 Patriots had a cool boz rotation for the last set

04 - Spartans reallly clean rotation in the closer

04 ECJ during the drum break, I was blown away when I frist saw it. Tempo was pretty fast, and the box didnt' break.

05 - ECJ had a a few decent box rotations.

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OH man were to begin


-the beging of our show was like a hurricane folding into the box and once we hit the box we were jazz runing backwards for abotu 8 counts turning around the last two counts to then hit em hard with out first loud notes of the show it was so much fun to do.

-the Fugue section of our 2nd number

-the end of the 2nd number which had the whole corp folding into it self into a big fire ball

-Circles in the opening of the 4th movement

- rotating triangles during the melody section of the 4th movment.

- final 30 seconds


-Silent drill

-percussion feature

i really dont think people realise how much we were trucking it in 05

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03 we had a bunch of staggered step off rotating block stuff at the end of the closer that was pretty cool

04 leading up to the last big impact was just ######. mellos litterally flew across the field to integrate w/ Contras. i saw one get hit in the face one time. he just dropped. after that move, the basses used to go wayyyyy out into the corner, and then book it up field, from 16 from the back sideline to 20 in front of the front hash in something like 20 counts, for the end. eventually, like the last week, we switched places w/ cyms. so they had that same move to end the show. even then, it was still not an easy move. at the end of one especially rainy rehearsal there in Dever, our 1st bass tripped and fell, causing the 2nd bass to fall. 3rd somehow managed to avoid it and nudge me away at the last second. it was very....interesting

05 hm....end of the closer from the 4 counts of silence was a blast. lots of very big steps. :-)

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My favorite drill move in our show would be when we made cheverons and then rotate them then moved them across the field.

It first looked like this - <<<<

Then we rotated it so it looked like this - >>>>

Then we moved them across the field.

Has to be my favorite move :music:

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I liked Blue Stars drill this year... great program.


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BDB 04:

-After the ballad we had a bunch of large step size moves, followed by a cover-down file that moved across the field...simple, but fun.

-Last 20 seconds of the show, pure adrenaline, nothing but screaming and yelling, running, and playing fast notes, fun stuff.

BDB 05:

--I loved how our designer included our show title "3 generations" into our show, there was always a pod of 3, or a triangle (3 sides), or 3 lines, or something to represent the show. Good design stand point--


-There is the 2005 show if you want to see what drill moves I am talking about.....

-First minute and a half of the show. I liked how our show title "3 Generations" was represented by one big triangle across the field, and it was made up of a bunch of triangle pods throughout. Cool concept. The triangles rotate and collapse and then go into 3 lines on opposite sides of the field, then come towards eachother and right when the lines hit, the block explodes and reshapes into another triangle. (I loved those moves because I was always the one running around on the back end of the forms. (Back left corner on the left 3 lines))

-Near end in the opener the hornline is in a block, and they condense down into a straight line in a DNA type form. Then they halt for 4 counts and it re-expandes into 3 lines.

-The end of the ballad the hornline does a ripple when they are in a triangle form, cool effect.

-The condense effect in the start of the intro to the drum solo....big ol moves, fun to do....tempo was at 180 i believe, so it was a fun/brisk speed to be doing 5/5's at.

-All of the drum solo drill was well thought of. Drum Features were all positioned well, A triangle was usually always rotating behind whatever feature was going on. The drum solo ended with the hornline doing jazz runs across the field with a collapsing 3 lines and then it'd re-open into 3 lines, etc., Plus the drumline was just rocking out in the front, so the crowd always got into it.....

-Last 30 seconds of the show. Big moves, brisk tempo, fast runs, lot's of jazz running. Very fun to do. (The picture all the way to the right on my avatar is from the last part of the closer. We(bottom 3 basses) are practicly running to our final set).

--Funnest visual show I've performed yet, and hopefully this year can top it--

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04 ECJ during the drum break, I was blown away when I frist saw it. Tempo was pretty fast, and the box didnt' break.

If only you saw Brown falling on just about every run of those couple of sets. It was pretty ridiculous.

If I recall correctly, one run through someone simultaneously stepped on the person's foot behind them and got stepped on by the person in front of them and still managed to stay standing. It might've been me, but my memory is kind of hazy so it could've been someone else.

But yeah, my favorite drill moves...

The end of the 04 show was absolutely ridiculous: I'm so ###### off that it didn't make the video. The baris/tubas were hauling backwards at a 6/5+ then had to stop and go straight into a jazz run forward for nine counts. If I recall correctly the tubas calculated it and they were doing something like a 2.5/5. It seemed impossible, but calculating based on the dots it was right. And then the last set I remember almost getting killed by a couple of mellophones doing at least a 5.5/5 backwards in the general direction of the baris. I absolutely loved running those last three sets. Pure energy to the end.

Another favorite move of mine was watching Eric Borges have to change directions about 3 times during a 16 count move while jazz running.

In 05 we had a decent amount of crazy moves. The end of Caravan had the trumpets passing through the baris - people got hit daily when we were running that chunk. The end of the show from the box move on was a lot of fun too - I'm glad my jazz-running technique and direction changes made the video. The box rotation coming out of the trumpet cadenza was also pretty crazy/fun to perform. I'm just glad that it was cleaner at finals than it was at practice.

But I think the hardest drill move I ever had to do was the rectangle rotation (I call it that because it wasn't a box) at the end of Armando's Rhumba in 04. The lead baris and 2nds were jazzing running at a 144 tempo. And believe me, it is a lot easier to jazz run at a fast tempo than it is a slower one. The body control required for that move was crazy.

Although now that I think about the body control aspect, I realize that keeping your feet in time and staying balanced while marching at 48 (My Spanish Heart '04) was pretty much the hardest thing I had to do. No surprise it came out poorly on the finals video.

Edited by TTitans909
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Going into our fight scene during the drum break in part 3 of our '05 show.

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Going back to LVK '04, at least those in the honrline will remember this cause it was never shown on the video because the camera cut to the pit. It's not necessarily a drill move, but more of a visual. Two words for those who remember: "Bling, Bling." Followed by the rest of the closer. After the "bling bling." COnstant moving gates, gloriousness. :)

Brad Denoris, how I miss thee Satan :lol:

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