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FInal opinions on each corps?

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I really appreciate the great responses to part one! It was nice to focus on two corps specifically and hear a little feedback on corps that don't usually get as much attention.

Moving on to the second thread in this series...let's talk about BAC and the boys of Madison.

Just as a reminder, or for those who missed the first part, I'm simply going to quote my first post as a sum-up of what this thread's about:

Now that the season's been over for almost a week, the finals scores are in, and we've all had a while to digest and discuss, I was just wondering what everyone's closing thoughts on each corps was. I especially wanted to take it a few corps at a time and start with some of the lower-tier finalists, just to get some discussion going for corps that don't often get the in-depth treatment. (I'm sticking to finalists for now simply because more people are likely to have seen these performances, and because you have to draw a line somewhere. Absolutely no offense intended toward other corps.)

So - now that all's said and done, how do you feel about these two corps' seasons? Their progress (or lack thereof, if that's how you feel)? Their design? Their final performances? Improvements over last year? Hopes for next year? Brass, percussion, guard? Vents or praise? Let's give these corps a good wrap-up thread.

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I like this thread idea. Thanks for keeping it going.

Boston: I had high hopes for this show, being familiar with Higdon's work going in...and more often than not, BAC took this one and ran with it. The main issues I have are with the energy level of the show design. The show takes a long, long time to devleop...but the second half is stellar. Additionally, the buttress props are just "there" until the very end, it seems...and seem like a bit of wasted effort in that respect. All in all, I do think that with this show BAC is on the right track as far as making a identity for themselves...the past few years had seemed like the same show idea over and over again in some regards. I hope they'll continue with looks at modern composers now...there's a lot of good stuff to choose from.

Madison: This is hard to type as a Scouts fan...but IMO, this Scouts show was my least favorite in the Top 12. The identity is gone this year, replaced by a Rosander drill that tried too hard to prove the Scouts can move by aping SCV, and a Boerma book that tried too hard to prove that the Scouts can play by aping BD. I tried to get into this, listening to the APD multiple times, but everything felt forced to me. The kids do a great job with what they have, as there is some remarkable playing and marching going on...and oh, how much they did clean from the first of the season. This show, to me, just didn't say "Scouts". Salaas and company are still searching for that right combination of audience in-your-face and playing to the green shirts, but I think this year tipped a little more to the latter.

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Boston Crusaders - I really enjoyed this show and thought it was a good use of props, which I am usually not a big fan of. I enjoyed their performance more in Atlanta than I did at Finals. One thing I noticed at Madison was that their pit seemed to be overamped and it overpowerd the rest of the corps...at least that is what I thought from my vantage point in the lower deck, row 40 on the 25 yard line. The corps uniforms looked new to me this year and were a lot brighter red...I really liked! I was not surprised that Madison passed them, but it is interesting to note that Boston has dropped one position from Semis to Finals every year since 2004...three years in a row.

Madison Scouts - Going into my first viewing of them in Atlanta I was expecting the worst given the things that were being said about them. I expected ugly uniforms in both the guard and corps proper, drill that was scattered and didn't hit and a guard that had major execution problems. I was pleasantly surpised in both Atlanta and at Finals and this ended up being one of my favorite shows of the season. While they received a lot of criticism for the guard uniforms, I liked them and thought they fit the show very well. The beginning of the show featured some very interesting guard work with the use of these uniforms; however, I do agree that it lasted a little too long though and equipment work should have begun a little sooner than it did. The drill was very exciting to watch and was constantly in moving. Their performance on Finals night earned the move up a spot to 9th and I was very excited for them.

Great thread...looking forward to Crown/BK and SCV/Cadets!

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Boston Crusaders:In that The Cinderella Corps.Must not become Haunted by flood of 80s at Finals.

Madison Scouts:In that The Seen in Top Ten Once Before.More of a chance to win Finals than Boston Crusaders.

The WordRider Heeaah!

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Saw once -- Finals. I am glad that they're exploring some more unfamiliar music than we're used to from them. Still, I didn't really get into the show and don't remember much about it other than the buttresses and the frat across the street with BAC signs up (?). Incidentally, if I remember correctly their guard uniforms were red...what's with guards wearing corps-proper colors this year and blending in (Spirit, Boston, Crown (just plumes, but still), and maybe Bluecoats?)...


Except for the reminds-me-of-SCV drill, I liked this show. Saw it twice. Great brassline and drumline, and good drill coverage. Good use of guard characters as well. I like the uniforms OK but it's just too similar in style to SCV.

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I enjoyed both shows, but I do remember thinking that Madison felt like SCV doing their best Scouts impression. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it didn't feel like a Madison show. Not sure if it was just the drill design, or what.

Seriously, though, I enjoyed both shows, as I did everyone in the top 12, and most everyone in semis, too.

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Boston - Saw them 3 times in Madison, and I liked this show. In typical Boston fashion they brought the emotion out of this show (second only to Phantom). And to me, that has become one of their trademarks. I was not a huge fan of the props, just because they really were not used until the 2nd half of the show. And I didnt understand the relevence of turning them to reveal the colors (unless it was just to add more color to the show). But overall I really enjoyed this show, and was surprised that they got passed by Madison.

Madison - Saw them 3 times in Madison, and never was able to get into this show. Maybe I just didnt "get it" but it was also my least favorite show of the top 15 corps (I liked Colts, Blue Stars and Crossmen better). The opening drill was cool with the bass line chasing the guard, but other than that and the fleur de lis there were no other wow moments in the visual package. I guess to me Madison used to mean exciting, and over the past couple of years, it just hasnt happened for me.

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Boston-Eh, Alright show I guess. Entertaining definetley. When ever I see props like that on a feild I think BOA band and now that I htink of it when I see boston I think BOA band.

Madison-Dirty-Second Way happy they beat boston on finals. Demanding show to say the least and cool guard unifroms, maybe a little over done I think. Whats with the new uni changes every year? Not a huge fan on the new ones.


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Boston: Saw them three times finals week. Solid, but uninspired program choice. The props became a liability to my viewpoint, as it made people focus on them, wondering what they were, what they were going to do, and, in the end, prompted a response of "oh, so that's it, eh?" Boston seems to be looking for an identity these days, which is a little unusual, given that they seemed to know who they were a few years back. This year's show was designed to be a bottom half show, imho.

Madison: In some ways, this show felt like it was treading on some of the same turf as Cavaliers '94 show, but without as solid a musical program. Overall, the show's performance level just felt very young for a Madison corps; we're used to them moving a little better. I was glad to see them move up on finals night, as they had a more focused performance than Boston that night, imho. But it feels like they too are trying to find a new persona, in the belief that the old one won't work for them. Doubly confusing considering that the Carmen show was an excellent blend of old and new Madison; this seemed like a small step backwards.

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