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did it ever occur to you that many of the corps whose membership is in question in the aforementioned statement has that internet posting policy in place?

Cabs does, Bucs does, Hurcs does (right Liz?), Empire does - just to name a few.

unless something has recently changed ~ yes i believe the Hurricanes do.

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With all due respect Lisa, many of your members have been posting for awhile if not on DCP, maybe on RAMD or soundmachine or forums of the like? Am I right? I think it's great that the Renegades & other corps of the like have chosen not to enact the internet posting policy, however, being in a drum corps who does have that policy in place, I can understand why they do it.

In cases of most of these corps that choose to have these posting policies in place, it is with the attitude that all talking should be done "on the field" as opposed to a message board. That way, a random joe corps member doesn't get on here and start spouting off about why his corps is better than corps A, B, or C. It's a lot easier to have a policy like this in place before something like damage control has to be even fathomed in a situation like that.

Do I think that's a smart idea? Absolutely. And in most cases, the corps has designated people to speak on behalf of the organization. Public relations people are a mainstay in a drum and bugle corps these days, especially on the DCA level. The Bucs have a great one in Tom Moore. :)

I don't think it's a question of being scared to have an opinion - I think it's just something that is enforced universally within the organization, so as not to jeopardize the reputation of the drum corps. After all, how often do you see anyone from Bucs posting except for Tom Moore, Dan McGrogan, Jeff Zehner, or me, due to my position on this message board? Rarely. There is a reason for that, and one that I stand completely behind as a member of that drum corps.

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With all due respect Lisa, many of your members have been posting for awhile if not on DCP, maybe on RAMD or soundmachine or forums of the like? Am I right? I think it's great that the Renegades & other corps of the like have chosen not to enact the internet posting policy, however, being in a drum corps who does have that policy in place, I can understand why they do it.

In cases of most of these corps that choose to have these posting policies in place, it is with the attitude that all talking should be done "on the field" as opposed to a message board. That way, a random joe corps member doesn't get on here and start spouting off about why his corps is better than corps A, B, or C. It's a lot easier to have a policy like this in place before something like damage control has to be even fathomed in a situation like that.

Do I think that's a smart idea? Absolutely. And in most cases, the corps has designated people to speak on behalf of the organization. Public relations people are a mainstay in a drum and bugle corps these days, especially on the DCA level. The Bucs have a great one in Tom Moore. :)

I don't think it's a question of being scared to have an opinion - I think it's just something that is enforced universally within the organization, so as not to jeopardize the reputation of the drum corps. After all, how often do you see anyone from Bucs posting except for Tom Moore, Dan McGrogan, Jeff Zehner, or me, due to my position on this message board? Rarely. There is a reason for that, and one that I stand completely behind as a member of that drum corps.

I will say again: I'm not speaking of the corps proper. I'm speaking of corps leadership. Read your third paragraph. I'd love to hear from thse "Public Relations" people.

Some people are happy to just do what ever their corps thinks is best and don't really want to know what goes on behind the scene. I have no real beef with that (It's not for me, but hey, tomayto, tomahto). I'd just love to hear from corps LEADERSHIP how this vote GROWS the activity.

Again...NOT corps members....Corps LEADERSHIP.

Edited by LisaLisaMoMeesa
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Fair enough Lisa. :)

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In cases of most of these corps that choose to have these posting policies in place, it is with the attitude that all talking should be done "on the field" as opposed to a message board.

There's a massive explosion of self-expression happening on the internet (forums, blogs, MySpace, YouTube...). I have to chuckle at anyone trying to censor such activities. A losing battle, IMO.

See you in the forums,

- Greg

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So....a corps can't BECOME a "DCA" corps by merely filling up a show lineup...THAT CORPS PHYSICALLY HAS TO GO TO DCA CHAMPIONSHIPS to become a "DCA" corps??

So, even if a corps IS from the NorthEast, they cannot officially enter a tour UNTIL they compete at Championships?

Because if not...........then we should be able to let RCR slide at least far enough to have a "DCAâ„¢ Sanctioned Show" right HERE in Cali............right?? Wrong??

According to the rule book, as it is currently stated (I know of at least one proposal that is challenging this and have heard of others imilat)

is that a corps is not a DCA corps until the attend prelims or Mini-corps. (not that I have seen any Mini-corps, or alumni corps for that matter officially listed as a DCA affiliated corps anywhere)

If RCR had attended DCA Prelims, then the West could officially apply to have a DCA show, or region

South had to wait on Gold, and it was pushed hard to get Gold to a show before we were ready, because the rule was holding two corps back from having local shows (HW and CV).

To me, the rule (while valid in some respects) is flawed and needs to be adjusted. Hopefully rule proposals will address this issue

In my understanding, the NE corps have to pass review before being allowed into shows. I know some corps in that region have had issues getting on the schedule, and others haven't as much. There are no hard and fast rules (according to my understanding of the rule book verbiage)

Which officially makes DCA Championships the automatic FIRST show of any corps who wants to be a member of their circuit????

That's the way I read it

Because if not...........then we should be able to let RCR slide at least far enough to have a "DCAâ„¢ Sanctioned Show" right HERE in Cali............right?? Wrong??

IMHO, the only way that any rule change or exception is going to be made, is if all corps that are effected by this rule do something to show DCA that they WANT to be a part

Simply being an All-age corps (even competitive) isn't enough to gain entrance into DCA (nor would it be on the junior side for DCI, or the international side in their circuits)

If a corps is wanting to gain membership, (to host a show, participate, or just to show DCA they exist), they need to:

#1 Email Gil Silva and let him know they exist, and give him an overview of their plans and how DCA is part of those plans

#2 Email Glen Johnson (secretary), and ask to get on the Director's mailing list so they can get more information on being part of DCA, as well as invitation to future meetings

#3 Fill out a participation Agreement form (even attach a letter that states they aren't looking to perform in Prelims/Mini-corps yet due to finances, but want to explore any OTHER opportunity with DCA

#4 Pay $500 for sanctioning (money ALWAYS gives someone notice that you exist... you don't want to be dubbed 'Director of a Website' because no one has seen your corps... it is a lot to ask someone to give your corps credibility when you haven't performed in public)

Folks, there are still corps competing at PRELIMS that don't send representatives or bi-proxy voters/voices to meetings. There are folks who don't keep their region coordinators in the loop.

The corps aren't doing everything they need to do, and DCA isn't doing everything it needs to do.

I fully support DCA, DCI, DCU, and any circuit that gets corps in front of an audience.

I am submitting rules proposals, and I surely hope those that are effected by the rule in question, do the same. And I sincerely hope, that ALL corps do their homework, read the rule book, read it again, and read it one more time.. highlight, take notes, make corrections, and submit their voice to DCA. Its time we stop complaining about injustices and spell them out and offer corrections

I am sorry if this is off topic, but I needed to get that off my chest

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Greg -

I don't think it's a matter of censoring - I think it's a matter, like I said before, of trying to stop something before damage control is needed.

I saw it after DCAs this past season - and not even on DCP.

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And on the current topic split...

Frontier (and the FPAA family) doesn't censor our members. We do ask for members to always be respectful and realize that directly or indirectly they are representing the corps, the umbrella orgs, and every member in the corps, plus alumni. And the only official voice of the corps online is Me and our Marketing Coordinator.

I sincerely hate that corps (esp DCA corps, filled with adults) restrict their members from enjoying the banter on DCP and other places. I understand their point of view (as I did when I was in DCI and had similar restrictions), I just don't agree with it.

I also hate that everyone can't enjoy I&E as a performer (which is in the same vein as my last statement, at least to me)

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And on the current topic split...

Frontier (and the FPAA family) doesn't censor our members. We do ask for members to always be respectful and realize that directly or indirectly they are representing the corps, the umbrella orgs, and every member in the corps, plus alumni. And the only official voice of the corps online is Me and our Marketing Coordinator.

I sincerely hate that corps (esp DCA corps, filled with adults) restrict their members from enjoying the banter on DCP and other places. I understand their point of view (as I did when I was in DCI and had similar restrictions), I just don't agree with it.

I also hate that everyone can't enjoy I&E as a performer (which is in the same vein as my last statement, at least to me)


Our only "rules" are that only certain people (Staff, Board members) are to speak, "officially" on behalf of the corps. Otherwise, just be respectful, don't act like a jerk... you know... basically, we trust the ADULTS in our corps to be ADULTS.

There are times when a little note has to go to someone like "Hey... don't you think you've stepped over the line on that one?" I know...I've gotten a few of them. ( :beer: ) It's ultimately discussed between the staff person and the corps person, as ADULTS and a good resolution has always come of it (in the FEW instances that it has even had to happen).

Somehow, after 7+ years, we've done ok with this.

However, our corps is made up of only folks who are 18 years old and older. (i.e adults) and I know alot of corps have young kids in them, so I guess that's why they have the policy.

Anyway, in this particular situaiton it's sorta moot as I would never expect a "general" corps member to comment on this rule change on behalf of the corps. I've just invited corps leadership to explain why they voted the way they did.

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