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Why did/do we do it?

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Drum Corps. Why do we do it? Why did we do it? Could you guys give me a little insight why we pay thousands to stand and march out in the sun, travel around with little to eat, all for the acheivments of gratification and a trophy?

I had a conversation today with some people about drum corps, and I basically got ridiculed for participating in it. I think that was wrong (Of course I would, I'm a Contra player).

I'd just like to know why you guys did it.

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Drum Corps. Why do we do it? Why did we do it? Could you guys give me a little insight why we pay thousands to stand and march out in the sun, travel around with little to eat, all for the acheivments of gratification and a trophy?

I had a conversation today with some people about drum corps, and I basically got ridiculed for participating in it. I think that was wrong (Of course I would, I'm a Contra player).

I'd just like to know why you guys did it.

"What is chess, do you think? Those who play for fun or not at all dismiss it as a game. The ones who devote their lives to it for the most part insist that it's a science. It's neither. Bobby Fischer got underneath it like no one before and found at its center, art." -- Ben Kingsley (from Searching For Bobby Fischer)

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I did it because it gave me something to do that I loved...MUSIC. I enjoyed all the lifelong friends and the education that I received. The parties were nice too.

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Beats the heck out of my 9-5 job but the pay sucks. :P

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One word:


--The goosebumps you get when you know you've made an impact on the audience.

--The goosebumps you get when you're in the stands feeling an incredibly loud, exciting or beautiful moment.

--The goosebumps you get when you look around and see your corpsmates and know that you're doing something special. Together.

--The goosebumps you get when you meet people who have been part of your corps since before you were born.

--The goosebumps you get when you sing your corps song with your corpsmates.

--The goosebumps you get when a Buccaneers dog tag is placed around your neck at retreat at finals.

--The goosebumps you get when you see the goosebumps on the member around whose neck you're placing the Buccaneers dog tag at retreat at finals.

--The goosebumps you get when thousands of people are on their feet yelling -- for you.

--The goosebumps you get when you put on your corps uniform for the first time.

--The goosebumps you get when you realize you just achieved something you previously thought was impossible.

Yeah, for me, it's about goosebumps.

Edited by TomMoore
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Well I ended up marching drum corps do to Peer Presure! lol

My friend who marched the year before came back to school after the season was over and sat back down next to me in Band class and told me how he had a lot of fun and thought I should try it the next year! I wasn't too sure what Drum and Bugle Corps was at the time....Just thinking it just some other Marching band....But ended up totally wrong and when I did try out I didnt know what I was getting myself into! Boy, was it tough! afte "my" first season I liked the fact that I was in something that pushed me to become a better individual and being able to travel the country which I dont care what the conditions...I love to travel!

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Consider this:

Poor Joe. He stands at the machine all day long and makes widgets. :doh: Nobody claps for him; "Yea Joe! Nice Widget! Alright, Joe!!!" Nobody really cares what Poor Joe is feeling, as long as he keeps on churning out those quality widgets......and then.....THE WEEKEND ARIVES! :worthy:

Poor Joe gets to slip into "HAPPYLAND" for a few days, get together with his friends, put on the "Superman" suit, and suddenly everything is different. b**bs The stress and toil of real life takes a back seat for a few fleeting days, and somehow life is more pleasant. B)

We all get to slip into "HappyLand' for a few days....I know you know what I'm talking about.....where everything is fantastic for even a few moments........and then the weekend is over and we have to return to reality, But somehow, it's more tollarable knowing that next weekend is just a few days away......

Is it Friday yet? :sshh:

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Tom, well said.

After a dismal year in 1978 for the Buccaneers, there was some expectation of the corps folding. We came back in 1979 and won DCA. It took incredible work and determination to come back after the '78 season. Try to imagine the extra thrill of being counted out and then rising in triumph the next year. Tom, those were some serious goosebumps.

At the banquet in 1979, Tony Yaklich came up with a quote by Teddy Roosevelt that summed up how we all felt about what we had been through and why we do what do. I printed up place cards for the 1979 banquet that had this quote on it - forthwith:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again;... but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spend themselves in a worthy cause, who at the best know in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if they fail, at least fail while daring greatly. So that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

When I think of drum corps and read this, I get goosebumps too, because I see it in every competitor I've ever known. It's why the first place corps strives to stay there and it's why the last place corps won't give up trying to take it away. It's probably why we will see Sky on the field again at DCA.

Forgive me for repeating myself, since I've posted this before.

Edited by Martybucs
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