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Everything posted by exitmusic

  1. Ah yes, anyone playing "BD Fan Excuse" bingo can mark off, "BD's version of demand doesn't look hard, but it is. Really, guys. It's really hard. Seriously."
  2. Why do you go to corps shows if you clearly have a strong distaste for pretty much everything about the activity? I am thrilled for you that you were able to get your pseudo-intellectual rocks off here, but man... it's just marching band.
  3. The amount of butt-hurt among BD fans on Facebook is palpable. Cause, you know... if BD doesn't win, it's a conspiracy.
  4. "The degeneration of the fan network is a reason to steal unlicensed content from the publishers." Fixed it for you.
  5. That's what they WANT you to think.
  6. Crown's subcaption scores are shockingly flat. Danger, Will Robinson.
  7. Yeah, I think it is. They caught lightning in a bottle in 2011. Other than that, the design team has been the same since the early 90s and one starts to wonder whether they haven't figured out how to adjust. I absolutely LOVE this year's show, but it certainly isn't state of the art. That said, if the state of the art swung back toward this type of show, I'd be a happy camper!
  8. George loves being the center of attention. He can't help it.
  9. No, there is innovation that works and innovation that doesn't work. Innovating for the sake of innovating rarely works in any aspect of life or business. The Cadets have always been great at marching and playing, and their real innovation of the 80s and early 90s was finding new ways to do cool things marching and playing that no one had ever done or even attempted. The corps has not fared well with similar attempts at innovating with additional tools, namely voice. Others (Crown, BD, Bluecoats) certainly have.
  10. Because they have never really used any of these concepts very well. 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014 are absolutely cringeworthy to me.
  11. I've decided that I love this show, and I don't care if they get fifth place because it is a "dated" design. This is The Cadets and The Cadets are ####### awesome.
  12. Considerable portions of "Empire State of Mind" are references to where and how to buy drugs for the lowest prices.
  13. This is a great post and the above is my only point. I express no opinion on whether "adult-created" design being factored into the scoring is good or bad. I simply note that to think that "execution wins" is flawed. Anyway... let's see some straight legs tonight, Cadets! GO GO GO
  14. All I am saying is that a large portion of the score is based on things that are 100%, completely out of the performers' hands. The original post I replied to was basically, "Whoever executes best wins," which is completely false. Whoever has the best show design and executes it wins.
  15. Absolutely agree. How does this not at least in some way mean that the judges are judging the design of the show in the captions that are worth the most? On the sheets, performance captions are less than GE, which takes into account the product created by the staff. Corps could max out performance with 10.0 in brass, percussion, and guard, and still lose because the part of the product that they aren't responsible for -- the show itself -- isn't "effective." Conversely, it is absolutely possible to win DCI by winning GE and placing lower in the performance captions. Basically, high "effect" is necessary (and sometimes sufficient) to win, whereas high performance is not.
  16. I do realize this. Do you think in any world of practicality that a show not deemed to be "effective" by the judging community will ever have a chance at scoring highly in the achievement boxes on the GE sheets? No way. Look, right or wrong, the judges adjudicate the show design. You can't win without a show design that is "effective." It isn't enough to be stupid clean on a performance level.
  17. How is this stupid? What is GE? You can't deny that there is a very large component of scoring that is dependent on whether the designers (non-members) designed an effective show.
  18. Not even going to what? Look, you could be the cleanest corps in the history of the world and lose if the judging community doesn't accept your show as being "effective."
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