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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Drumming<br />Tuba<br />Drum Corps<br />...other stuff...

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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. Almost joined when I was 14, but held out until 15. I'll be 16 in January, but I technically started at 15.
  2. It's a Christmahannakwanzaakuh miracle! :)
  3. Who else would ask a question like that but a Medina child? *sigh* I hope it comes back. Always hold out hope that it will come back. It had some of the best footage of lines out there. Besides, DCI has tried to take action before, but it never really pans out, so I'm sure there's still hope. If it does come back, it'll be AMAZING. End of story.
  4. Lame. Swim meet got canceled because of icy roads. Hopefully school will get canceled tomorrow. So I can practice my SABERS MUSIC!!! All the MW drummers are envious of me because I have "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina". I love it.
  5. GLRFAH why did I have to miss practice? I guess you guys will have to amaze me in January, then. Can't wait to hear that sweet 5 contra bass sound!!!
  6. Wish I could be there this weekend. I'm sure the hornline is going to be pumping out the sweetness, and the drums are going to be insane. Good ole drum corps... This corps is for real! Check them out!!
  7. I <3 White Sabers. Hey, I need some more music, all I have is Tiger of San Pedro. Such a great song, but still, one can only occupy oneself with one song for so long during a 5-day weekend. What other songs do I need?
  8. If you guys sound anything like you did last year, it'll be pretty awesome. Nothing like Scottish music in drum corps, and nobody does it better than men and women in kilts.
  9. I wish our high school was a drum corps and got rid of the freaking woodwinds.... Very cool thing to see. Yes, the paper screwed up that one line. I laughed at it, too. But I still like the idea of a high school drum corps. If only our school was big enough to do that...
  10. I know this has nothing to do with Division 2 or 3, but it deserves mentioning from a fan's viewpoint... Watching the Cadets pull off an amazing tenor solo with a judge kneeling right in front of them at Finals. Need I say more?
  11. Yeah, the Patriots definitely need to come back. I need a good Division 2 or 3 corps to march for a couple of years before I go D1. Hopefully they'll be back in 2007...
  12. Back to new corps... I heard somewhere that the Patriots (Rochester, NY) were going to try to come back as a Division III corps. Does anyone know anything about this?
  13. So, if DCA is going to take off in the West, that means that the western corps will have a great year. ...besides Renegades (by the way, awesome show in 2005), what corps are out west? Obviously, there's DCI, with the Blue Devils and the Vanguard and whatnot, but what does DCA have to represent the West?
  14. I can't wait for DCA 2006. Maybe our BD will be willing to take us on a little field trip for prelims... That would be the best field trip ever. 'Nuff said. Not much beats watching DCA championships at a venue 45 minutes from your home, as opposed to 4 hours. Except marching there.
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