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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. BS went up .3 from A-Town and BAC dropped .5.
  2. And if it was the Fall of 66 all over again, when the Army was coming in the front door with my draft notice, I'd still go out the back door with the USAF. Four damm good years, mostly in Deutschland.
  3. It may be the photo, but I recall the Troopers CG Captain's uniform being snow white with buttons and no horizontal braids(?). Ahhh, here it is. Best close up is from 12 minutes onward. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6hWb7BQstw
  4. In hind sight and the way the corps is finishing (so far) this year, from Atlanta to Indy would have been an exciting time to be a volunteer.
  5. You are also correct. (As usual!!) Just turned 66 so give me some slack. With a double header tomorrow morning (love Masses on Saturday.) I can't even stay up for scores.
  6. You are correct, but there are two TOC's back to back.
  7. With their late performance time tonight, hopefully the judges (especially for music and guard) see Boston being closer to Crown and Blue Devils than they have previously. Don't know if this makes any sense.
  8. Don't know if first, but brought it up in another post 10-12 days ago. Either way, with a full Les Miz show, a barricade, that hasn't been included before, seems like a no brainer.
  9. Fess up now! Did you read post #329 of the SCV thread?
  10. My money is still on a barricade. Maybe the props across the far side are brought onto the pitch and turned around to create the afore mentioned barricade.
  11. Time for you to drop back and punt 3rd&10.
  12. Without checking them out, what do you think it would look like? Maybe they turn around and form a barricade. Now there's some GE/Visual for yeah!
  13. On the East Coast Classic thread RayF typed, "Having said that - I don't like the brass instruments. The kids are playing very very well, but the instruments don't ring, sound stuffy. I would love to hear them play that show on a set of Kings." Have no idea which manufacturer has the better product and why corps really choose one line over another one (best deal; kick back; sound the brass teachers are looking for; etc.?), but has anyone changed brass lines late in the season or borrowed another corps instruments for a show?
  14. I find the boos towards the judges more shameful than a positive chant for SCV.
  15. Maybe Boston has saved Charlie a beautiful solo to wrap up his career. Not much meat in his current piece.
  16. Well, the Lions did it tonight. http://www.dci.org/scores/recap/recap_window.cfm?event=f05de3ab-e3ed-465d-99b3-682e670e0e94 .05 is way within a point. Maybe in Allentown the spread will be on the the plus side.
  17. http://www.dci.org/scores/recap/recap_window.cfm?event=f05de3ab-e3ed-465d-99b3-682e670e0e94 The Lions roared again tonight!
  18. If you win by a few tenths, you would be within a point of Madison. Yes, why not!
  19. We need you guys (I'm only here for the entertainment.) to start a thread about O'Reilly's Talking Points a few days ago.
  20. I'm having a hard time figuring out what three letter word the mod's would not allow. Bag of ice? Bag of tea?
  21. Garfield's massive project of showing the corps finances pretty much has SCV (I believe)as the corps with the most money. If this is correct, shouldn't they be winning finals more often?
  22. Believe it's been a few years since they've been on a prime time night game.
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