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Everything posted by DCIbrassplaya

  1. Jim Mason has been snooping around DCI HQ? .........................star might be coming back
  2. http://www.dci.org/news/news.cfm?news_id=5...9d-4bbc07dc82e7
  3. Please read the ingredient list............. http://www.blistex.com/Blistex_dct_ingredients.htm
  4. yes the poster is actually right I've seen DCT in different package (@CVS) and it clearly listed camphor as an ingredient .
  5. JayBocock, Wany Downey, Key Poulan, J.D Shaw, Dick Saucedo I'm surprsed no one has mentioned Michael Klesch as far as brass arrangers go.
  6. it helps alot when cleaning if you know the shape/set , I know corps that the dot book cotains the coordinate of the member and also a 3x4 picture of the pyware chart it's pretty neat
  7. I doubt that , likely the web master has not gotten around to updating that page , pretty sure the brass faculity is still the same and of course a new Percussion faculty .
  8. That's why some corps hold off and don't announce show themes/titles or Repertories just for that fact of pure judgment on the show.
  9. true Bluecoats, and Phantom Regiment were just pretty and Bluecoats have always had really good ballads looking back to 2004
  10. Look into the "AIR MAX Breather" (Crossmen, Crown,Blue Kinghts and Madison ) are just a few of the corps that uses the product
  11. dude whatever anytime anything is brought up on crown you say something smart### or try to make a slam aginst thier program or "brass technique" you do , I've only heard nothing but high praises of the education that the members get and it shows on the field ,JARED get over it dude ,since 03 every year the hornline has gotten stronger and more talented this year they had the visual demand and hornbook demand everybody said WASN"T there, whatever "technique" Mr.Harloff and the brass staff uses it's working cause they sound frecking amazing, get over it JARED go practice. I know the name (JARED) is sometimes spelled differently on rare ocassions my mastake
  12. Finals 2005 there was a Cavalier contra player that took a nasty roll right after the baseball segiment if you watch the video it's in the lower right hand corner of the screen
  13. WOW, this is an old thread, I was In the crowd at Madison (super 3 tickets baby!) I would have to say one of the best recoveries I've seen.
  14. I would 100% agree with Bawker on this, the best package to hit the field in 2006 you guys had me all summer long!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the 2007 Carolina Crown espically that (HORNLINE POWER)
  15. Their 2005 Line was amazing don't get me wrong but ; 2006 was a big step the book was simply outstanding and they did a heck of a job!
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