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Everything posted by davla00

  1. -------------- Well no offense, but the only song in which there was no movement from the corps was Big Noise..... Every other tune had drill sets..... So your comment about just standing and playing is wrong. We moved for 3 full songs and one drum solo. In the three years I have been marching - - the least of our worries has been to park and bark. Sorry, but you must have only seen Big Noise, because the rest of it there were drill sets. For all those who don't like the time -- here is the deal if you are given 20 minutes by DCI, that is what we were entitled to use. Period. We did that. If you left cause you can't stand us or how long it took, too bad, you missed a great show. Perhaps, the DM's were at the gate cause THEY were early, not us being late - - did anyone ever consider that ? NEVER on this forum have I ever seen complaints (like someone posted) about too much drum corps. If you are not a fan of the 70's that is fine, I don't really like the drum corps of this century. We each have our own opinions. Having said that what we all do to keep the activity fresh, fun, alive and inclusive only extends the life of ALL drum corps activity - from mini corps to DCA, to DCI, to parade corps, etc....... You don't like the 70's, I don't like now. So be it. The 1000's of people that stood on their feet multiple times for us ABSOLUTELY disagrees with your opinion. DOUBLE HYPE !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ----------------------- Thanks Jim and an awesome response. From the hornline, we had no idea what was going on -- and when Jim said move, we moved as fast as the guy that came through. In the three years I have been with the corps, hands down Allentown and its patrons give us perhaps the warmest, heartfelt and most enthusiastic welcome of any venue we play. And for the person who complained about how long it took - - that 15 or 20 minutes felt like a second on the field. It is funny how the good things that happen in life come and go like a flash, and the crowd that was there certainly made us feel like we could play on and on, and I am pretty sure they wouldn't have minded (not sure how long we would have held out - - LOL!!!!). TO ALL at DCI East and the FANS - - - I agree with Jim, THANK YOU. :worthy: You haven't disappointed us with your enthusiasm, and I hope we have provided you as is the Bridgemen legacy - - with the show that NEVER ends. LOVE Blondie
  3. -------------- Whale was done by Contra player John Davis, he is awesome. Um, I am married to him too so I guess that counts as bias......... LOL!
  4. ------------------------ Double Hype !!!!!!!!! MORE DRILL, BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ----------------------------------------- From the hornline perspective.......... I have to say that is what makes the alumni version so wonderful..... I feel like I am competing with myself to get better. I think there are lots of us that feel that way......... Plus and no offense to the "work" ethic, they are the funnest bunch of bananas to be with. As to the horn instructor - - he is a good egg and having done the surgery thing less than six months ago and still paying the price for trying to play and march to early......... I know what it takes for him to do what he does. Hip, Hip, Hooray, Hip, Hip, Hooray.... and you guys know the rest. I have said many times and will repeat here - - I am honored to do what it is we do, with the group we have year after year.... they are the best that drum corps brings to the field. Bar none. LOVE BLONDIE
  6. --------------- Amen to DANNNN - - - Hip, Hip Hooray... Hip, Hip Hooray...... and you know the rest...... Love Blondie
  7. ------------------------ You people are officially killing me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Thank God you didn't break it down to the nano second...................................
  9. ------------------ oh no you didn't....... I am now officially not responsible for my actions !!!!
  10. -------------------------- Cmon I am just a squeaky soprano player...... we don't hit. LOL!!! Well, I just think we need to start moving toward a concept like this...... And you may be right about DCI.... but one thing I don't believe is that neither schedule is rigid and 100% inflexible. I don't believe that. In addition, many shows (BOTH DCI and DCA) are not the money makers that they once were, nor do some of the make money at all. So why not look at that ??? Why not talk about condensing things ? - - There is no harm in it....... and if after everything schedule wise is flushed out and totally given a fair eye - - if after that we are at the same point you say we are, then call it a day. And leave things as they are. But I wouldn hesitate to guess that when all of that happens for both organizations...... we might come up with room to make this idea happen. Just look at what as already happened over time - - DCI used to have many more shows on the circuit than it has now..... Same with DCA - - and in fact there are many rumors already on this side of the coast that two or more prominent DCA shows will go by the wayside this year again (ie not happen at all) or may end up being exhibition only...... So the mighty schedule is falling more and more each year..... I am just saying, that given the tide - - we can ride it out and be standing who knows where.... Or get on top of the schedule and what is REALLY happening in both schedules and the reality of $$$$$ and create something that MIGHT (note I am not saying definitely) help move us all foward.
  11. Well again, I am not suggesting anything but combining a finals week activity.... So lets go to the scheduling and what some have brought up -- Like I said I really don't think these things are insurmountable.... It might seem like it on the face.... but it is worth opening the book to things like - - move DCI up two weeks ahead, push DCA back two weeks and meet in the middle kind of thing..... Again, I don't have the answers to the schedule issues - - - but to just say no and don't look back. I think doesn't serve flushing out the entire concept. The goal would be to create a schedule where for both - - things can pretty much remain in the schedule, but just perhaps not at the same times. To work out something mutual. That is all.
  12. ----------------- Oh I know it ends earlier, but not an insurmountable detail in my mind. Tickets..... yeah I thought about that too.... but again something that I think is not an insurmountable issue.
  13. OK - - here is a thought for DCA....... And I am ready to take the daggers for this - - but before you read think bigger picture and future...... What if DCI and DCA came together and created one whole week of Drum Corps Finals....???? DCA would go as follows: Same schedule as they have now: Fri I&E, Saturday DCA Championships, Sunday Alumni event Then Mon & Tuesday have DCA and DCI create some kind of merging events, like marching clinics, music clinics, etc..... parties. That kind of stuff for the in between. Wed the DCI schedule kicks in : August 5 - Indianapolis, IN DCI Individual & Ensemble Competition August 6 - Indianapolis, IN DCI World Championships World Class Quarterfinals August 7 - Indianapolis, IN DCI World Championships World Class Semifinals August 7 - Indianapolis, IN DCI World Championships Open Class Semifinals August 8 - Indianapolis, IN DCI World Championships World Class Finals August 8 - Indianapolis, IN DCI World Championships Open Class Finals ---------------------------------------------- Now lets see what this does for our mutual interests..... Brings together people en masse who enjoy essentially the same activity - - in times, when numbers are down, participation is becoming economically more difficult for all ages, etc. I think the interests of DCA and DCI are mutual in a lot of respects and maybe with the economic world we live in now, it might be time to start bringing those things to the table. That doesn't mean they can't maintain their own created identities... But I know for one as a participant in an Alumni corp, that the odds of me hanging around for the whole week to see all of this stuff in one place at one time is high. I think DCI and DCA benefit - where do a lot of kids what to go when they age out - - - hopefully to continue marching..... to DCA. Wouldn't a mutually created event, increase the likelihood that we keep kids in this activity and give them a place to go to when they do age out ??? Money - - Corps don't have it, spectators can't travel all over the place 100 times a summer to see all of their drum corps interests, condensing things - - this idea will relieve some of this for all of us. One place, one time, you get to see and do everything during this week. Putting two pools of people together, brings together two pools of money, into one event...... MORE, more, more for everyone. Recruitment - - I think I touched on this - - - giving kids a place to go...... Kids need to know and have access to DCA and all the wonderful alumni groups that are out there..... This brings the water to the horse, so to speak. Can you imagine - - a retreat that encompassess the TOP 12 of DCI and the top of DCA..... and maybe even perhaps the Alumni exhibition corps...... Amazing. (don't worry I already know there will be those that say we are not individualizing the corps achievements here, but I think this can be pulled off and maintain the efforts of the top 12 and DCA and still put on a show unlike any other) --------------------------- Here are what the stone throwers will start with: DCA/DCI - - two separate and distinct operations...... My answer - - that was great when we had money and people - - - $$'s and people are seeping away each year and they can and should absolutely stay separate and distinct. DCA/DCI - - history of the two keeps them separate My answer - - same as the above...... we can keep the histories as they are and move forward together DCA/DCI - - are you suggesting merging the two ?? My answer - NO NO NO NO NO I am positing that we create a week long event that encompasses both sets of championships - - THAT IS IT. Once DCA is over -- all those people will leave and won't stay..... Really ??? You won't know until you try it..... So I have no "good" answer for that. and I am sure there will be more..... But I think the financial reality of what we do - - along with the dwindling supporters, attendance, volunteers, etc. - - also creates a situation where we need to start to think outside the box. I realize this is outside the box, but maybe a discussion can be held that flushes out the concept of a one week event that encompassess both championships..... and please don't get caught up in details like well, this is usually at this time of the day and if we do this that will change..... blah blah blah...... that isn't the point of this......
  14. ---------------- Age does not excuse rudeness either...... Peace back at you.
  15. -------------- Obviously an answer supplied by the intelligencia of DCA members...... Rochester isn't perfect, no place is. And if there is someone or some city out there that is as enthusiastic or more, and can supply the few amenities that Rochester does (and just for your reference my sister works every day of her life in the city down the block from the two major corp hotels - and she told me "everyone works there, but no one stays there" - - meaning the city empties after 5pm and it did) and makes DCA "sense" for travel (as much as it can, because we all come from different spots) and can keep DCA out in the public eye and promote the event - - my vote is for those on this thread who want to bid - - DO IT. There is absolutely nothing bad that can come out of a little competition for the business that DCA brings - - and that keeps things fresh, keeps sponsors on their toes, and keeps DCA out in the competitive business of event management. If you can't accept that or you take it as a complaint, you are the problem. Not the rest of those (including me) who have been open to the concept that DCA can be hosted by another city and done equally as well or better...... And I have read through this entire thread to find one ounce of whining and I am sorry, but I think you are the one misinterpreting the comments being made here..... Everyone has an opinion and because it doesn't agree with yours doesn't mean that it is whining. And I agree with the poster who said that it is this type of attitude that turns people away - - it is this type of back in the day, I know what is best for drum corps attitude because I am 110 years old and still have crust on my horn attitude that leads to organizations dying.......................
  16. ----------------- Those are all numbers from over twenty years ago....... Not valid in my estimation for creating a bid for moving the venue in 2012. Plus in order to do this "right" actual gate figures are the ones that anyone looking to bid on this would need. Not what the stadium holds........ Giants stadiums holds 60000 people, do you think that is what HOP gets when he has one of his events there ? NOT!!! So please, I am not saying I have years of DCA experience, but for those on this thread that are interested in bidding, this is the type of information that they need to be "real" about moving. As to the person who said the food sucks, please see my previous comment. It does. There are a few places, like the BBQ spot and one or two others, that have earned somewhat of a reputation as being good corps places to go - - but try and get a slice of pizza on Saturday night within 45 minutes and you are challenged. As for the person who talked about linking it to some event or draw other than DCA - - they are right on the money !!! There are many many spouses and families that attend this weekend in support of their drum corps psycho family member that would rather be doing something else........ This concept is perfect and it should be thought out and pursued - - it will give more Non drum corps people a reason to attend and have something to do and I guarantee it will serve as a great tool for those comments I am sure many get - - "oh, you will just be hanging out with your drum corps buddies, and leave me with nothing to do." How many of you have heard that ???? Just be real about who goes and how many of us and then a true picture of the support services and site venue will come to light.
  17. DCA to Rochester - - as someone who has attended the last two years and now heading into my third...... Let me say this. Rochester - the downtown area is nothing to get all excited about. In fact, if it weren't for the DCA participants and attendees, I have a feeling the streets would be all but barren. Food availability is limited and where you can get it, you would think the restaurants after all these years would learn when the show is in town and put on additional staff. The various hotels are more than accomodating and I have stayed at two different places and they are glad for the business and defintely support their paying visitors. In terms of the show and what the city supports, I know nothing of it. I am supposing that it is significant because of the consistent return to this venue. However, lets go to the crowd - - I think DCA should provide gate counts for each of the events, so the people who are interested can get a sense of what kind of scope of service that needs to be provided. I didn't see a bid package, but it seems to me that the last two years and going into another tough financial year for all of us - - that the attendance has been down. In order to be real about moving or not - - lets not throw around attendance numbers, "like I was at the alumni spec. event and there was easily 4000 people - when in actuality it was about 700"........ For those interested in pursuing this as an event bid package that is critical. I am highly suspect of numbers like 10000 attendance or whatever else that has been thrown around.... Both as spectators and participants, we can all claim to be able to eyeball crowds, but it is never accurate. I personally don't mind the travel to Rochester and I have family in Buffalo, so I usually spend time with them and they get to see us perform. But I also think that realistically - - moving based on attendance, which is ONE good assessment of viability, needs to be accurate and not on what someone said they thought the gate was or how full the stands "looked."
  18. --------------------- He now plays with the Bridgemen Alumni and Park City Pride..... Blondie
  19. --------------- To add to your two cents - - maybe inching toward a full nickel.... I think that if you look over time that Liz's point is exactly what has turned a portion of the crowds away from these events... And if you are a corp - - what kind of sense of pride is it that you hit the field with 1/2 a show, partial drill or incomplete flag design or uniform concept or all of the above???? Everyone knows when the "show" season starts, that is the "go" point - back in the day you started showing in June and the show was done (not that it wasn't tweaked or changed along to meet different challenges), but you marched and played for the full time. Good, bad or indifferent. I am one of the biggest fans of park and bark - - but not when it is done to mask the fact, the show isn't fully written or thought out and therefore, just slapped on the field so the members can play. Fans want full shows, even if they are ugly with mistakes or stuff that doesn't make sense, and the members deserve it to. Can you imagine if the Reading Buccaneers came out and did two minutes of drill and then arc'ed up for the balance ??? At any level DCA or DCI, this would be unacceptable. Fans know it when it happens, they are not stupid and won't pay to see half an effort. I agree with liz. Did I make a nickel ?
  20. Hey Bridgemen Family -- guard, drums & horns - - OMG!!!! Being sidelined and not being able to play as much gave me the opportunity to listen & watch. EVERYONE IS AMAZING. To my family in the hornline - - there are dreams and then there are ecstasy's............ Listening to you play Spanish Dreams - - was pure ecstasy. To the drum line and guard............... I never get to be in front to see or hear what you do - - maybe I should have surgery more often............................ To all of you: I am so proud. Love you all. Blondie.
  21. ---------------------- Which goes to show you that the Gods have assigned to me my designated position............ remember I am not denied anything, I have a CBA right in my own home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my squeaky little thing do just fine......... Blondie. DOUBLE HYPE TO SPANISH DREAMS>>>>>>>>>>>>
  22. --------------------------------------- There is - - ?????? LOL!!!! Just maybe, just maybe, the reason why there are some DCI corps out there bringing back entertainment, comedy/elan, whatever you want to call it - - is because some old timers are recreating that foundation again - - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Just saying. HOLY CRAP I AM PLAYING SPANISH DREAMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo - Hoo Blondie
  23. ------------------------ Thanks George and I am getting exponentially better each day. The doctor was very enthusiastic on Friday. As long as I can bring my pillows to sit, I will be good to go. Can't wait to see everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLONDIE
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