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Everything posted by ajlemm

  1. I really want to listen to this, but it won't work for me! When I click on your link, it brings me to the page, but the "click to listen" button image is missing. No worries, but when i click on it, a new screen opens with the dreaded "cannot find server" message. AAAARRRGGH! Help? (by the way, I am using Internet Explorer. I have iTunes and windows media player installed)
  2. This show has "championship" written all over it. It has the intangibles in it that IMHO, not even the Blue Devils have. From the moment these guys walk on the field in their robotic march, to the drum major's mechanical salute, this show is your champion: 2006, year of the Machine. As I have posted before, the Cavaliers have not always been my favorite corps; I am a diehard Phantom Phan, but Machine is unbelievable. If they would just create a logical push at the very end, they will win (and if you believe everyone posting about the Cavies, they are working on it right now).
  3. I sometimes slow WMP down to listen to specific drum licks that are too fast to hear otherwise. It is amazing what hits are going on that you are never aware of at normal tempo...
  4. Wow. I watched the whole promo video. I am sure the Cadets will be using this device by next year :P
  5. This activity has some truly wonderful people associate with it.
  6. Phantom/Bluecoats/Cadets are within .6 of each other!
  7. I like how the scores are posted and Silver King is still posting the beer on the wall thing. Now that's the kind of guy I would like to have a beer with...
  8. aaarggh. This doesn't work very well....
  9. 97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, 96 bottles of beer on the wall.
  10. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
  11. To copy another poster... Hit refresh... Practice my frontline music for my new gig filling in a hole for Chops, Inc. Refresh... More drum licks... Refresh...
  12. It takes a lot of "ha ha" responses to get to be a veteran...I should know, ha ha...
  13. Boston Crusaders and Magic were the only corps that actually increased their scores from last night. (Blue had the same score last night as tonight).
  14. Who knows, this COULD be the battle for the top!
  15. Well, they have a great book this year, playing the heck out of it, currently sit just a teensy bit outside top 12, keep beating Crossmen, Blue Stars and Cap Reg, just met with the composer of some of their music and significantly cleaned their show up, are ready for a late season push, and hoping to be there on Saturday's finals!
  16. No, I think he is asking about the temperature... hmmm
  17. I can't speak as much historically, but this year I believe it will be Phantom. From all the posts I read it seems they have the toughest show with the most cleaning to do, and they have the 3rd highest score already! Although I hate to say it, but the Cadets could make a late season run...
  18. To be perfectly honest, I was looking for an avatar that showed someone playing tenors. I think I even got it from this website. I totally forgot that it was a Cavies guy!
  19. Not to mention bloody horse head flags. Did anyone else catch that?
  20. I truly believe Blooooo will beat the Cadets, leaving the Blue Devils as the only corps they haven't beaten.
  21. I see no reason why any of the current top 5 can't win the championship. Phantom got that monkey off their back in 1996; why can't the Blooooooooooocoats do the same? Granted, I personally don't think they will this year, but it is feasible. You can't completely count on history as a predictor of future events. Star of Indiana taught us that. They steadily moved up, just like the Bluecoats are doing, and then they just blew up and were consistently top 3 until they "BLAST"ed. Let's just hope that BLOOOOOO doesn't do a similar thing, win it all, stay in the top 3 and then leave us all wondering what could have been...
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