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Everything posted by bdkappasig

  1. imgoin to vegas today so im in a betting mood. ill give you a full point over HNC? any takers?
  2. BD 02 jazz music made in america its the reason i love them!!!
  3. i have found that i am not a fan of going to a show after drinking. it makes them flyyy by and before you know it the show is over. and for me only getting to see one show a year that sucks. after is fair game tho haha :lol:
  4. yea but its like the dude said a couple of pages back. the joke is inside a bunch of threads. prediction threads, show reviews...etc. I don't know I just dont think its funny
  5. i told u im kranky i need somethin to ##### about lol
  6. am i the only person on the whole forum that thinks the INT joke isnt funny? lol and even if it ever was. the horse is DEAD lol. that is all sorry for ranting i had to teach 20 kids how to use iphoto at 8 this morning at work and am kranky...
  7. no cuz blackberry's are stupid. lol sorry im a machead....were worse than drum corps homers
  8. we just gotta hope the tenor player doesnt fall lol
  9. i understand not liking the chairs thats one thing. but its not like they put the chairs out there specifically to give players rest. its not like they said "dang this show is way hard and they're gonna need a rest in the middle" ITS AN EFFECT! there are lots of times when a corps does something for GE that is polarizing. some people like the chairs as a quirky aspect of the show (like me) and some don't. its chill...
  10. looks like you had a nice side of crack with your breakfast this morning haha
  12. no other teams other than the 2 that are in the top 4..including the 1st place corps.....na...no one else exists.
  13. ummm its par for the course. San Antonio is usually the show where corps break 90. So unless every top corps show for the whole decades show has been too easy.....
  14. difficulty might not be on the sheets, but you are straight up naive if you think its not in the judges minds when comparing corps throughout an evening.
  15. so why do you think that judges aren't docking them for easy shows? It is simply not possible to win a championship with an EASY show. so why do you feel like they have won 95% of the shows they have been in since 2006? or is everyone wrong but you?
  16. yea youre right... after San Antonio is when you start getting docked for not having 489298 triangles and rotating blocks in your show. i promise after this weekend they'll probably drop to like 8th or 9th. and then even then they'll only get that placement cuz the judges love the blue devils and have a bias towards them. DUHHHHHH
  17. hahahha ignorance is bliss i guess. god i wish we could swear on here.
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYY its only the DEVS and CAVS that the judges love. NOONE ELSE...how dare you
  19. not a swipe at any corps. i dont like it when anybody does it.
  20. what you're missing as that for the most part. they are out performing people. they may not have a show that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. but they are always top notch in the execution scoring which is 60% of the score. and really more when you think about how quality of performance increases GE. but who cares about execution right? its all about overplaying long chords for the last 2 minutes of the show so that they can get a standing ovation?
  21. you dont make people laugh very often do you?
  22. dude... we all love the activity. but its band on grass man. come on lets turn the hardcore down from 11 and just chill
  23. i have no doubt that they were dirty. thats why they scored a 17.4... because its still the 2nd freaking week of the season. show me a snareline that isnt dirty right now and ill show you a line that has a book thats too easy and wont win the drum title anyway.
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