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Mello Dude

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Everything posted by Mello Dude

  1. Be a sad day if the band has to stand for inspection before entering the field.
  2. Sounds like a great idea. I mean we could just cut the electricity and see how that flies also. Going green and all that.
  3. Because in theory the KB with proper sound samples can mimic ANY instrument. Rather self defeating for the other 99% of the people on the field with a traditional instrument. Frankly this has taken a long time for people to wake up. Your mute justification doesn't really follow. A muted trumpet is still a trumpet and not a sample. Indoor activity with electronic instruments seems a more proper venue.
  4. You would think. But the converse is true also. If lawsuits are pending, there is no way you are getting that. Also, even with total transparency you get that one person (or small group) that is a complete PITA. If you live in an HOA you know what I am talking about...
  5. But it doesn't have to be either of those. That's the travesty. The problem when you start dealing in large sums of money you have to be SO careful who is manning the ship as it were. Non-profits are so hard to do right.
  6. SCV will need a LOT of intervention from what I have seen. I can tell you first hand that when you loose a non-profit status you have to move mountains to get it back. Not everyone is qualified to run an organization or what it takes to keep everything up and running and current. Hopefully they can get someone with the experience needed to get things done. Luckily, they have all year to work on it.
  7. His name alone moves them up 3 spots regardless.
  8. Not even close to absolute. "Data that's available" is simply that. Drawing the opposite conclusions based on "imagination" or "assumptions" seems biased and based on nothing substantial. That is a failure on simple logic 101. But hey, we are all allowed to have opinions no matter what they are based on. Based on what I know to be a fact there are ex-SCV members marching with Phantom and some staff as well. I have no idea on names or numbers but there we are.
  9. You are assuming WAY too much on what others think rather than using the data that's available. I don't know how you can "envision|" someone else's thoughts. I can only go by what people voted (including 20 year old peeps) and the crowd reaction. Music matters to musicians.
  10. Lame? Really? Voted fan favorite for a good reason. Don't underestimate people wanting to be in a show that gets butts out of the seats. The sheer joy of being in a show that doesn't get "golf claps" shouldn't be discounted. Not only that but as a musician Phantom had the best music last year IMHO. Or I should say best drum corps arranged music. But we shall see. I suppose I could just ask someone working in management this year. I mean, it's probably no secret. I'm more interested on what they are doing this year.
  11. No no no no no no no...LOL Those that watch will get this...LOL
  12. Actually Regiment needs new warmup material. I suggest The Mandalorian. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. IMHO, headwear makes the corps have more stage presence. Everyone looks taller. I really don't care one way or the other but from just an aesthetic standpoint, corps without headwear don't look as good.
  14. Those scooters are a menace. They go WAY too fast with people that can't drive and you can't make me believe the brakes are good enough to stop 15mph 500lbs+. That's a LOT of potential energy.
  15. Simple, if you plan on a music career or LOVE music you need to learn more than one instrument. Learn to play something that is in a drum corps.
  16. Woodwinds won't save anything and in fact will kill any identity drum corps still has. Also, the maintenance on woodwinds would be beyond the patience of many. Drum corps is not easy on equipment.
  17. I\d rather see new stuff to be honest. There is simply SO much that hasn't been done.
  18. Well, when they reform will they be required to use all EV vehicles? ๐Ÿ˜›
  19. Sorry, gotta call BS on this. 1986 "I think" they had these HUGE hamster wheels for the guard w/another semi to haul them. They didn't last the season.
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