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dc oldtimer

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Everything posted by dc oldtimer

  1. I have to say the I was quite surprised with the "hard sell" given to us after they took our picture this year before our semi-finals performance. It was almost like they wouldn't let us off the stands unless we filled out a form right then and there. .... then to find out that the "limited, right then and there discount" was actually their real on-line price.. well, lets just say, I use countless other photo's taken by family and friends for my photo archive.
  2. To honor their alumni brothers this year, they will be performing the CAC888 show.
  3. Wow, back in the old days, if you didn't like a particular corps you just kicked their butt in the parking lot after a show. Things were settled right there and then, then we all went out for beers. This is all too PC for me today. Nothing is more funny then reading a bunch of bands geeks get all riled up. And don't worry, I include myself and my band geek drum corp FMM wife in this too. Our non-drum corps friends just crack up listening to us argue about The Cavaliers vs The Cadets all the time. Bottom line, others corps act worse then "our" corps and we will defend them until we die. It is what it is. Deal with it and have a beer. :)
  4. Practicing in Denver in August of 77 we heard Elvis died. After the shock wore off, the drug/fat jokes started flying.
  5. It's here!!! http://www.cavaliers.org/cgi-bin/store.pl?...prod&id=562
  6. Pretty sure that was Whitewater for DCI Midwest. I was there standing near the gate at the top of the hill. I couldn't believe my eyes.
  7. http://www.cavaliers.org/cgi-bin/store.pl?...prod&id=562 It includes the Cavalier Alumni Corps performance.
  8. Ya, but where are they now???? I have a little bit of a grudge against The Guardsmen. They kicked me out a bunch of their practices. I guess I shouldn't have worn my corps jacket when hitting on their women.
  9. I think the staff is pretty sure what they are doing but they ain't sayin. As far as folding.... The Village of Rosemont has said that they intend to fully support The Cavaliers for "for many years to come". Thank goodness for Rosemont. Now, with the economy the way it is, as in any market, industry and it is especially true in the not-for-profit world, things can change when belts are tightened. Lets hope the drum corps world comes out of this still strong. We'll see.
  10. The short version: Several corps knew Muchachos were marching overaged members. Cavaliers had the proof. We provided the proof after their 75 prelim performance, and they were disqualified. Lets just say that we were not very welcome on the east coast for many years after that. Urban myth says they won prelims that year but the score sheets were destroyed. Other rumors had them in 4th. The Long version: http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/inde...pic=15292&h
  11. Ahhh yes. The 70's. My favorate decade for drum corps. Probably because I almost marched the entire decade and the 70's saw the last of the "power" drum corps. Things I remember in no particular order: 1) Marching for the first time in Chicago in 1973 as a skinny 12 year old. 2) My first time seeing the "A" corps perform. I SOOO looked up to them. 3) Hearing Madisons hornline in 74 and 75. NOTHING compares since. NOTHING!!!! 4) Moving up to the "A" corps. 5) Walking into Franklin Field for DCI Finals in 76. 6) BD 76. A defining year/corps in drum corp history 7) The Muchacho incident. 8) Not making finals in 78 9) Back into finals in 79 10) Watching The Bridgemen change drum corp...... except for the overaged members part. 11) The Bottle Dance 12) Slaughter 13) Legend 14) Beating Garfield by .20 at VFW Finals then them not even making finals the next week. (one of the signs that VFW/AL was on the way out) 15) The Rockford file 16) Being asked for my autograph...... weird. 17) Being taught by Jim Alvord 18) and lastly, and certainly not least..... becoming a Cavalier.
  12. Geoff, Watch the Cavalier website especially the store section with all the audio/video's: http://www.cavaliers.org/cgi-bin/store.pl?...howcat&id=5 The CAC performance will be included in this years Cavalier - Samurai DVD. There will be lots of extra's including pics and video's from our 60th Anniversary celebrations. Rumor has it that the DVD will be out late November/early December but most certainly in time for the holiday season.
  13. HEY!!!! ... but you are right. So the oldest Star Alum could be around what, 44 years old? We had a 2nd Sop who marched in the original Cavaliers Boy Scout Troop in 1948. He was close to 80 years old and doing the Diamond Cutter and step over like the rest of us. Incredible. BTW, there was some brief talk about us going to DCA after DCI this year but like with me, our wives would have left us if we "played drum corps" any longer then we did.
  14. Except fopr the stupid judges in the middle of the photo. Didn't they know they were ruining a great photo?
  15. Cavaliers, Spin Cycle. I didn't like it that much either at first then I saw it again recently. Briliant.
  16. Yep. You are right. I obviously mostly heard about us but I know Madison was also part of this myth.
  17. All Cavaliers are gay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that". - Seinfeld Actually, haven't heard this one in awhile. Maybe because the gentler sex has proven this one wrong?
  18. That dude on the right use to be one of my idols as I was growing up. I forgot his name but he could play! Wasn't he that guy that was part of the controversy when he went to the Colts? Something about booze and women? KIDDIN'!!!!!!! But there was some talk about someone "paying" him to go to the Colts.
  19. As I have written about this many times before, it is dead already. I live in Arlington Heights, IL near Prospect High in Prospect, Il. The Marching Knights. I haven't watched much marching band at a high level but once in awhile I have the chance to stop by a few of their practices. With Mike Gaines writing their drill, and other drum corps FMM's teaching them, it is not hard to see why they are so good. But it is also quite obvious to see the drum corps influence. Personally, I see marching band and drum corps both changing taking qualities of each other. Soon, VERY soon, the two WILL meet one day and that will be when woodwinds are introduced to drum corps. At that time, there will be no more distinction between the two anymore. Traveling? Bands travel. At least the more competitive ones. High Level of competition? Bands are getting there. Talent? Where do you think drum corps get their talent from? Financing? There are some pretty rich school districts out there who are not afraid to fund "the arts". Instructor quality? Again, drum corps instructors need winters jobs also. The ONLY difference will be the fact that drum corps have college level talent on the field. This in itself will make it tough to really compare the two but there is no use in fighting it anymore. BOA and DCI will merge one day. They WILL have a special "high school" class like WGI has today. I truly believe they will be one and probably within our life times. When George keeps getting his his way and other directors (which most, probably, are associated with bands also) continue to vote positively on his once "crazy ideas", THAT was when drum corps is dead for me.
  20. I know this is the "DCI Classic Countdown" but I wonder if there was any chance that they throw in some really old videos... pre-DCI? It might be great for us old farts to see some old time drum corps on the big screen, plus it could be a learning lesson for the younger folk. I'm not talking three hours of prehistoric drum corps, maybe one or two shows. My guess is there might be some rights issues but I've learned that anything can be worked out for the right price.... except maybe the 1981 finals broadcast in Canada
  21. Wow, tell us how you really feel about The Cavaliers hornline. There are a lot of music professionals who have enjoyed what Rick and The Cavalier hornline have done over the years. Here are their brass placements since 2000: 2000 - 3 2001 - 4 2002 - 1 2003 - 3 2004 - 2 2005 - 2 2006 - 1 2007 - 6 2008 - 4 I don't know, seems pretty good to me for a corps that "doesn't play melodies", "breath from thier shoulders" and "playing with pinched sounds". I guess all the music professors in the judging community are just not as smart as you. I agree with brassmeaway, there seems to be an undercurrent of dislike for The Cavaliers in your post that has nothing to do with the horn book or how the kids play.
  22. Ya, it was an interesting time. There were a few good years in the 70's but overall it was pretty dark. And it almost carried over and caused the corps to fold in 81. Everyday we thank God for the meeting of The Don's (Don Warren and Donald Stephans...... mayor of Rosemont). Buy the book. The story is in there.
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