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Everything posted by chasgroh

  1. Man...24 horns for this corps is, like, *huge!* As the guard...is huge in depicting character...heck, the whole corps is on stage...
  2. Govies do all things good...and they emote BEST! SUCH a down to earth and entertaining group!
  3. Small hornlines live and die with individual responsibility...these guys are handling themselves quite well...
  4. So, from the deck The Alliance has a multi-faceted visual program...no different now that I'm on top...kinda cool when the flower/snowflake props are moved forward by the guard...
  5. The Kilties have been an Open Class corps forever and this year reclassified to A....smart. They're building and making improvements across the board...wonderful to see them on Sunday night!
  6. ...well coordinated show with all elements contributing...writing consistent with the growing corps' talent level, and just going to prove that you can do alot with 14 horns! Bravo!
  7. ...this group has come a loooooooong way in the few years I've seen them...congrats to the membership and staff, VERY nice effort. Obviously the percussion is leading the way for the corps, these guys mean business!
  8. ...so, yes, 'tween shots I will attempt to comment...one caveat, I've only seen these shows from field level, and with a lens attached to my face to boot, so my reactions will be tinged with emotion if not expertise!
  9. ...well, they're *supposed* to! Hahahaha...when I thought I might be a newspaper guy that was the meme educationally...
  10. Hahaha...if we held this forum to common journalistic principles there wouldn't *be* a forum. But irony is a wonderful tool in lieu of.... ;0)
  11. ...OK...I don't think you got my ultimate point, but my response to what you wrote was good natured...not antagonistic at all. It's just how I see things, as all of us see things according to our varied experience...and since I've been *in* drum corps my entire life, sans the army thing and early childhood, it naturally colors everything I do and say...so here's to our activity!
  12. ...you know, not to put you down, but in whatever experience I've had with *any* drumcorps I've been associated with, olde top *50* to II/III to Open Class to World Class...they *all* have had a great, communal, vibe at the end. So, that's just me observing, but I also equate it with going to war (the real kind) and the feeling we vets have to those we've gone into battle with. It really is similar...and universal in that sense.
  13. ...well, in my KISS way of doing things...one word...Competition.
  14. ...I really dig Sully's drills, maybe because I teach so much PYWARE it's refreshing to *not* see it...hehe...I've teched for him a few times and, yes, it's hard stuff and cleans late in the season, as a rule. I really dug this year's show, but had a problem with focus; being an olde VK-type it was, and *is,* a primal matter of directing the attention of your audience...all about commo. This was especially obvious on the telecast where they were giving us big doses of the *voices* behind the performers on the field (to our detriment as viewers...well, if we wanted to watch the drum corps on the field, that is)...point being that even the video guys were challenged focus-wise. All this said, that was a really strong drum corps out there, and losing Sully *and* Chuck can't be a positive, at least in the short-term. We'll see!
  15. ...agree this sux...so, in the meantime while the fight goes on, public domain. Plenty of material...and, of course, those who write original music would be a resource... no?
  16. Has anyone listed Bandettes yet? Man, I LOVED them on the II/III circuit...
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