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Everything posted by 2CoolVK

  1. I never said anything about buying DVDs. I said if fans don't support the theatre event it could go away. It's not like the theatres have to show this. We're lucky we have a chance to be in theatres at all. And when it goes away, the same people that are complaining about it now will complain that it's gone.
  2. If fans don't support something like this...it goes away. Plain and simple.
  3. The sense is you get to see some friends, support the activity, and see some previews of 2008 Crown, BD and Blue Stars.
  4. Way to be supportive! Hope you enjoyed your marching years in drum corps. Now's the time to give back.
  5. Yes, time for your medication indeed. The last three years have featured legacy shows. How can you make a sweeping statememnt that DCI doesn't care about legacy fans just because they tried a new format. The format has never been the same year to year. Relax on that complaint. As for $25 to see a 4 corps show? Where was that? And even if it was a 4 corps show, don't you think $6.25 per corps is fair for a live performance? The kids pour their heart and souls into what they do. Hard to put a price on that. No one is getting rich off the box office - that's for sure.
  6. Well said. For the others out there not so supportive of the event....If you don't like the program, don't go, but tell 10 of your friends or the local HS band to attend. It's the least you can do to support the activity and help it grow so you have a choice to attend future events at all.
  7. I am going regardless of format because I want to make sure its well-supported so we can have things like this in the future. What if the movie theatres pull the plug and we don't get the live quarterfinals show anymore? Might be worth everyone investing the $10 and supporting the drum corps activity for the good of all not just for your own preferences and politics.
  8. Looks like a great show and the previews from Crown, Blue Stars and BD camps should be cool. Yeah!!
  9. But this is a chance to watch drum corps with other fans like yourself and be part of something that helps promote the activity. Plus, they are showing soem preview of the 2008 season and they've never done that before. For 10 or 12 bucks, it's well worth it.
  10. Not if you read this... http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=7...35-efb69adf914b
  11. The Countdown Trailer can be seen here. I'm sure it will be in theaters as well. http://www.dci.org/countdown/
  12. Fans aren't happy anywhere. We're a bunch of spoiled babies. Florida gets a show back and all fans can do is complain about the stadium, the neighborhood, the line up. I'd be more grateful to get a show no matter where it was.
  13. Not everyone in the world is as fortunate as you.
  14. There is a LOT to do in town. I was absolutely surprised how nice it was. It will be a great place for fans to gather, meet and enjoy the championships. I think once people give it a chance, it will become THE most convenient and welcoming place finals have ever been held.
  15. In reality, there are videos of Green Thunder playing with a country star on the cavies site and videos of OC playing with the same country star on the OC site. That's were the confusion lies.
  16. Here's a thought....don't tick so bad that it needs to be edited. We're bashing DCi for wanting to make their product the best it can be for fans...Let's focus some energy on the performers. We pay big money to see a clean finals show. Are they unethical for making glaring mistakes at finals? Isn't that unethical business practices on the part of the corps? How dare they put out such rubbish and expect us to pay top dollar for it.
  17. I remember when the missed step off was first brought to our attention here after the ESPN2 show aired. Most would have missed it unless someone pointed it out. I missed it. Took me several viewings to catch it. We're spending alot of time moaning about something that, in the big scheme of life, is no big deal one way or the other. I wonder what our troops in Iraq are worrying about right now. How about the homeless guy sleeping under an overpass in freezing cold weather, how about the thousands of missing children out there? People are losing their homes, some are living out of their cars, some live paycheck to paycheck. And we want to villify DCI for editing a TV show. Get some perspective.
  18. I like how you edited your post. He he he. Not very major league on your part.
  19. From now on...no one is allowed to edit their DCP posts for spelling, grammar or content. That would be immoral and would not allow for a true account of the historical record of your original post. How dare you go back and fix your mistakes and misrepresent your true selves. We deserve better. We are drum corps experts - all with an overinflated sense of enttitlement for gosh sakes.
  20. Some of you sound so elitist it could almost be misconstrued as racist by some. It's definately culturally insensitive.
  21. Keep in mind, no one thinks something like that all the way through in a time of tragedy. Ultimately it was the Colts & families' decision and DCI respected their wishes. The importnt thing is that it's posted now and hopefully everyone will file this away in their mind so we don't have to experience this again anytime soon.
  22. Lawsuits between those involved in the accident. They probably wanted to downplay the cause.
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