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Everything posted by EMStar85

  1. Can we PLEASE post announcements where they belong? The clutter is getting impenatrable. Thanks!
  2. Looking good, Blue Saints. Good luck on the road to Pasadena this year!
  3. or at least will help us get more educators involved. Why sit through some boring seminars for your CE units when you can march/socialize/drink beer instead? ^0^
  4. Whew, thanks for clearing that up! I was beginning to think the four II/III committee meeting weekends I attended were a figment of my imagination! :) And I'll beat the naysayers to it...yes, ultimately II/III is "subordinate" to the DCI BoD...but at least they have a say in how THEIR world works. Class A doesn't seem to...but then again, they don't have separate shows...ok, so why are we talking about this?! Nevermind...
  5. Best (publicly-released) business decision made by a drum corps in a long time...IMHO. Way to go, Cap Sound!
  6. Revolution in '04. Back now and healthier than ever!
  7. Interest is growing! Be part of the growing trend...TX Drum Corps!
  8. Unfortunately, that's not really "open-source" which is a building block type of process. What George is doing is fine, but it's a "submit-the-best-idea-contest", not an open-source project. But I digress... :)
  9. Live in Texas for 9 years and become desensitised to it...those ladies have accents! LOL Not a bad thing...nostalgic for me...I miss my family. :)
  10. Brown School is right off Indiana 37 just north of Bloomington. You could see the baseball field in front of the school from the road (if memory serves). The "dugout sign" was a LARGE sign with the Star logo and "Star of Indiana Drum and Bugle Corps" on it. Last year, all other remnants of Star's existence were painted over except that sign. And Sara tore it off with her bare hands before it was lost forever. edit: Brown School = Star's home base...it was a "surplus" elementary school.
  11. You FINALLY let the cat out, huh? Wow, it took you long enough to fess up! GIMME!!!
  12. Bite me! :P You know better! And IU is NOTHING without Bobby! Go TT basketball! ^0^
  13. Just want everyone to know that ALL of us Texans aren't insensitive to the matter. Those of that have lost a corps (even if it's moving 1500 miles instead of folding) understand what it feels like. My sympathies to the Crossmen population that feel abandoned or slighted. However, I have the highest hopes that Bones will live on...just a bit sweatier. :)
  14. DCA and Div II/III aren't competetive? I know what you're driving at, but still...
  15. Well, I credit my band director as well...but in a different way. I had been watching DCI Championships on PBS for several years and KNEW that's what I wanted to to. Senior year rolls around and a few of us decide to go audition for Phantom, but we're only half-serious really. My band director tells me straight out "You have NO chance of making the line." Jerk! When somebody tells me I can't do something, I'm sure as HECK gonna do it! And I did. I ended up at Star because my sister sent me their full-page ad from the Indy Star, Fall of '84. It was closer than Rockford to me by an hour. :) All in all, I've done DCI Div I, II, AND III and now I'm charging head first into the DCA fray! Looking forward to meeting and competing against all y'all.
  16. Wow, great exposure! And to think they didn't condescend AND they never referred to you as a band! :) Great job to whomever was able to set that up for you. And ahhh, the accents. Reminds me of my relatives in MI, WI, and MN.
  17. What can I say...I wanna march with one of my bad influences again! ^0^
  18. Drum corps is drum corps regardless of division or circuit affiliation. Texas currently has 5 corps that have competed on the field (I count Trinity since they are restructuring, not folding). X-men are the late comers. :)
  19. Congrats Navy...as hard as that is for me to say. (USAF 1988-present) (edited date because I'm getting old and can't remember CRAP! lol)
  20. It's already being planned. :) Good luck to Revo and ALL the TX corps in 2007!
  21. Hey that's MY memory, Sara! Oh wait, you were there too...it's OK. ^0^ Hoosier Assembly...the original name of Star. :)
  22. You know, that actually isn't a bad set of estimates! Before everyone starts picking them apart, just remember that those are estimates. Some costs could be higher, some could be lower. But from my experience (and some 990s I've aquired), they're good ball-park figures. One critique though...Div II/III corps DO receive appearance fees. :)
  23. Offering options, Chris. Guess I should have put a disclaimer on the post saying I hadn't checked the fares. Was only supplementing Aaron's original list. :)
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