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Everything posted by wvu80

  1. Which cable are you using, Tony? DVI, or HDMI? Remember, the DVI cable carries video only, the HDMI carries audio and video. On my Win7 computer, when the HDMI is plugged in, no other audio out is functional, including headphones direct from the PC.
  2. C'mon DCI, this is ridiculous. If a corps gets 897 points, so we REALLY need to take the remainder out to one thousandth of a point???
  3. Terrific Mr. Sky! Your post ought to be pinned to the forums, just like the "No Youtube" thread, for all future generations to learn from. It's that good. I watched from my PC via HDMI to a 47" screen and it's terrific! Just remember the HDMI does both sound and video to the TV, so it's easy. But if you hook up head phones into the PC, you bypass the cheap TV speakers, so it's about as good as it gets IMO, you can hear everything. +++ FYI (talking over your shoulder) the fixed cam that doesn't go goal line to goal line doesn't bother me a bit. The FN rocks!
  4. I heard some things in the headphones that weren't quite together for Crown, but I'm being very picky. Cavs sounded great and BD is incredible the way they attack notes, and completely control tempo changes. Who knows what the crowd and judges heard live?
  5. Watch for Crown's ending. That running interlocking pass-thru at the end is UN-believable.
  6. OK, bed by midnight. But we want you home by 1:00.
  7. You're being a bit tough on your guys, bro. I'm sure I'm hearing a LOT of compression in the audio portion, so the REALLY loud parts are toned down, and the soft parts like pit are cranked up. Just My Opinion.
  8. If that happens again just go back and click the LIVE button. It catches you back up.
  9. I don't have the words to describe how incredible this show is, so I'll just agree with you.
  10. Agree the pit comes across too loud on the broadcast. It's because of mike placement. I have headphones. You can pick up ALL the crosstalk before the corps start. Annoying.
  11. That's odd to me for people to blame the judges (the scores) for being inconsistent, and they never blame the corps.
  12. You're pretty brave asking that question to someone who obviously seems to know what he's talking about...
  13. Given what we know about what happened to the real Juliet (commited suicide with a knife) and how we know the last championship turned out for Phantom with the drum major, I don't think Juliet should be making long term plans after the show. But you are TOTALLY WRONG about the Juliets the opener. It is nothing short of a masterpiece setting the stage between theme, music and drill. The dual soloists start so simply, as does the singe Juliet in the middle of the field. Then it builds with the horn line expressing its love for Juliet through the incredible beautiful music, and for the last blast you have all the Juliets in the middle of the field with the horn line in full volume right behind them. It is THE HIGHLIGHT moment of DCI 2011. We will talk about this opener for years. +++ And Phantom ends with Elsa. A classic, 30 years ago or now. But the middle of the show...random atonal horn blasts with drumming that goes nowhere. Forget the traditional "new ending two weeks before finals" I say re-write the middle and take another championship back to Rockford. The beginning and the end are THAT good. What say you, Granny, to my suggestions, and my analysis?
  14. I'm watching Phantom on the FN right now, the replay from last night's MN show. I keep listening to it over and over, this time on headphones. It is so beautiful, it is pure drum corps. Plea to Phantom Regiment, re: the opener: Please, DON'T CHANGE A NOTE!
  15. According to Websters, "cheese" is a condescending term used by drum corps snobs who think they define what is drum corps, to criticize any part of a drum corps show with which they do not like. If you do not agree with this narrow elitist view, then you are by definition, stupid, because you "don't know drum corps", according to them. It is often used in conjunction with and is synonymous with "bando." Honest, I looked it up.
  16. You can buy surge suppressors that have a line-in line-out for cable, but most cable connections are grounded by the cable company at the outside just as it comes to your house. If you have power surges, then a Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) costs a hundred bucks and would be a good buy for you. The one thing that will kill computers faster than anything isn't a power outage, but the power going off-on-off-on. A "brown out" (not enough power) is also a PC killer. When I was a kid my mom was so afraid of lighting us kids had to unplug EVERYTHING in the house, lamps, toasters, everything, then we all huddled in the hallway where there was no windows so the lightning couldn't come around the corner and get us! Good or bad, you are shaped by your experiences growing up.
  17. I hope that post didn't give you an emotional boo-boo...
  18. I want to offer this as a comment but I really don't want to bash any corps, because they are all fantastic. I'm not sure what the name for this type of move is, but I'm not a big fan of "hip twisting", or "squish the bug with your foot" or what other gyrations corps do to add to dance while playing. I appreciate that corps can add this level of detail to their shows that HS or college bands can never get to, but it's gone from "interesting detail" to "please stop it!", at least for me because now it has gone over the top into the realm of "too much." I was going to mention the name of the corps that was the biggest offender (greatest proponent?) but I'd really rather not because I love their show.
  19. That would be "spake." +++ We've already has the usual complaints about judges who are both deaf, dumb and blind, and of course cheating. And some who have threatened to leave the activity for good because it's not drum corps anymore. I'm still waiting (talking over your shoulder, Wes ) for complaints about: 1. slotting 2. DCI politics 3. BD can't march 4. Cavies can't play 4. Bb is louder than G 5. electronics Come on people, get with the program. I have (un)important posts to skip reading, already.
  20. A couple of observations: NONE of you guys can judge anything by looking at streaming video and audio over the internet. I think you can form impressions, but to judge differences of tenths of a point from a high cam and press box audio? I don't think so. Phantom: I'm giving them all my love, because their opener is as beautiful as anything I've ever heard. And last year's PR opener wasn't bad either. Phantom: They have played Elsa so many times in encores, I think most of us drum corps rats have a HIGH expectation of what it should sound like. I think PR can fiddle with it and make it the best closer in drum corps this year. That closer drill has some room to grow as well. The PR people are smart, they know how to get it right. Blue Devils: The show grew on me, big time tonight. Cavaliers: Not my favorite, but that show grew on me as well. Troopers: I'm glad I picked at least ONE corps correctly tonight. They look and sound top 12 to me.
  21. Yeah, but at least he's grammatically correct. That should count for something. If he was going to throw the show, shouldn't he have thrown it against Cavaliers? At least that would have made sense. I think the BD organization should have a talk with him. Assuming you know what you're talking about. Which I'm not sure of.
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