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Everything posted by Sutasaurus

  1. https://mailchi.mp/regiment/introducing-mynd?e=72095a330d
  2. We improve as we learn. Ya never know…Mercury could be in retrograde, hence the electronic issues. Let’s make sure these glitches don’t happen on the field.
  3. They have been scrupulous about keeping this under wraps.
  4. Focus on the guard this year. Props are “portals”
  5. Reveal is starting! show name Mynd. What goes through your mind. Tony, we ❤️ you. repertoire ? Moonlight sonata opener drum feature equilibrium(cooper) fly or die (Giles Rocha) didn’t get the last piece. More to come!
  6. https://www.classy.org/event/phancon-2024/e584527 you don’t have to pay to attend but they could use the buckaroos! Enjoy!
  7. Hey buddy! Some good info on the organization being presented. The board and sister organizations are in lock step in making this corps last another 70 years! once I know what 2024 entails, I’ll clue y’all in!
  8. Here you go folks! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/8B5IMul32CI Phantomettes/Rangers lookin’ intense!
  9. Not sure if you’re up north now but is everything okay in your Florida home with all that rain. From what I can tell it’s effecting southeast not south west 

  10. I’m looking forward to the first show in Rockford, MI. Sounds like it will be a complete show based on what the MMs are saying. Rock on and a big ole SUTA!
  11. Pretty much sums up the mid to late 70’s
  12. AND….wait for it….West Side Story!🥸
  13. I’ll give you that. We all are victims of our upbringing, right?
  14. So when did filthy become a good thing ? Asking for a friend. Thanx.
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