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Everything posted by FluteBoy

  1. OMG, if only the government could find a way to use your uber crotchety attitude as a renewable energy source! 10 9 8 7 6 .... Counting down to the Countdown!!!!! Why isn't it here yet????!!!!!
  2. Hey cymbalmom .... I got this in an e-mail from dci a few days ago with some hotel info at the bottom ... http://www.dci.org/_now/ticket_alerts/2009...ampionships.htm What's the countdown to finals night right now?!! It just can't get here soon enough!!!!!!
  3. Watching a small Internet video is TOTALLY just like seeing it in the theater amongst hundreds of fellow drum corps fans drooling for the season to start. I'm psyched, bring on the Countdown!!!!
  4. Hey guys ... Aha! Some music: http://www.cavaliers.org/seasons/current/program.html
  5. Hey guys .... Would it not be totally SWEET if they could give some Muppet love and get the Count von Count to host alongside Rondinaro and Cesario???!!! That might be the most perfect thing ever!!!
  6. Hey guys ... He-man isn't from Texas, is he? Because he's darn powerful in my book. Maybe if we could get him to throw on a 10-gallon hat, a pair of spurs, and for good measure a DCI T-shirt (though I'm sure he would end up busting out of it with his ginormous rippling muscles!!!), we've got the answer to the question right there. Boy do I wish I could be making it to those events this summer ... the drum corps stars are sure to be big and bright!!! Yeee-haw cowboys!!!
  7. Hey guys ... Here's a good article I've found about different types of cereal for rice krispie treats: http://www.cakespy.com/2008/01/cereal-trea...spie-treat.html In terms of prep, I'd persoally go straight to the source, Snap, Crackle and Pop themselves: http://www.ricekrispies.com/ Perhaps if you multiply the recipe by 150 corps members you'll be well off. If the large quantity is a problem, maybe you can prepare one batch in the microwave (or several!) while you do the other on the stove burners, and go back and forth. Or when in doubt, head to Costco!!! They've got everything! Now if you want to save ALL of the hassle of making them, check these things out: http://stores.pkuperspectives.com/Detail.bok?no=131 They've got a 9-month shelf life! Plenty of time to keep for the entire tour!!! And while rice krispies sure are delisch, let's not forget about possibly the best cereal of all time: Good luck!!!!!!!!
  8. Hey guys ... Unfortunately I'm not holding out much hope at this point, but just in case, here's the amazon link to "Great Divide" by Hanson ... Go Go Green Machine Playing Hanson!!!!!!
  9. Hey guys ... Why does it always seem like all of these drum corps speak in riddles???!!!! XYZ corps will present their 2009 program entitled "I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow, what am I?" featuring music by Frank Gorshin.
  10. Ohhhhhhh, good idea!!!! "Great Divide" by Hanson would be delisch!
  11. Hey guys.... Purdy picture, but that's all?!! How can I or or or or to a picture?!!!! Anxiously waiting for more,
  12. Ohhhhhhhh!!!!! Hey guy ... oh no you did not just say that ... !!!!!!
  13. Hey guys ... Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Bring it!
  14. Ohhhhh '98 Cavaliers, good show. Those color guard cymbal players were fierce.
  15. Hey guys ... It's A-OK with me if we want to call it a flute.
  16. Hey guys ... That clip just made me shiver with goosebumps!!! Delisch!!!
  17. Oh, now that sounds a little messy!!! They'd be "ripe" for a sponsorship from the product in the old SNL skit ... "Oops I Crapped My Pants!"
  18. Ohhhhhhhhh, now that is not a bad idea either!!!! Especially with the popularity of Mamma Mia! If you change your mind, I'm the first in line Honey I'm still free Take a chance on me!!!!!!
  19. Hey guys … If I had a genie in a bottle, and had a wish to give one corps’ staff the ultimate powers necessary to create the greatest show ever, then I’d just HAVE to go with a tribute to one of the greatest performing artists of all time … Cher!!! Though I know a few corps in the past have touched on her a little, (Haven’t the Glassmen done “After All”?), I don’t think anyone that I know of has tried AN ENTIRE CHER SHOW. Since this could potentially be off-the-beaten path for most show designers out there, I figure that last year’s top five probably have the best shot if anyone of doing my lovely lady justice. Who do you think out of those would have the best shot at pulling this program off? I know it’ll sound wild, but I really think the Cavaliers would be up among the top!!! From Four Corners to their Chicago Show to Machine to Billy Joel and beyond, since the 2000s I think they’ve really shown that they can take people in just about any direction. And OOOOOOhhhhh, doesn’t it just give you chills thinking about what this show could be???!!!! Here’s my ultimate programming wish list for this show: Opener: “Gypsies, Tramps And Thieves” Ballad: “If I Could Turn Back Time” Drum Solo: Combo of “Half Breed” into “Love One Another” Finale: “Believe” Encore: “I Got You Babe” Love Yah Honey!!!
  20. Hey guys ... There have been some shows thorughout the years that have made me feel a little like I was being probed by aliens!!!!! [Whistling theme to the X Files]
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