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Stick Stack

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Everything posted by Stick Stack

  1. So, the annual 2007 DCI proposals for the future of Drum Corps are coming up... What would you like to see proposed? What changes would you make to the state of DCI? Submit your own proposals here!
  2. I'd have to honestly say that I enjoyed 2005 better. The Thanksgiving Parade corps really did give it up and perform their hearts out, and 2006 was a show, but I just really think the 2005 championship was more enjoyable. I can't really put my finger on it...that's just the way it is. Sequels rarely live up to their counterparts....sadness.
  3. The second one reminded me of threads that start with... "This is not a thread to discuss the pros and cons of amps or whether you're for or against it" Proceeded with posts of... A discussion of the pros and cons of amps and whether you're for or against it! And, of course... The Zone: Frame-Scherazade in Moto Perpetuo with a Godfather, part tres.
  4. If it makes you feel any better, me and my drum corps friend were riding along and we both heard this song for the first time. The band reference caught my attention, then the demons, then when they said Phantom we both reacted the same way. It's not about Phantom Regiment, but it has some cool coincidences.
  5. How about.... w/Stp: Come on! I can't even count how many times I've seen that and thought to myself..."Wow....that's just great..."
  6. "Well, once you've marched there then maybe you can have an opinion on this". Or... Somebody complaining about a certain corps, then the response... "Wow, somebody must have had a bad audition/got cut!" Also, any kind of review that has criticism after criticsm and didn't like this/didn't like that, then at the end "Overall though the show was nice, liked the concept." "In before lock!!"
  7. You mean the one that goes something like "Cigarettes killed my father...and" yeah you're right probably best not to go on.
  8. I believe it's been a necessary course of action to hide the extreme lack of training necessary to properly perform any particular style. (Lack of training on both students AND teachers who have only done "colorguard dance") Also, I believe that accounts for the lack of variety. Performers throughout their course of training will get extremely proficient in certain dance skills, and have terrible habits when it comes to others, because of the lack of a solid foundation in basic dance technique. Instructors tend to stick with what's cleanable. That's why you see a million tour jettes, assembles, and switch leaps and jumps landing in the splits. It's the colorguard dance equivalent of a high toss.
  9. Looks like something off of an American Eagle T-shirt.
  10. I believe that it's only going to be as good as the instructor can explain it. Many instructors I've had, even at the highest levels, do not understand mixed meter, especially with a shifting mixed meter or a meter that changes frequently. I would suggest getting someone who understands music really well (I.E. a band director) to come in and help counting the music and phrasing, at least at the design level of the process. They usually have much more experience teaching mixed meter and know how to explain it well to students. Miced meter can do well, as long as judges recognize that something is mixed meter and can understand the difficulties associated with it. I don't believe this always happens. Then again, it's a good selling point in critique...
  11. I seem to recall the Phantom "Hit then miss, hit then miss" argument being used as a reason why people didn't think they were going to do well last year... Besides the fact that they've had two top 3 finishes in a row, if you look at the rankings for the past 8 years... 1999- 8th 2000- 7th 2001- 6th 2002- 5th 2003- 4th 2004- 5th 2005- 3rd 2006- 2nd You'll see that, as far as placements go (With the one exception of 2004) it hardly resembles a "Hit then miss" scenario. Now, as far as entertaining shows, the "Hit then miss" argument might apply. But that's discussion best left to a different thread.
  12. This is correct. It was during the second half of the quartet, when the hornline is shiftin as a box to the left and lines are rotating inside them. I believe the move at the end of the ballad was dubbed the caterpillar. A Matrix show would be very cool. There is plenty to draw on, from imagery to visuals to music. I believe Cavaliers would be the best corps to do that type of show. On a side note, I hear of things in drum corps and marching band shows dubbed "The Matrix" all the time.
  13. You see, if they did a sequel, it would be "!!". Or better yet, a trilogy "!!!".
  14. Didn't Howard Dean already address this in a presidential candidate speech? B) I just assume the announcer is supposed to make a really loud noise. Or, realisticly, just "exclamation" would work.
  15. Check out the preview for Phantom's tour DVD on regiment.org. It's got video clips from the finals DVD too!
  16. Yes, you can grab it at the flat, stright up and down every time, or even all angles. Flat is a very even spin. Straight up and down emphasizes effort changes, because you have to use more effort to get the flag around, then less to turn it. When you grab it with you left hand alternating over and under, I've heard it called something else. All different styles, most of them vary by schools of thought and region of the country. (East coast, west coast, midwest)
  17. Well then you need to see Pride's First Circle show! You will be pleased. Mixed meter is easier to write singing the music than putting a checkpoint to each count, since more often than not the counts will fly by a little quicker. It's easier to get the flow of it by writing to the phrase rather than the beat.
  18. Well, I don't think that there would be any kind of doubt of it reaching $100 after a 1 year span, considering that this was first advertised last week. The first time I saw it mentioned was like October 29th ish. If it's only been a few days and is already up to $40, my bet is that it will at least make it to $100 by a year from now! Money is money, and I think this is a very creative way to gain it. It looks like the money is generated easiest by the number of people who use it, though, so if you feel like supporting it, tell your friends to make it their homepage! ^0^
  19. See I had a dream where the girl opens up the door only to see the devil from Phantom's show comes out. Then, the beginning of Scythian Suite starts being played as the girl slowly gets dragged into the door and dissapears forever. Ironically, it wasn't a nightmare. Ha! ^0^
  20. Yes, I've done them all but they're kind of hard to explain. Most of them they would probably teach at auditions. A mill pot/flat spin-You do two peggy spins, then leaving your hands left hand thumb up the pole and right hand money hand- you carve the tip down and through to the other side, so that your left hand is further away from your body than your money hand. From there, the flag tip slices parallel to the ground to the left side of your body so you right hand is furthest out. Then, you drop your right hand and pole tip down and continue with two peggy spins. This one is the most complicated to describe. It's easier seen than explained. Triplet spin- similar to a drop spin, the timing is in 6/8 or a waltz feel. You do one drop spin so the silk is down then drop spin up flag silk up, but instead of doing another drop spin you do a thumb flip with the hand you just grabbed. Your left hand stays on or close to the pole. The silk should then move to the down position, and you repeat. (When you repeat the flag silk will be opposite) The flag level changes from low to high relative to your body every three counts. Thumb flips with toss at end- These are standard thumb flips and vary upon technique. The flag is in one hand, and using one hand you open and close your palm. The flag should roll in your palm and stay connected to your hand. The silk will alternate between up and down. I believe the toss at end refers to the opening out motion that you do to bring it to the cracker jack position for the next part of the exercise. When the flag silk is up, you pull your hand out and maneuver the flag to a silk down position, left hand at bottom tape and right hand at the tab near the silk. Cracker jacks- An opposition motion with both of your hands. On the right side, your left hand being at the bottom tape opens out to the left. Your right hand, being at the tab(The flag is silk down) opens out to the right. The flag should do an entire revolution to end up where it started, hands in same position, flag in same position. Repeat. I have never auditioned for Carolina Crown, so I don't know their particulars about running an audition. However, they will demonstrate everything that you will need to know for an audition, particularly to teach their technique of each move. This is because, part of every audition is seeing how well an auditioner can pick up the STYLE and the details of technique.
  21. I agree. Wouldn't Div 1 corps take a paycut if they move down to Div II? I always figured that is why corps stick around in lower Div I.
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