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Everything posted by GUARDLING

  1. One only has to look at at empty stadiums for OC on tour and ask an OC member how that feels...now thats the sad truth. I've said for many many years if people want OC to have a bigger voice GET IN THE SEATS, instead of talking about it...it works
  2. what doesnt show up for OC shows are some of the same who continually complain how OC is not supported. Also many of the same who support the parking lot before the smaller corps in the stadium. Seen it all 1st hand.
  3. entertainment is as subjective as assuming something wasn't. By the way , IMO if a corps merely came out deserved support no matter what they did or even how well they did it. and that's what happened...........as it should have
  4. Yes it did IMO, for this year. In a year when we came off a non season and doubt for the future. AS well as programs like Boston and Bluecoats did appeal to MMs as well as viewers.
  5. Actually mostly when guards have some smaller camps and auditions they are inside. Creatively there are more things I think that can be done virtually than ever thought before and will be utilized by staff . Now besides some technique close up or a members abilities alot of guard movement is also comparison to each other, this of course will be difficult virtually BUT I think more corps next year will utilize this as much as they can. Guards as a whole also never are full or together with everyone till after WGI. I don't think outside or in makes a heck of alot of difference anymore especially with the big shows indoors mostly.
  6. Often management with good intentions and no big picture insight. .Which lead to corps not making it one way or another. Also there are some of the big money makers of today who were notorious for the same and were lucky enough to hang on by a thread over the years and now have a money making machine Success and promises made, promises KEPT goes a long way.
  7. Right. ....Bottom line is it will be ( as always ) just what the corps want it to be....whatever that means
  8. Youre right BUT those same corps you are praising and who deserve it are some of the same who help make the rules and the criteria. Some have it backward on WHO AND WHY and HOW theses things come about. I'm not saying I'm in favor of 1 or the other just how the process works. Often judges get the wrap yet the corps themselves made those decisions and the direction and breakdown. Now if some don't like how the judging came out, that's a much different story.
  9. You're missing who decides how things are judged and where the activity goes...Judges just don't make up the rules based on nothing, it's how corps decide how judging will go. Now if one doesn't like how judging turns out , that's different, judging criteria or the direction of the activity is decided by the corps. So if you want to blame why one thing has more weight than another or a breakdown you have to blame the corps.
  10. HAs nothing to do with judging. .Remember the corps decide what and how the criteria comes about and how and what direction the activity moves
  11. I did march, teach and judged under that and other systems and what you say is more than true,
  12. Amen!...and talk about park and blow...lol.. remember even the concert number?...lol Sometimes I look back and wonder how we even broke a sweat...lol..but we did
  13. I think youre right...for now...with everything that has happened in the past year and how things had to be you will see less of it than usual for some.
  14. It can be done WGI does this for a fan favorite BUT it doesn't have anything to do with scoring. Mostly its what staff people can do to muster up friends, family, etc etc to text in.
  15. lol...I appreciate the humor, i really do...Now with that said I personally would rather clean arcs, lines, boxes etc etc then fluttering free form etc etc. In the beginning YEARSSSSSSS ago some staff would say just get there, NOW for sometime every step is considered and made consistent , If every step isn't planned how could it ever reach destination, etc etc without disaster. Maybe a few don't consider this..lol Bottom line...way harder I'm with ya as far as how someone can judge tenths between corps, a hard and questionable task BUT I will say it's credit to the corps IMO. Is there really a huge difference between sport 1, 2 or 3? no, 4 5 or 6? not really in many cases. Just to be among the top 12 today is a very high level.
  16. It did just the opposite. How could a corps back then place often many spots lower or higher one day to the next, bad night? a spot or even 2?, maybe several? Not even so much spots but many many point differences I dont think so. Did a corps all of a sudden get several spots better over night, ahhhh no. How many corps felt ( because of who happened to be judging ) a false sense of what they were, where to clean, who to listen to. All those things happened constantly back in the day. Often back then we all just looked to who would be judging at the end as to who we listened to or what our next move was OR with all the lack of consistency or accountability , just did what we wanted and hoped for the best.
  17. now thats a subjective statement..lol😉 but youre right about some fearing change " just because "
  18. I have judged, taught and directed under both and it was a hot mess with the tic system...Bias was just as much,,,, no more BITD. I can easily look back and see all those things you say and with no accountability I think many who did both ( Mike for 1 ) would agree. Now of course there's always the exception 🤩
  19. The problem was consistency in judging as well as accountability and it was as subjective even more so than today.
  20. Interesting isn't it. considering how so many fear change...lol
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