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Everything posted by poprocks

  1. Sometimes you just have to get that little fix, amiright? You don't necessarily feel like going and watching an entire show, you just want to hear a snippet that'll make you smile. The interwebz is bursting with plenty of drum corps highlights that are perfect for this! For example, some of my favorites are: Any recording of PR playing Ave Maria SCV Adagio for Strings Space Chords (any year/location) Carolina Crown "Puck" from 09 What are your go-to videos/moments when you need a little more drum corps in your day?
  2. And very nearly got passed by Regiment at Finals
  3. When I read the thread title, my mind immediately went to "...the music of Scheherazade; ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Santa Clara Vanguard!" But in all seriousness, I heard (not saw) my first drum corps show when I was 6, and it blew my mind. Saw my first show when I was 12 and I was completely hooked. When high school/college marching band wasn't enough, I went and marched with my favorite corps. And now I will be a fan and advocate of the activity til I die.
  4. Ahh, one of my favorite days of the season.
  5. Bumpity bump bump bump Anyone know if they've found a place yet?
  6. Yeah... last season they didn't have housing for finals week until just before Allentown!
  7. That's still arranging, it's just not good arranging. Therein lies the difference.
  8. I can live with these placements, but not the spreads
  9. I try to do this, but my mind is still going "WHAT THE #### IS GOING ON?"
  10. Well that's a little annoying. It'll just make people think they're going deaf or that the sound system is malfunctioning
  11. Random nonsense. Maybe we're not supposed to "get" them. But no, I don't get it either.
  12. 'nuther good roommate quote: "I feel like... if I were on acid, this show would make perfect sense." I can't help but sort of agree...
  13. I'm confident that they'll continue adding in difficulty. It's already a harder show than it was in Akron a week ago
  14. Quote from my roommate who is watching the broadcast with me: "I'm gonna need to watch PR 07 after this and cleanse my palate."
  15. How 'bout some love for Phantom's split company front during Elsa's last season. Pretty epic, methinks
  16. Thank you, JD Shaw. I'm pretty sure he doesn't allow mellophones to play his stuff badly
  17. Really? They've been doing that for years. I believe the "long SUTA" is done at big, important moments throughout the season, especially following performances. They also say it softly/shortly a lot all summer.
  18. Phantom's show starts off with a big brass impact
  19. I agree with this sentiment. While BD has (at least lately) a fuller sound and a certain level of technical proficiency, Regiment's hornline has a musicality that BD just can't match. And I agree with another previous post; if Regiment weren't on Jupiters, their sound would be more of a contender for that title.
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