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Everything posted by TRacer

  1. Definitely like the “BK Logo Dots” ending set to “...home.”
  2. I still want to hear DeadMau5’s “I Remember” on the field!
  3. My son was instrumental (so to speak) in getting PC’s trombone soloist Cameron into DC in 2017. My son began playing at age 7 and started marching in 2013, and Cam took up brass in junior high after seeing his buddy march. I still remember taking the two of them to Knott’s Berry Farm when they were in 4th grade; time sure flies.
  4. Anything that’s clean while being performed on a soccer field / futbol pitch.
  5. Spoken word can only be allowed if performed by William Shatner— the man is a visionary:
  6. Perhaps we could “massage” the rule to allow the effects, but if technical issues happen and something goes kaput you get penalized 3 points. Too bad; that’s the risk. What? Your baritone solo in Babylon went haywire? Impossible, you say? Congrats, you lost Nats— and that rhymes. Show Coordinator: “Hey gang— last night as I was taking my bath in warm chocolate I had a thought: are all our effects ** really ** necessary? Let’s discuss...”
  7. Yep, and that championship was at the cost of their identity which they sacrificed to get the Soul Stone. 2019 is Thanos after The Snap.
  8. I really like Boston except for the hokey BOA vocals...and the college band drill... It probably sounded like a good idea on paper at the time.
  9. “Duuuuude....that is, like (pffffftttt...) 🤙sooo deep and like, tubular....it’s like, when you’re in a wave, and you’re like, totally benevolently munched....I get it....” Seriously, good commentary.
  10. You know, I’m not digging Crown’s percussion emoting during that opening statement...dudes, just play the ink like the brass is doing.
  11. Holy carp, tubas and their last note of the show— woo-hoo!! Good stuff in the upper register
  12. Ah...here is the Deadmau5 I was waiting for based on the show title...first read of show. Ooops...perhaps not. “I Remember” - Deadmau5 ”I Remember Everything” — chorus from “The Walk” by The Cure
  13. Multicam is showing a horn arc warmup— who is that? Blue Knights? Blue Stars?
  14. What do you call of a bunch of trombonists that wear pagers? Eternal optimists!
  15. My son called me 30 minutes ago from the bus...all I heard was “AAAAAAAHHHHH...!!!!!” 🤣
  16. I think the uni description fits very well, and I marched there when it’s mission wasn’t to out-cool any competitors, yo. 🕺
  17. ....because they have more important things on their plate like sex assault stuff they’re dealing with, IMO. Catastrophic liability exposure vs. customer on-demand viewing satisfaction...I’m thinking the first will take precedence.
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