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Everything posted by DrumManTx

  1. They didn't fold, lots of updates and pictures on Facebook.
  2. That star is AWESOME! Also, score update from Pittsburgh, which is very interesting: Cadets 77.6 Bluecoats 75.5 Cavaliers 72.9 Boston 71.0 Spirit 64.7
  3. Woo hoo Bloo! Closin that gap! Also, Boston was nearly over 4 points behind Cavaliers at Akron, now 1.9? I know it's a 5 judge panel, but come on, that's a HUGE improvement!
  4. Well the uniforms are in, excited to see when the actual images on the walls goes in instead of the black.
  5. Saweet, have been looking forward to seeing those.
  6. Get it Blue Stars! Great to see them finally being able to perform on a beautiful evening without interruption.
  7. How about that ballad? That is KILLER! No pun intended, a beautiful blend between "When I am Laid in Earth" and "A Walk on the Water".
  8. Oh I agree there, I'm a fan, just had to watch that a few times to let it sink in.
  9. Also, am I one of the few that's seen a Colts video? That show is......I dunno, haven't really heard something like it in DCI before, I'm not sure but I think I really like it. We get to see most of these Saturday on the webcast.
  10. It wouldn't surprise me to see Troopers a little closer this go around, I think they have a great show and are super talented, as are the Blue Stars this year. Blue Stars also have some additions implemented and tonight is the first show with some of them in (woulda been last night). We'll see, Troopers are my 12th place pick this year. SUPER excited to see where Blue Stars land in percussion, based on what I've seen they're building on last years great line and front ensemble.
  11. 1000% agree, but wrong thread. http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php/topic/159814-evansville-in/
  12. After seeing a lot of these shows with the new instruments, kinda have an eh reaction. Not the activity ending apocalypse that was expected on here, but it didn't really add anything to me. I see a few of these live in a few weeks, we'll see if the live experience is any different. Glassmen 01 - 02 Flugel forever.
  13. Probably going to have to be a live viewing thing, I'm being told it's like an echo effect.
  14. Finally another score for the Blue Stars! Has been nearly a week.
  15. Looking at a radar, all the bad stuff has already moved, through, probably some scattered shows throughout the evening, but it looks like the worst is about done or already up north.
  16. I'm shaking my rain stick, doing my rain dance, and thinking everything rain so it comes down here and not up there, we need it right now. lol
  17. Anyone know if those are the show silks or not? I have a hard time believing that they are and that they won't use some orange ones, though those colors work really well.
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