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Everything posted by DrumCorpsMom

  1. Ouch, do we know when it is expected to arrive?
  2. The one thing I remember about that stadium when it was used by DCI was security overkill. Armed guards everywhere... scared the ***** out of us Canadians, who aren't used to it.
  3. My Dad marched in the late 40's/early 50's and my sister, brother & I all marched in the 60's 70's. My 2 kids marched, my sister's 3 kids marched and 2 of my brother's kids marched. My son is still marching in DCA.
  4. Sorry I can't make it, but I will be at the show this Saturday hosted by Scout House. See you there!
  5. Thanks DCI & Michael Boo. I watched Semis live on the Fan Network and then being able to watch finals retreat was the next best thing to being there. The snippets from the show were a bonus. You listened to the fans.
  6. I agree. Some people like to beat the traffic as soon as the scores are announced, only about half hang around for the encore. Parents whose kids are marching, want to get around to the busses so they can pick them up and there are those who haven't eaten all day and are off to find a restaurant. I definitely would not read too much into it.
  7. I had this inkling of hope that they might show the encore performance, but I am appreciative of being able to see what DCI provided. I bought the streaming of Semi's and it took the edge off not going this year. Thanks DCI!
  8. So much for the naysayers saying they would never go to see finals at Lucas Oil Stadium!.... I see my empty seat No, someone is sitting in it
  9. I was on from 4:15 to after the final 2 scores & did not encounter a single glitch. My speakers suck, but other than that I had no problem with the feed.
  10. funny, my speakers worked well with Crown. I liked Cadets show.
  11. Did not like the first half of SCV.... maybe it was my speakers, but the pit overpowered the hornline & it was a very slow start. I'm usually a huge SCV fan.
  12. My first time missing DCI's in a long time.... and yes "Garfield" you were right, I am suffering a severe case of buyers (or non-buyers) remorse. However my first experience with Fannetwork has been fairly positive, but no where near the experience of seeing the corps live. My speakers are crap and it wasn't until BK that the corps volume was adequate. I have a new computer & monitor, didn't think of getting new speakers.
  13. Saw them last night in Hornell and they were looking good. Nice to seem them back. The guard was awesome.
  14. I know this thread is meant for DCI, but if you have a chance to see Empire Statesmen this year, please do. This is the most entertaining show I have seen in years. Their rendition of the Wizard of OZ is magical.
  15. Enjoyed my first time cheering for my son at the DCA level. The show in Hornell was excellent. I have been there several times watching the Patriots and the announcer was much better than the last time we were there. Just a few personal thoughts. Loved all the corps there. They all really impressed me. I think it was the first time I have ever seen Corps Vets & Hurricanes and both were impressive. I was impressed with Grenadiers and it gave me hope that maybe Drum Corps is not totally dead in Canada. Exhibitions by Spartans (welcome back!), The Mighty St. Joes - always a class act!, and Jersey Surf. The highlight of the night was definitely Empire Statesmen. I can honestly say I have never been so entertained by a show in my lifetime (and that is a Longgggggg time!) of watching corps perform. This show is phenominal and if you have a chance to see it, run don't walk. Their rendition of OZ is magical and I was amazed and truly entertained. Bravo!! Brass, percussion and guard were all amazing.
  16. I saw them last night and was really impressed - It was the first time I have seen them and I really liked their sound. I LOVE their uniforms!
  17. My son was travelling back & forth & didn't have a problem. If he was going to camp, we always made sure he had an itinerary for it, since they sometimes asked. He always made it clear that he was not getting paid. Maybe DCI & DCA can work at getting some special forms made up in conjuntion with the border agencies, so that there is never any arguement over the purpose of the visit going north or south. I know Tom Peashey has a horror story on the Patriots equipment truck going over the border in the late 90's. PS... I was not aware that Les Diplomates are around once again. I have friends who were associated with Les Metropolitains.
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