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Everything posted by luv4corps

  1. Yes 80 horns. Confirmed. To be a part of this organization for the past five years and watch it just explode has been very exciting. I don't know of another corps that has been on anything close to this trajectory.
  2. After five years of being associated with this activity, though never a marching member (to my great chagrin) - I still don't know if this activity is for the character and artistic development of youth OR for the rabid fans who will be so quick to denigrate it. Don't get me wrong. I believe in this activity whole-heartedly. But I see it more as an intestinal fortitude builder for young people to keep them out of trouble than a performance medium to pick apart literally at every turn. And yes, of course I love a good brass face-melt, crispy drill, and for my home corps to score well. But in the end, it's about those kids and their dedication.
  3. Whether or not to publicize nationally when you're a lower tier corps is an interesting topic. Seems there are good reasons for either. I would imagine that lower tier corps all dream of that show of shows that becomes the instant word of mouth hit.
  4. OC14 = 150 strong. The cook trailer has more than doubled it's output since 2010 (said a cook mom).
  5. I am fine with your opinion :) Actually, it's viola. And it is right for this show.
  6. You are spot on. Musically they are 15 or better, maybe even 12 or better. They have stepped it up this year in a big way. But I wouldn't count them out visually just yet ; The score delay is definitely not helpful. And so glad this thread is FINALLY started.
  7. Well as an OC parent I have to admit that we do compete with Cascades for talent but there is enough to go around in all of Oregon, Washington and Idaho - as has been mentioned. My feeling is that ALL NW corps need to stay strong and vibrant so we can keep the activity going and growing in our neck of the woods! Seeing Thunder out of it this year is a set back, but now we have Eruption. I am looking forward to seeing Eruption and Columbians at the Drums of Fire McMinnville OR show.
  8. That's kind of mean. There are a lot of dedicated people involved in this organization. I had a long conversation with a Cascades parent on a shuttle bus in Indy last year. No, they aren't a top tier corps, but I assure you, there are people who care.
  9. If drum corps stops playing classical and symphonic music I'm outta here. That's the best part!
  10. I totally agree! Every art form, every sport, every endeavor evolves. I also think how one responds in this thread has much to do with the time frame of entry into the activity. For me, it was just five years ago so I don't relate to the 'golden age of drum corps' purists. To be fair though, I grow weary of the thunderous goo, the prop clutter, and yes, the cheesy voice overs.
  11. Agreed! I'm pretty sure OC is on the ups. I've been to camp. I've counted the tubas. I've seen the run-through. Lips are sealed.
  12. I love the tails, cape-ettes, whatever you want to call them. But I'd like to see the jackets closed around the waste for more of a form fit. Love the tall feather concept - black with a little green/gray mixed in would also look good. Also I like the matching green striping between shako and pants. Definitely calls to mind recent BD and Crown designs. If you're going to imitate, you might as well imitate the best! All in all though, I think they're GREAT! Go OC!
  13. Oregon Crusaders beat by both BDB and VC? Aint gonna happen.
  14. Perhaps this year we'll see raven feathers. Woo hoo!
  15. And to announce it at the stroke of midnight that ushers in Halloween. How fitting. I'm glad I was up. Bwa ha ha ha ha. The raven logo is an awesome start to this show.
  16. What's better than endzone to endzone horns pointed at you blowing at a dynamic of ffff?
  17. Not only did Oregon play it this year but part of it was an outstanding trumpet solo. The 2nd iteration was a park and bark. I thought it worked for their show. Was one of the highlights for me.
  18. I would never discourage someone from becoming a music educator if that's what they really want but the above post rings true for me. I am not a band director, but an elementary music specialist. I do teach very beginning band instruments to 4th and 5th graders but that is not my main focus. I guess you could say I have a hand in creating the spark that motivates kids to join band in middle school. Anyway, after teaching music for 17 years, it has affected my enjoyment of music - a lot. I still love listening to music but I rarely play or sing anymore. I used to participate in various music groups around town. I do none of that anymore. I also have to deal with fundraising, constant budget cuts, unwanted transfers, school politics and...suffice it to say I have reached total burn out at this point. It is sad but it happens. I am considering early retirement and finding something completely different to do with the rest of my life.
  19. Thanks for that. Though my son got into his corps right before they left on tour and I didn't volunteer in the cook truck this year, I have in the past three years, and it is very hard work. Some parents devote their entire springs and summers to the activity. Big kudos to them and especially the volunteers who go on tour. The kids must eat to be successful out on that field!
  20. I agree with all of these but would add Phantom's "opening of book" set to this list. I didn't think it was cheesy. The big queen thingy was cheesy.
  21. I must have thunderous goo in my brain... spelled corps as "core" not once but twice. Jiminy crickets it's been a long day... Needless to say I edited my ways.
  22. I watched every corps at semis with the intention of finding a corps that didn't use thunderous goo. Guess what? To varying degrees, every corps uses it. Open class too. Those keyboard fingers double the brass, and not just low notes. Some corps even have two thunderous goo machines. Solos and section features were the only time fingers came off. The difference is in how it is mixed. Noticeable or not.
  23. To anyone not in the activity, it is marching band. You can explain the differences and they will nod in understanding, then the following season they'll ask "so when does your marching band perform?"
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