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Standing O

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Everything posted by Standing O

  1. Will the judges have the balls to put SCV up tonight! Was hoping it was going to happen last night, but no. SCV was on fire last night and it is obvious the BD is not Complete. What it it going to take for you to rank them above? Wait till the last show of the season where you can leave the city and not have to meet the staffs! Come one judges, like the movie---just do the right thing!
  2. I will go one further. DCI wants a Texas unit in finals because of MONEY!
  3. It's sad to say but what happens tonight will not be because of the unit, it will be who is on the slate. Look who did vis a last night! It should favor units other than BD tonight . I think Kennedy will have a big part in tonight. You can never tell with Chap, she is a bit old school she will reward clean!
  4. It was sad to see one persons influence make the difference in the troop and xmen battle to get in?
  5. facts man--just the facts- Luv it---unfortunately this doesn't get recognized on the sheets!
  6. Lets face it, the main reason they changed to two days was MONEY! Two gates and a lot less brain damage! Did in the 80's and it was a super long day.
  7. Its happened before- It was Lenz the kept Blue Stars out in 2012!
  8. This too is one of my favorite venues. I like DC outdoors. But for me it comes with a cost that makes it hard to stomach. I do understand the nostalgia and tradition but would like to see a little more share the wealth when it comes to late season shows. West coast DC lovers don't get the end of season experience. Allentown crowds are kind of spoiled.
  9. How about having the other groups do a show ---lets say at: levi stadium-- may be then people on the west coast would get to see finals week drum corp instead of the crap we get in the beginning of the season. My little rant.
  10. This I how I would like it to go down--but if Carlson, Stone, Solomon, Jones, George O, Kemp are on the slate BD will win, and yes I still believe in the top 12, not 10 or G7 or 8. Im sure this will stir the hornets nest! 1 Crown 2 HNC 3 SCV 4 Blue Coats 5 BD 6 BK 7 PR 8 Madison 9 BS 10 BC 11 CAV 12 TROOP
  11. OMG come on judges, did you see all the ties in the sub captions! Make a decision! Rank then Rate!
  12. i think the bigger issue is adjudicator bias. Look at the relationship of Carlson and Chandler for example--never seen him put them down. Think it was pretty ballsy for Kennedy last night. Gonna get interesting if some more of the adjudicators start getting real. Another issue--whats with and adjudicators tying 3 units in a sub caption! Do your job----rank then rate! Let the moment make the decision!
  13. What I am saying is I think that Sly, has finally put down the numbers that all of us really think. I think he has the balls to call out the groups who do a lot of park and bark. Most of my dissatisfaction is not with the groups, its with the criteria and evaluation of our current judges and the obvious biases. Design is weighted too much for my liking, and performance should show the differences from night to night.
  14. cappybara It will be interesting how it all shakes down in SA. Some could say the winner will be based on the judging state given this seasons past data. I only hope they reward the groups that bring it that night and not bow down to the designers egos so much. Would luv to see the performance side of the caption fluctuate more from night to night.
  15. Its easy to sound amazing when your standing still. Its the marching arts---not the standing arts, is it not?
  16. Not sure how the Cavalier show is doing so well--man its hard to keep me engaged--boring
  17. Does the way BD leaves all there stuff all over the field bother anyone else. I do think they have have some poor transitions. And don't under stand how they get away with it?
  18. I like the tight scores--should be up to the performance side---if they bring it that night----they should get rewarded!
  19. Chap is old school--if you spin it, it needs to be clean--that being said, I'm not sure what she saw in BD tonight!
  20. SCV newer ending stuff still is a bit dirty can't wait to see how good they get
  21. it will be interesting once we get to Allentown, they all are holding something back.
  22. OMG come on GE judges-----7 groups and you tie in sub captions and more than once! Wow, Sly is not afraid to tell BD what he thinks is he! It does show lots of bias in the judging community!
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