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Everything posted by JKT90

  1. Listened to a few of those. Interesting stuff.
  2. Didn't mean to confuse, the forestry service will when needed do control burns to reset the landscape. That was my point....sometimes a shake up is needed to restore balance.
  3. What I'd like to know is exactly what is BD doing that the judges see, which I do not. Apparently, I don't know as much as I thought I did bc to my eye I don't see it. And quiet honestly, I think that's where the frustration, Booing come. If it were obviously dominate it probably wouldn't be as big a deal, as it is, people don't get it and are left wondering , seriously, what's that all about. So, I say we have the head DCI judge offer an explanation as to what they see them doing so much better than everyone else after finals.
  4. Running on adrenaline I'm sure. Bet he felt it afterwards, or is feeling it right now.
  5. I seriously don't know how you horn players do it. I marched tenors and that was hard enough, but you all have to expend air too. I don't know how you don't pass out during a hot day performance, or humid night. Much respect from this percussion dude. Funny thing, our tenor instructor always gave us 2 pieces of advice before every show..1) don't think 2) don't forget to breathe. Our problem is we tend to hold our breathe during a performance, why? no clue.
  6. Unfortunately for me, the FN froze and I missed their show, and all of BD's. But I did see 2 spirit horn players go down at the same time. Wonder what's up with that, last year I saw a Cavie contra eat it pretty hard too, and last night, seems many had issues. But at this time of the year, no excuse for the judge to be in the way, he should know where he needs to be by now...I bet he feels horrible. Going down is no laughing matter. Luckily I never experienced that.
  7. If they were having attack issues in the lot playing 8's, that's something I can't understand...how? I agree with you, perhaps they can lure Tom Aungst out of retirement At a minimum get a different tech who knows how to clean well (if in fact they were having attack issues playing a basic warm up). Outside of that, my advice would be to involve the percussion writer more in the design of next years show. It's a brass feature with percussion writing "fit in" parts. Integrate the two ala BD.
  8. Slide 40, he advocates for a fan vote, would count for 10% of the total.
  9. Complicated issue. Can't say I agree more or disagree more, but I will say that to my knowledge no one has offered their ideas and pulled together others to try and affect change, so, he is the target to that is easy to see. He threw his idea out there, if other corps don't like it, they should put forth their idea.
  10. Interesting, been reading about this G7 stuff, which I really haven't followed, but after catching up I have a few thoughts. First, I don't think they can split off, too big a risk and not enough reward...if it floundered then what, come crawling back? But let's say they did...now the top corps are BK, Spirit, etc, they all move up...which for them still being associated with the power of DCI could really help them, MOTM wouldn't have the name recognition, etc, and it would miff off a lot of people at their perceived act of arrogance, support would dwindle slowly after a few years, their talent level MM would come back to DCI, and when the 7 came back they are now middle tier level battling a perception problem as being those guys that tried to ruin DCI and they would have a hard time recovering. Now we have a different set of corps medaling and the 7 are not quiet the same. All speculation on my part, but I wouldn't mind seeing some shake up like this happen...when the woods are overgrown you sometimes need to burn it, perhaps this would be the shake up needed....?
  11. You got all that from seeing the show one time?! Interesting read on things.
  12. What is Troop life? You referring buses, food, etc not being very good?
  13. You maybe right. In SA percussion cost them, what were they 6 or 7? And they didn't lose by much...that's why I think if they can get up to 4th they can take it. Cadets, SCV, BD, Blooo, Cavies all have strong lines...can they move up in drums??
  14. Happy to hear that....I did see a FB post stating the same thing. They had a great show last night, and happy to see the 4th tenor back on the field!
  15. I think you're right, but with the changes I saw from Crown yesterday, they're at a local school, the drum line sounds like they made some changes, were more clear and cleaner...if they can get 4th they'll win. If not, they'll barely miss out.
  16. I like the ending and think they are not adding too much at one time so they can clean it easier, that'll be the ending for Atlanta, and I think we see more by Indy.
  17. Apparently, per a parent, many of them have a stomach bug (at least one was being taken to the Dr.), there was an article posted in USA today discussing it. Also noted that it is spreading through other corps as well...hope it's only a 24hr thing.
  18. I think '93 was the last time Hannum wrote a winning book.
  19. Well, Crown should be tested immediately cause that horn line is sick...and their drum line needs to be getting down on some of that. :-)
  20. Well, their new ending might be enough to overcome this...love the changes!!
  21. SCV's are the most effective IMHO. When the corps is behind them and all you see if the guard...that's awesome.
  22. When I marched, I was a favorite target for our caption head, because I was "the cocky kid from Jacksonville State". Once during all days me and two others got stuck in a wreck on the way to rehearsal and was about 10 or 15m late. Now I wasn't driving, in fact I was in the back seat of the car...when we arrived, the whole line, pit included where all on the field standing at attention, the staff too, obviously WE are in trouble right? Nope. When we got in line, said caption head called me to the front of line and told me to pick someone to do 50 push ups because I couldn't get there on time. He wouldn't let me do them...I had to walk up to someone and ask if they didn't mind doing 50 push ups for me because I couldn't get to rehearsal on time. He tried all summer to "break me", I was always his target. He would threaten to water a part if I messed it up, I could go on and on (the time in Miami in front of a couple hundred, the time in Buffalo, or Virginia), but I knew what he was doing. I didn't consider that abuse, though some may have, perhaps that's why I was the example that got made all the time..? Who knows... However, to this day, if I'm not at least 15m early I get a little stressed out. I will say that his style of teaching is not mine, at that's ok. There were a number of things I didn't agree with that summer (i thought our book was too easy for the talent level it had) but we were always encouraged to drink plenty of water, use sun screen, eat bananas, and our volunteer staff (which are highly under appreciated IMHO) always made sure we were fed.
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