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Everything posted by GeneralTsoChicken

  1. corpsreps.com will reveal there isn't much worry about that one, based upon the history of the organization. It is a great place to go to literally perform your heart out every single night, tho.
  2. Yes. When Regiment first started the move to Bb we STOPPED using silver polish. We only used them for regionals, even then hardly ever. Windex and windex wipes became very important to us. The horns that came out of the corps in the 03-06 era were incredibly well taken care of. No silver polish ever made it into the valve casings (which really really speeds up the degradation of the valves), they were cleaned with windex regularly, and we changed gloves (white ones) frequently, like it was going out of style. People that bought them were getting a steal!
  3. You love them, as do I... but the show is MEANT to be heard while marching.
  4. This is patently, false. They are leaving on their own accord.
  5. My little birdie friend at Troop says they have changed almost their entire show. New drill, new order (yes, they rearranged the order of their show!), new key signatures and music changes, new preshow...etc. Something like only the last 1:48 of the show is the same. Gotta love that they aren't going down without a fight.
  6. Considering a former student was in that band, just last year. I STAND beside what I just said. There are people in that group there for their friends.
  7. If standing around and not having movement during crucial parts of your show is---"good design"--- than I guess that BOA is better designed than DCI. They don't move as much as DCI groups, because they can't---and maintain the level of execution needed to be competetative. As for one being designed better than the other...which produces a better picture? A black and white dot matrix printer, or a full on ink jet printer. When the limits to the design are stretched farther (much like DCI), there is a much greater opportunity for better design. Musically, I do think the BOA groups are at an advantage with this, because every single instrument is at their disposal. These are high school kids. Kids that are in class. Kids that are living the high school experience. Going home and sleeping in their own bed. Participating in other activities. Some not very interested in band (just in it because of their friends). Comparing BOA with such a singular activity as DCI is not fair to either. Mostly because no matter what, someone gets slighted.
  8. People are expecting the Cadets to roll over and die, and I don't understand why. This is the same group that made a show out of nothing (Juxta), drove around fake taxi cabs, made planes on the field, had a show with a giant door, and built an entire program around a giant pissing contest (2000). If ANYONE can make a Christmas show work, it is the Cadets.
  9. It didn't hurt us in '03. But it did hurt SCV when we showed up out west. Our show was much easier than theirs, we were much farther along in our performance level at that point. SCV seemed to be banking on the WC tour to clean up, but that didn't work well for them because their was a side by side comparison almost every show. If anything, our first show there was one of our best shows all season. We hyped the WC swing and the crowds out there appreciated us, more so than most of our midwest fans (who adore the cavies and MS, sometimes more than PR).
  10. You liked Star 1993. Perhaps you would like DRUM CORPS. Hehehe
  11. Not really. If you'll read over some of my comments, I think they spun, marched, and played well. They deserved their placement based upon their merits, and would have--- props or no props. I say that, because without the prop assembly/useage, I'm sure the visual staff would have put together some nice visual moments, which would have displayed the talent levels of the membership even more.
  12. Don't they have a prop builder/technician listed in their staff programs? I was pretty sure they did.
  13. Ignoring the obvious attacks in an attempt to incite some sort of overreactive comment, I ask you this question(s): Do you think that BD's props raised their GE scores? Do you think that what they did with those props was more visually effective than a good drill or guard moment would have been in their place? I, again, DO NOT.
  14. Some of this information isn't accurate. Lexus is broken into 3 experiential categories. Tier 1 (National Events, done via two seperate agencies primarily), Tier 2 (Regional Events, done via an IPG agency), Tier 3 (Dealership). When the dealership is paying the sponsorship, they are not bound to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 static regulations. This must mean they would be making the purchase from their Lexus Tier 1/Tier 2 marketing/advertising funding. As little money as it is, they should be able to use their dealership marketing/advertising funds. Or they are giving you a convenient excuse to show they aren't interested. Premium based lead generation for a Drum Corps show... could be many things. Seat cushions that are Lexus branded, water tumblers, sunscreen, bug spray, drawstring style bags, etc. Premium based lead generation is great for an event like this. By taking everyone's information and then providing the premium, there would be some people ask for more information and several probably ask for quotes via the dealer. This is a good idea because it allows the dealer to quantify the success of their purchase with quotes, opt ins, and consumer interactions.
  15. I didn't say they didn't make sense. I said they were visually ineffective. I also understand why they use the PVC stuff. That way when you build the prop, regardless of where you are in the stadium, you can still see all the members forward or backwards from the point in the field you build the prop. The Blue Devils can win without it. I genuinely think they would have placed similarly if not better without it.
  16. The dealership cares about the bottom line. Emphasize the points that WhiteDawn made. Also, find a way to allow the dealership to have: 1. A static vehicle display directly infront of or just inside the primary entrance. 2. Allow the dealership to put up signage and use their display assets at various points around the facilities. 3. Allow the dealership to use premium based lead generation to gather prospective buyers and/or supply people with more information about the vehicles. Experiential marketing as a part of a media or sponsorship buy is A LOT OF ADDED value. That value, many times, sets the sponsorship pitch over the top.
  17. You are correct. Old person wrong year syndrome.
  18. No doubt that BD will have a very visually ineffective prop set up, but get tons of credit for it. Ala, the last few years. The thing is, They probably would have done JUST as well without all that trash. They marched well, played well, drummed well, and spun well!
  19. Stuff that sounds great in BQ doesn't always sound great in corps. Wasn't 2007 a eupho line... but the HIGH brass played baritones, for ease and convenience? I thought that the actually buick section never touched those things.
  20. The Cadets can make giant planes on the field, ride around in fake taxis, and dress in goodwill clothes (for boogie woogie bugle boy) IF any of you think for a second they can't make a Christmas show work---you out yo darned minds. They made a show about nothing that wasn't supposed to make sense successful. (Juxta)
  21. I predict that Academy makes the top twelve. Lost an awesome brass caption head, gained another one. Lost a rough drill writer to promotion (isn't that how it goes?). They will be better visually, are going to more shows/tour, have a great brass staff, and other facets of the corps are coming together.
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