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Everything posted by beckylynn44

  1. Wait... is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing!?
  2. HA! Nice... I was in that guard. We wore all black that year... maybe that's why?
  3. As much as I would like to see them back as a all-female guard, I think that's in the past. Plus, even if they did go back, it wouldn't be as "special" I guess.
  4. It wasn't a marching member... it was a staff member.
  5. Only "worst crowd" show that stands out to me was in 04 I think... Trooper's home show. They didn't want to see us... just Troopers! definite crickets
  6. I agree on some of the "favorite things" too... I also loved putting on my corps jacket and walking around. Whether it's during the season or off season in my "real life". I just feel a huge pride wearing it... like maybe people are looking at me or people are seeing it and it makes them wonder what "Phantom Regiment" is. Whether they know what it is or not, I don't care. I also loved just the sound of corps warming up... I'm aged out now but still that sound of drums playing in the distance and horns warming up. Flags whoosing in the air. :-)
  7. I'm a little biased but I agree... Phantom Regiment 2005 flags! BTW, That first picture, I'm the one on the left. And Those flags in that picture were AWFUL! They were made fabulously by our great ladies and had about a million different pieces but they weighed about 25 pounds! My favorite flag that year though, were the white flags used in the ballad. Three chevrons, with a few different colors. I think they are beautiful! I loved how there were chevrons in almost all our flags. That's on a purple wall but the area under the black is a see-thru material.
  8. Yeah marching on a field that the turf JUST got done... not very fun! 1) millions of tiny black beads everywhere! 2) you just end up black and dirty from those beads. 3) the field is just squishy. If you are a guard member who has to roll or knee or do anything ON the turf, especially when you are sweaty... ehh! In 2005, we marched on a field for rehearsal and then a show that just got done in West Virginia I think. I think they were working on it THAT morning still. That field is probably GREAT now... just bad the day of installation! Also, Dunn Tire Park in Buffalo. Bad field! It's a baseball stadium that they try to make into a football field. I think the dirt is very orange too... can't exactly remember. And don't forget about the mound.
  9. I don't have any regional patches on my jackets... just the DCI year patches. I have a Phantom Regiment jacket and a Kiwanis Kavaliers jacket. PR jacket has been shown... and just so ya know, the chevron patches don't come on it. You have to buy those. The Kiwanis jacket is black with white lettering on the back. Geez I can't even remember but I think it just says Kavaliers on the back... uhh... maybe? Says Kiwanis Kavaliers in little letters on the front. Don't have a picture... jackets are in Michigan... I'm in Alaska.
  10. Maybe Will will see that other DM coming to kill him, Will will whip out his own spear, fight back, and spear the guy while still conducting, thus allowing Will to conduct his final 30 seconds of his drum corps career. I dunno... there's gotta be some kind of surprise. I won't be there anyhow... unfortunately. I'll be sitting here anxiously in Alaska waiting for scores. (PS Sorry for the "Will will"s)
  11. Thanks, I just got my answer FINALLY from DCI. Pretty close gaps there among the top 4! Could be interesting!
  12. Alright I've seen the scores for BD, The Cavaliers and Regiment... what's Crown's score? Did PR beat them!? Slow DCI website... and the BD blog failed to mention. I'm going crazy up here in Alaska!
  13. I HATE hearing all this great talk about Regiment! You know why, cause I CAN'T SEE THEM THIS YEAR! Ok I really do love all the hype, I was just kidding. I'm sad though. I marched Regiment... I live in REMOTE Alaska... no chance of seeing it in the theaters OR live obviously. Our internet is limited or something so I can't watch any kind of streaming anything, not to mention the 4 hour time difference makes that a little hard even if I could. A 9pm performance on the East coast means umm... 4pm here and I'm still working! If I was at home in Michigan, I'd be soooo close to finals that I could go easily. So... feel lucky. lol Why do I work this far out of civilization or drum corps touring!? On finals night, I'll be sitting at the computer... waiting! Last year my boyfriend thought I was a crazy person... refreshing some score page every 5 seconds! I hope (Well... I KNOW!) that Regiment is going to kick some *Budoop* this year at finals and I'll be proud as every! SUTA!!!!!!!!!
  14. Unless they build a movie theater in remote Alaska in time for the show, I won't be making it. But yeah I'd go if I could... I heart PR06. I haven't been paying much attention to this countdown deal since I can't go but why only 6 shows... seems so short!
  15. I ALWAYS buy Asics... only shoe I'll buy. Everyone's giving all these different ideas but just try on a bunch of the different kinds. Alot of people swear by New Balance, but everytime I try a pair on, they just never feel right to me. If they don't feel quite right in the store, don't buy em anyhow just cause someone said to! (By the way, I don't mean that the New Balances aren't going to feel right to you. I mean, any shoe in general!) Ahh how I miss buying stuff for summer marching... :-D ENJOY!
  16. I voted for seeing football fields. Especially fields on tv that I've marched on... makes me happy. But I also agree with the person who said when they see a tour bus go by. That definately reminds me of corps.
  17. Yeah, maybe I just hear that wrong too but I swear he says "Zim Zulick" It's on the CD for that year... I laugh everytime.
  18. Name: Rebecca Moser Gender: female What age were you when you marched: 18-21 What age are you now: 24 Which instrument did you march/play: colorguard Which corps is you favorite (besides your own): The Cadets, The Cavaliers What is your (intended) college major/degree in: BS in Marine Science Which corps did you march with: Kiwanis Kavaliers 2002-2004, Phantom Regiment 2005 What years: see above Why did you join drum corps: I needed something a bit more than just marching band. What was your best experience: Aging out finals night in 2005 with Phantom Regiment... the crowd response for us that night was amazing! Retreat was amazing... hearing "America/O Canada" on the field for the last time made me cry. Plus, getting the bronze felt good too. Do you intend to continue to support DCI after you retire from competition: yes of course!
  19. So in PR05, there was a part of the show where we had this 4 count hold (I think 4?) in the 2nd number where the guard did a weird 45 toss, catch it and then GO again. I was almost right on the 50 but my next, oh... 5 sets or so were in a DEAD SPRINT over to about the 10 or 15 yard line. Well this one show... which was a regional in, I think, San Antonio... I did something crazy like either drop to toss or screwed up my hands after I caught it and managed to lose it. Which was BAD considering I was basically dead center, it was a regional, and I was basically SCREWED for my next so many sets! I also had a really funny fall in a run thru or practice one year. It was KK 03 and we had this dance where we were trying to be cute or something. There was this move where we kinda pushed our butt out... well, I must have been TOO into it because I hit that move and slipped and fell RIGHT on my face! Everyone laughed.
  20. Not gonna lie, I saw em in Kalamazoo and I was pretty impressed too. *cringe and apologize to my former corps for approving of their competition*
  21. YEP, you are right. I was in the corps that year and it was SWEET! That was in 2004... I have it on tape. They showed us playing a little something on the end credits and said something earlier into the show about us but if I remember correctly, "marching band show" might have been said. *cringe*
  22. I'll be there! I'll be the one in the Phantom Regiment jacket... red hair... :-D
  23. Kalamazoo! YAY... anyone know where the Cavaliers are staying?
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